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diy solar

Mounting AmpereTime LiFePo4 on Their Sides

John Fox

New Member
Sep 21, 2022
I have 4 100Ah 12V AmpereTime batteries. I would like to build a mobile power system on some type of cart, perhaps a dolly, and the most efficient way of stacking them is on their sides (terminals facing out not up). I know that AmpereTime (or LiTime now) says to not stack them in this way. I have confirmed this with them.

My question is if anyone has had experience storing LiFePo4 batteries this way and if they have had any problems. The manufacturer is always going to give the safest answer from a standpoint of customer service, so Im asking anyone that has done it to get the real answer. I understand there are risks to stacking them like that, but what is the probability of actually damaging the batteries? Because a 0-5% chance of damaging them is way different than 30% (or something like that).

Has anyone stacked their LifePo4 batteries on their sides for a long period of time and did you have any problems?
I'm no expert, but some batteries say you can and some say not to. I would say it probably has a lot to do with how the BMS is situated and protected. My 2 cents anyway.
From looking at the insides of some batteries there isn’t a lot of clearance between the tops of the cells and the case. It feels like depending on how much gravity can shift the cells and put them in danger of touching the case is probably the limiting safety factor.

Otherwise, according to my understanding and a basic Google search, LifePO4 batteries do not contain any liquid, are a solid cell, and can be stored in any position.

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