diy solar

diy solar

Wow is all I can say

The Good old Tesco Brand Tropical Sunshine Washing powders. ?
Tech Connections on YouTube's rant about "tablets" and "balls" being a complete scan and literally just compressed washing powder wrapped in plastic for 2 to 4 times the price.

So I started buy generic powdered dishwasher and washing machine powders.
Just buy bulk bag (50 lbs) sodium bicarbonate. Yeah baking soda, food grade. save the 'laundry' stuff for when you get some work clothes really dirty. LOL.
I am more concerned with the lack of any visable distribution panel and circuit breakers.
Ya know, I've really felt ashamed by my 2400w array and setup.... not any more!! OMG!

I sent "Scott" the link to this thread to "learn or defend" his job (hopefully learn on here as I have). How could one turn that system on without standing in muck boots holding a broomstick & knees shaking! Good God!
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The guy already deleted the comment where I posted the link to this thread..... sad....
all of you sad people looking to take another person down who is learning. that's what this is about like 99% of the posts on this forum. you all are a bunch o worthless xxx. and i honestly do not care what Will thinks about my comment. the fact you would try to drag a person down who only wants to try and learn shows what sacks of feces you all are. This is exactly how Will stated out... trying something.. do everybody a favor and go play marco polo by yourself.
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all of you sad fucks looking to take another person down who is learning. that's what this is about like 99% of the posts on this forum. you all are a bunch o worthless tit fucks. and i honestly do not care what Will thinks about my comment. the fact you would try to drag a person down who only wants to try and learn shows what sacks of shit you all are. This is exactly how Will stated out... trying something.. do everybody a favor and go play marco polo by yourself.

I don't think anyone is taking anyone down. Sure, look at the first comments in the thread. That's the kind of criticism one can expect from a YouTube video like that. The minute the person joined the thread, comments were helpful and supportive. If Will would post a video with, let's say "questionable" choices, he'd hear no end to it and it justifiably so. In the end, people need to learn how to take the critique and improve, and yes, that sometimes means people will initially laugh at it - but once you show a genuine interest, just like in this thread, people will go to great lengths to help and support.
I don't think anyone is taking anyone down. Sure, look at the first comments in the thread. That's the kind of criticism one can expect from a YouTube video like that. The minute the person joined the thread, comments were helpful and supportive. If Will would post a video with, let's say "questionable" choices, he'd hear no end to it and it justifiably so. In the end, people need to learn how to take the critique and improve, and yes, that sometimes means people will initially laugh at it - but once you show a genuine interest, just like in this thread, people will go to great lengths to help and support.
I did not know he was on this forum, and also did not read through the 6-pages of replies. I will go do this now & although yes I jester on this setup, I don't wish him any ill will. We all started somewhere, we all have to learn, and at times we all have to be the receiving end of others having a laugh. -This was posted in the Up In Smoke section which is where we all get some laughs & "OMG!!!", had this been in a help section mine & others comments would have been more insightful.


All the while learning everything from YouTube. I took electronics in college but didn't know much about AC electric. But knew enough to not kill myself. My setup is a money saving setup. Basically not safe or up to code by far. It's safer than it was in the beginning for sure. Lol.
Scott, after reading through I get you but still have beef with your video. You say you learned everything from Youtube as did I and like you have a degree in electrical as well. As you simply found/learned dangerous information from others, does your wiring setup continue this dangerous information downstream to others?
Your video has 3100 views, which is something to indeed be proud of, but how many views were noobs taking in such dangerous knowledge? Lets say half of them were solar noobs, and (if this forums members agreed) that your wiring displayed has at least a 1-in-1000 change of burning down a home or killing someone (even a family)..... Then at those (very generous) odds you honestly have assisted is causing great tragedy to 1.5 souls.

We may laugh, may pat you on the back, and offer advice... but this is straight up dangerous. I post on this forum hoping for people to call me out on any mistakes. My advice, not being a professional in the PV field but having witnessed enough as an Electromechanical Eng. & Eng. instructor: Shut it Down (especially if there are others than you living in the same structure), Remove such videos, Spend a fraction of what you have in the system on safety & Then post to youtube.

all of you sad fucks looking to take another person down who is learning. that's what this is about like 99% of the posts on this forum. you all are a bunch o worthless tit fucks. and i honestly do not care what Will thinks about my comment. the fact you would try to drag a person down who only wants to try and learn shows what sacks of shit you all are. This is exactly how Will stated out... trying something.. do everybody a favor and go play marco polo by yourself.
I think you are overreacting. I may be worthless but I am not a bunch of people. If you found fault with my post in this Thread I prefer to be called out directly.

There will always be a few people that you can not get along with. Rather than blaming the entire Forum simply put the particular person on ignore. I have many there myself.


Scott, after reading through I get you but still have beef with your video. You say you learned everything from Youtube as did I and like you have a degree in electrical as well. As you simply found/learned dangerous information from others, does your wiring setup continue this dangerous information downstream to others?
Your video has 3100 views, which is something to indeed be proud of, but how many views were noobs taking in such dangerous knowledge? Lets say half of them were solar noobs, and (if this forums members agreed) that your wiring displayed has at least a 1-in-1000 change of burning down a home or killing someone (even a family)..... Then at those (very generous) odds you honestly have assisted is causing great tragedy to 1.5 souls.

We may laugh, may pat you on the back, and offer advice... but this is straight up dangerous. I post on this forum hoping for people to call me out on any mistakes. My advice, not being a professional in the PV field but having witnessed enough as an Electromechanical Eng. & Eng. instructor: Shut it Down (especially if there are others than you living in the same structure), Remove such videos, Spend a fraction of what you have in the system on safety & Then post to youtube.

I feel like my video could be used as a "what not to do" educational video. My setup is safe. The growatts will shut down if there is a short circuit. The batteries have overcurrent protection and breakers. Alot of the 12/2 wires will be replaced with PV WIRE and buried in conduit when money allows. I will add combiner boxes to all arrays once I finish building them. I just wanted to get up and running as fast as possible. Where I live we don't need permits or codes. I also don't have insurance on my house.


Scott, after reading through I get you but still have beef with your video. You say you learned everything from Youtube as did I and like you have a degree in electrical as well. As you simply found/learned dangerous information from others, does your wiring setup continue this dangerous information downstream to others?
Your video has 3100 views, which is something to indeed be proud of, but how many views were noobs taking in such dangerous knowledge? Lets say half of them were solar noobs, and (if this forums members agreed) that your wiring displayed has at least a 1-in-1000 change of burning down a home or killing someone (even a family)..... Then at those (very generous) odds you honestly have assisted is causing great tragedy to 1.5 souls.

We may laugh, may pat you on the back, and offer advice... but this is straight up dangerous. I post on this forum hoping for people to call me out on any mistakes. My advice, not being a professional in the PV field but having witnessed enough as an Electromechanical Eng. & Eng. instructor: Shut it Down (especially if there are others than you living in the same structure), Remove such videos, Spend a fraction of what you have in the system on safety & Then post to youtube.

My video only has 3000 views because you guys keep watching it and teaching each other what not to do. So as far as I can tell it's probably helping people more than hurting. Including helping me.
My video only has 3000 views because you guys keep watching it and teaching each other what not to do. So as far as I can tell it's probably helping people more than hurting. Including helping me.
Good on you Scott for participating in this thread. I'm looking forward to your future videos where you get to add some more batteries and tidy up all the wiring etc.

You will be able to learn a lot on this forum.


Scott, after reading through I get you but still have beef with your video. You say you learned everything from Youtube as did I and like you have a degree in electrical as well. As you simply found/learned dangerous information from others, does your wiring setup continue this dangerous information downstream to others?
Your video has 3100 views, which is something to indeed be proud of, but how many views were noobs taking in such dangerous knowledge? Lets say half of them were solar noobs, and (if this forums members agreed) that your wiring displayed has at least a 1-in-1000 change of burning down a home or killing someone (even a family)..... Then at those (very generous) odds you honestly have assisted is causing great tragedy to 1.5 souls.

We may laugh, may pat you on the back, and offer advice... but this is straight up dangerous. I post on this forum hoping for people to call me out on any mistakes. My advice, not being a professional in the PV field but having witnessed enough as an Electromechanical Eng. & Eng. instructor: Shut it Down (especially if there are others than you living in the same structure), Remove such videos, Spend a fraction of what you have in the system on safety & Then post to youtube.

Oh please. Don't try to nanny the gene pool. If someone does something to get themselves killed, so be it. If someone else follows in their footsteps, so be it.
all of you sad fucks looking to take another person down who is learning. that's what this is about like 99% of the posts on this forum. you all are a bunch o worthless tit fucks. and i honestly do not care what Will thinks about my comment. the fact you would try to drag a person down who only wants to try and learn shows what sacks of shit you all are. This is exactly how Will stated out... trying something.. do everybody a favor and go play marco polo by yourself.
I don’t think I commented on this particular one but occasionally I am a bit harsh cause I know some of these folks probably have children and family members living in a residence with a janky assed system without giving two shits of thought to the electrical and (more so) fire hazard they have introduced. And some of them are a bit clueless about life outside of their former suburban life.

I also come from poor folks and understand that some don’t have a pot to piss in and “poor folks have poor ways.”

At the same time I’ve seen some really preventable deaths (not solar related). I guess I have had risk assessments shoved up my fifth point of contact so long they’ve been ingrained.

But yes, there’s ways to communicate that aren’t about getting shit done ASAFP (I usually worked about two grades up in my previous life and bulldozed my way to mission accomplishment through shear force of will).
Still wondering about the rack for the solar panels. Is any concrete involved? Any triangulation of frame members not evident in the video? Throughbolts?
Are there neighbors within tornado blowing range?
Still wondering about the rack for the solar panels. Is any concrete involved? Any triangulation of frame members not evident in the video? Throughbolts?
Are there neighbors within tornado blowing range?
All the posts are in concrete. No gussets at all. I do plan on enclosing it like a shed which will give it stability. We had 100mph winds a few weeks back and had no problems. The panels are at a 21 degree angle which diverts straight line wind much better. Panels are anchored together on all sides with sheet metal screws. Then bracketed to the wood on 4 corners underneath.

If there is a tornado strong enough to blow it down then the neighbors house probably isn't gonna be there either.

diy solar

diy solar