diy solar

diy solar

Watching 'Stupid' In Action...


Solar Wizard
Nov 15, 2019
So, being rural/farm country, I see stupid people... Not like the cities, more people, more stupid people, but we see our share...

The last few years the state/feds require authorized worker cards or resident status proof for migrant workers, so when you see migrant workers in the fields you know most of them are 'Legal'.

We have 'Protesters' that like to harass the farmers/workers while they are planting/harvesting. I'm sure you know their political affiliations/motivation.

With a HUGE sign saying "Hiring!", with county and state police resources being wasted on keeping the protesters from interfering with the EMPLOYED people working...

And these people with apparently NO JOBS to waste the time standing in front of a "Hiring!" sign... to harass the people you know exactly where they are and what they are doing, calling them rapists, murderers, drug dealers, etc...

I can't call that anything BUT STUPID!

No drug kingpin does back breaking manual labor (the protesters simply refuse to do), and after a 12 to 16 hour day in the fields all any human wants is a shower and to sleep... Not exactly like there is a huge crime syndicate here, no cartels, etc.

Drunk driving and stolen lawn mowers make the front page...

So I see stupid (unemployed) people so self centered it takes police to let the actual employed do their jobs.

I thought of this because it's strawberry season again and I'm seeing "The Flags" and yard signs pop up again...


We got a new convienence store gas station with big truck fuel locally, it also has EV chargers last year. First EV chargers in town in about a 40 mile radius.

You can guess there was a protest about the EV chargers, vandalism, blocking them, boycott of the chain store thst employs locally.

Now, again, I have to ask where these people come from that can sit in a gas engine vehicle, block the chargers for 8 to 12 hours daily, apparently no employment, come from to harass the workers and anyone wanting to use the chargers?

It's not like EV owners block the fuel pumps in a 'Protest'...
To own a relatively new vehicle you have to be employed, and the employed have places to be, work to get done...

This group called themselves I.C.E. meaning "Internal COMBUSTION Engines".
The name implies (or proves) the stupidity because combustion means heat, not cold/ice in engines.

When this gets pointed out they resort to name calling and threatening to fight...

Again, stupid behavior with no basis in reality.

And again, these people complain about taxes, but cost local law enforcement to post an officer to keep the vandalism/trespassing to a minimum.

I see this as counter productive, and therefore STUPID behavior by people that obviously don't work or have anything better to do, propaganda brain-washing works really well on stupid people...

Since the population is low, and you mostly have to work around here, the number of stupid people doing stupid things is lower than cities (population dense areas), but we have our share...

If you have a logical, rational (not rationalizing) example of stupid human behavior, feel free to share...
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While your examples lean a certain direction, I will remind you that stupid has no boundaries.

"propaganda brain-washing works really well on stupid people..." That gave me a chuckle.
So, being rural/farm country, I see stupid people... Not like the cities, more people, more stupid people, but we see our share...

The last few years the state/feds require authorized worker cards or resident status proof for migrant workers, so when you see migrant workers in the fields you know most of them are 'Legal'.

We have 'Protesters' that like to harass the farmers/workers while they are planting/harvesting. I'm sure you know their political affiliations/motivation.

With a HUGE sign saying "Hiring!", with county and state police resources being wasted on keeping the protesters from interfering with the EMPLOYED people working...

And these people with apparently NO JOBS to waste the time standing in front of a "Hiring!" sign... to harass the people you know exactly where they are and what they are doing, calling them rapists, murderers, drug dealers, etc...

I can't call that anything BUT STUPID!

No drug kingpin does back breaking manual labor (the protesters simply refuse to do), and after a 12 to 16 hour day in the fields all any human wants is a shower and to sleep... Not exactly like there is a huge crime syndicate here, no cartels, etc.

Drunk driving and stolen lawn mowers make the front page...

So I see stupid (unemployed) people so self centered it takes police to let the actual employed do their jobs.

I thought of this because it's strawberry season again and I'm seeing "The Flags" and yard signs pop up again...


We got a new convienence store gas station with big truck fuel locally, it also has EV chargers last year. First EV chargers in town in about a 40 mile radius.

You can guess there was a protest about the EV chargers, vandalism, blocking them, boycott of the chain store thst employs locally.

Now, again, I have to ask where these people come from that can sit in a gas engine vehicle, block the chargers for 8 to 12 hours daily, apparently no employment, come from to harass the workers and anyone wanting to use the chargers?

It's not like EV owners block the fuel pumps in a 'Protest'...
To own a relatively new vehicle you have to be employed, and the employed have places to be, work to get done...

This group called themselves I.C.E. meaning "Internal COMBUSTION Engines".
The name implies (or proves) the stupidity because combustion means heat, not cold/ice in engines.

When this gets pointed out they resort to name calling and threatening to fight...

Again, stupid behavior with no basis in reality.

And again, these people complain about taxes, but cost local law enforcement to post an officer to keep the vandalism/trespassing to a minimum.

I see this as counter productive, and therefore STUPID behavior by people that obviously don't work or have anything better to do, propaganda brain-washing works really well on stupid people...

Since the population is low, and you mostly have to work around here, the number of stupid people doing stupid things is lower than cities (population dense areas), but we have our share...

If you have a logical, rational (not rationalizing) example of stupid human behavior, feel free to share...
Got some photos or news links?

It does sound stupid, so much so Id be surprised to find this isnt complete fiction.

By the way Joe Biden has helped almost 7 million illegals in that were counted. Many more werent. He used government money to fly them around the country, gives them welfare and free hotels and food while Americans are being put out on the street because the illegals absorb all the low cost housing.
Despite your attempt to confuse the issue, its a real problem.
Got some photos or news links?

It does sound stupid, so much so Id be surprised to find this isnt complete fiction.

By the way Joe Biden has helped almost 7 million illegals in that were counted. Many more werent. He used government money to fly them around the country, gives them welfare and free hotels and food while Americans are being put out on the street because the illegals absorb all the low cost housing.
Despite your attempt to confuse the issue, its a real problem.

Clips all over the internet...
Absloutely impossible to miss on a lot of web sites.

Look up 'ICEing' or 'ICEholes', it's what EV owners started calling intentional charger blocking.

As for low end rentals, I can't comment. I've never owned low end, substandard or illegal rentals.

I rented a couple to have a place off camp when I was in the military...
Interesting neighbors in those places, best buy your own strong locks.

Since you have an issue with staying on topic, the thread was about stupid human behaviors...

While your examples lean a certain direction, I will remind you that stupid has no boundaries.

"propaganda brain-washing works really well on stupid people..." That gave me a chuckle.

'Stupid' doesn't seem to have socioeconomic boundaries, I've seen people with diamond rings scream at minimum wage fast food workers over EXPIRED 50 cent off coupons...

People that complain about food/rent costs, but still buy booze & dope...
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Clips all over the internet...
Absloutely impossible to miss on a lot of web sites.

Look up 'ICEing' or 'ICEholes', it's what EV owners started calling intentional charger blocking.

As for low end rentals, I can't comment. I've never owned low end, substandard or illegal rentals.

I rented a couple to have a place off camp when I was in the military...
Interesting neighbors in those places, best buy your own strong locks.

Since you have an issue with staying on topic, the thread was about stupid human behaviors...

'Stupid' doesn't seem to have socioeconomic boundaries, I've seen people with diamond rings scream at minimum wage fast food workers over EXPIRED 50 cent off coupons...

People that complain about food/rent costs, but still buy booze & dope...
Apparantly it isnt the problem you claim it is:

"I’ve used over 200 different charging locations in every state and territory in Australia and on the 3 occasions I’ve been completely prevented from charging my car it’s because of an Electric vehicle parked in front of the charger, and either not plugged in, or plugged in but no longer charging. It only takes a quick review of Plugshare comments and photos from that location in question to find the EV owner is a serial offender."

More often than not its another entitled EV owner. When its an ICE vehicle the owner usually does it out of ignorance not protest.

However in the extremely rare instance of an intentional protest its hard to blame them.
EV supporters are behind the move to ban new gas stations.

So they dont care who theyre inconveniencing but are mad its happening to them. Since EVs are typical only affordable by the affluent, seems their "let them eat cake" attitudes are coming full circle.

ICE owners really dont care what you drive. However with mandates around the corner banning new ICE vehicles and gas stations, its EV supporters forcing their ill conceived, misrepresented false "save the planet with more complex vehicles full of exotic chinese parts" agenda on ICE owners.
Of course theres going to be conflict as this stupid corrupt plan is progressing.
How much has China paid the Biden Crime Family Syndicate to promote this so their industries grow?
How much did they put in bank accounts held by small children and pets to withhold the fact that the carbon cost of building, manufacturing and installing the vast charging infrastructure has never been included in comparisons against ICE transportation?
The carbon generated just in mining the copper and manufacturing the concrete is staggering.
But gee they just forgot to add any of that in. Slipped their minds. Oh darn it was just an honest mistake.

Save the planet. Lets see the average ICE vehicle lasts for about 20+ years... The EV as long as it battery pack. About 7 years?

Were saving the planet how?
Apparantly it isnt the problem you claim it is:

"I’ve used over 200 different charging locations in every state and territory in Australia and on the 3 occasions I’ve been completely prevented from charging my car it’s because of an Electric vehicle parked in front of the charger, and either not plugged in, or plugged in but no longer charging. It only takes a quick review of Plugshare comments and photos from that location in question to find the EV owner is a serial offender."

More often than not its another entitled EV owner. When its an ICE vehicle the owner usually does it out of ignorance not protest.

However in the extremely rare instance of an intentional protest its hard to blame them.
EV supporters are behind the move to ban new gas stations.

I Google it, over 31,000 ICEhole videos of blocked chargers.

ICE owners really dont care what you drive.

Apparently they do since they block chargers, 'Roll Coal' and harass EV drivers, etc.

If it's happened here in the middle of nowhere, and it's in the news, it's happening.

Someone decided it would be funny to put "Friends Of Coal" bumper stickers on the EVs in the charger stations at the hospital where my wife works.

I don't know what the adhesive was, but it took the clear coat off the paint when removed with the proper automotive paint adhesive remover.
If I find them they will be lucky if all I take is money for damages...

**Political Rant Clipped*
... misrepresented false "save the planet with more complex vehicles full of exotic chinese parts" agenda on ICE owners.

Um, not to put too fine a point on it, basic electric vehicles have 1/3 to 1/2 fewer parts as ICE vehicles.

The more luxury or performance you want, the more parts you will have...
This principal goes for both types of vehicles.

**Political Rant Clipped**
... the fact that the carbon cost of building, manufacturing and installing the vast charging infrastructure has never been included in comparisons against ICE transportation?

EV charger cost me about $450 (USD) for my wife's car. I did buy a better version, there are cheaper, slower ones out there.

Carbon cost is an accurate term.
I'm pretty sure we won't find a replacment for petroleum or cement for buildings and roadways in the near future.

These are durable goods that are necessary.
Hosing down the atmosphere because you are bored and want to go shopping is neither necessary or produces anything.

Commuter cars will be mandated to be electric or non-fossil fueled, but that doesn't mean heavy vehicles getting work done will be mandated to be electric.
LPG/CNG, Hydrogen, etc. will still be made.

Just the average single person commuter, the biggest waste of petroleum, will be mandated to use something cleaner.

The carbon generated just in mining the copper and manufacturing the concrete is staggering.

Copper mining isn't the issue by a long shot...

America is short on iron ore that makes engine blocks, gets turned into steel for about every other structural part of a vehicle.

Iron/steel takes a LOT more energy in processing.

Save the planet. Lets see the average ICE vehicle lasts for about 20+ years... The EV as long as it battery pack. About 7 years?

Were saving the planet how?

Why are you on a Renewable Energy site if you are missing the basics?

While an ICE vehicle may "Last" 20 years, it's not maintained efficiently to be energy efficient, and you can't trust the current crop of 'Citizens' not to defeat/remove emission controls entirely.
That makes it a 'Super Polluter' in vehicle standards for 15 of that 20 years.

I can tell you never worked on these vehicles trying to keep them working correctly, or bothered to maintain one to proper standards or you would know this. Just WAY too many things that go wrong with the myriad of work arounds the car companies went through to make yet another gas burner pass mileage/emission standards.

Discarded EV batteries are going into home & industral solar PV storage everywhere. Just like solar PV was stored in lead/acid batteries, it's just much bigger and more efficient storage.

Lithium was the tipping point, LiFePO4 took the 'Volitile' out of them, several companies are saying they will double charge density (weight per kWh) in the next 5 years,
And there are 3 mega-factory battery producing plants being built in the U.S. right now, at least 7 more slated to be built.

Combine that with the 12 microchip factories being built right now, and a whole lot more of that EV will be built in the U.S. with U.S. labor.

I don't see this as a down side, I see it as an opertunity for America to become self sufficient again... But then again, if it makes sense, I'd like to at least try it...

You know, like I did solar PV & solar thermal 30+ years ago so I had power off grid...
Commuter cars will be mandated to be electric or non-fossil fueled, but that doesn't mean heavy vehicles getting work done will be mandated to be electric.
LPG/CNG, Hydrogen, etc. will still be made.

Just the average single person commuter, the biggest waste of petroleum, will be mandated to use something cleaner.

The biggest issue as I see it is that at least in cities, EVs are only practical for people wealthy enough to be homeowners. Over half of working age Americans rent in multi family housing. Only a small percentage could ever be accomodated with a parking spot with its own charging station. These mandates are being forced upon us by wealthy democrat leaders with lame answers to impossible problems like "there will still be a supply of ICE vehicles for awhile" which is complete bullshit since profiteers will obviously try to make money trading in that supply.
I suspect that less affluent democrats still support this because the inevitable forced shift to public transportation is something theyve wanted all along.
It still amounts to class warfare.
While an ICE vehicle may "Last" 20 years, it's not maintained efficiently to be energy efficient, and you can't trust the current crop of 'Citizens' not to defeat/remove emission controls entirely.
That makes it a 'Super Polluter' in vehicle standards for 15 of that 20 years.

This isnt the 80s. Aside from removing the catalytic converter (which still leaves a check engine light without the anti fouler hack) almost any modification you do to a car unless you had an experienced shop do a boost project, is gonna make the car run WORSE. I live in California, we get biannual smog checks, if your car doesnt pass its off the road. Period. No gross polluters.

Your experience in the sticks isnt typical of most of the US.

I can tell you never worked on these vehicles trying to keep them working correctly, or bothered to maintain one to proper standards or you would know this. Just WAY too many things that go wrong with the myriad of work arounds the car companies went through to make yet another gas burner pass mileage/emission standards.

Now youre just making silly unfounded assumptions. Not only have I done about 98% of my own vehicles' repairs and upkeep for almost my entire life I regularly make a few bucks on the side doing auto repair for friends. I have an assload of tools and ever since I was an F-4 phantom avionics tech in the Navy in the 80s, nothing about auto repair remotely intimidates me. On the aircraft I had the fairly rare talent of grasping both technical things as well as being a decent wrench. Most people are one or the other. I ended up getting PQS qualified as both a fire control tech and a plane captain in the line division.
Some things you have to take to a shop. I wont touch exhaust work, and in the last decade most manufacturers stopped doing printed manuals and insist on using their dedicated computer network programs. (My '16 honda odyssey requires HDS/honda diagnostic system for troubleshooting for instance, but I have the Mitchell manual on pdf and the owners forum has people that can supply answers if I cant find it anywhere else.)
Im 61, Im not in that generation of kids who cant even change a tire.

As for all these factories and production you tout now being built in the US...

All of that requires construction, heavy equipment, raw materials, etc, with a very high cost in carbon production.

None of this is going to be added to the carbon cost when we're being sold this snake oil that EVs will save the planet.

The politicians pushing it dont talk about it because every factory, every permit, every process, every job created, gives them an opportunity to solicit political contributions from vendors and even outright graft and corruption from kickbacks.

Thst was a lot of words... saying nothing truthful.

First off, teens have cars.
Students have cars.
City dwellers in apartments have cars...

Most households have multiple cars.
There are already hand me down and second had EVs on the market, so they do live,

And only YOU think you have to own a home to buy a car...

I have no idea where you got the idea only homeowners are getting cars,
If you don't have $40,000 for a Tesla, (less for other brands) then you don't have $40,000 (or less) for any other new vehicle, including ICE vehicles.

Second, the idea your car knows your political party is false.
The dealerships or anyone else selling a car doesn't care what your politics are.

Third, no one thinks there aren't carbon costs to build any manufacturing plant.
The question is, how much carbon, and how long will it live?
There is also a question of toxic waste left behind since profits are privatized, while cleanup is socialized, paid for with taxpayer dollars

See Love Canal, Times Beach, all the nuclear refinement/production facilities, the waste guarding/disposal from nuclear power plants, etc.

No one has to guard solar panels, wind generator blades or batteries on their way to recycle.

Fourth, these are FOR PROFIT, capitalists, building the microchip and battery plants.
It's conventional car makers producing the bulk of the EVs.
Nothing changes with the exception of 'Fuel' that powers the vehicles, still the same capitalist, for profit makers.

This isn't state owned business, so yes the consumer will foot the bill in every vehicle sold. ICE or electric.

Fifth, anyplace there is an outlet, 12 Amp to 50 Amp, you can charge an EV.
That's anyplace there is an outlet, every rental, every apartment, every home on the grid.

If you want to 'Top Off' an EV, you go to the convenience store/gas station just like anyone with an ICE in the very near future... Any new convenience store/gas station has them, so stop being a drama queen/alarmist.

Your political rant sounds suspiciously like communisum manifesto, it sounds like you want to "Redistribute" homes and vehicles to those that didn't work for them...

If you can't afford a car, or a home, then maybe you need to get an education in something that pays better.

Anyone can do it because I did it.
Went from a disabled Marine in a wheelchair to building/owning half a dozen businesses because I was willing to do the work, pay my taxes, reinvest the profits.

I lived below my means, 35 cent raimen & 3 for $1 corn dogs much of the time in the beginning...

Until the garden came in and the chickens started laying, then I ate better.

When I hear someone bragging about how much they can do, but still complain they aren't making it I have to think about the 4 wheel drive & bass boat in the driveway, the satellite dish on the roof, trashcan full of pizza boxes & beer bottles, but complains the wife brought the cheap crap from the food bank, and complains about an immigrant with no education, doesn't speak the language, but still doing a better job at his work...

Can't help you if someone without 12 free to them years of education, that doesn't speak the language can do "Your Job" better than you can.

Can't help you if you spend a crap ton on vehicles you don't need, bass boats you don't need, entertainment, booze, fast food, etc you don't need and yet complain about school lunches for the kids or not being able to run right out and get credit for a home... (bad at money budgeting, reinvesting)

Stupid is as stupid does...
If tou don't learn this, Good luck with the Bud Light at the trailer park with the Republican signs!

Thst was a lot of words... saying nothing truthful.

First off, teens have cars.
Students have cars.
City dwellers in apartments have cars...

Most households have multiple cars.
There are already hand me down and second had EVs on the market, so they do live,

And only YOU think you have to own a home to buy a car...

I have no idea where you got the idea only homeowners are getting cars,
If you don't have $40,000 for a Tesla, (less for other brands) then you don't have $40,000 (or less) for any other new vehicle, including ICE vehicles.

Second, the idea your car knows your political party is false.
The dealerships or anyone else selling a car doesn't care what your politics are.

Third, no one thinks there aren't carbon costs to build any manufacturing plant.
The question is, how much carbon, and how long will it live?
There is also a question of toxic waste left behind since profits are privatized, while cleanup is socialized, paid for with taxpayer dollars

See Love Canal, Times Beach, all the nuclear refinement/production facilities, the waste guarding/disposal from nuclear power plants, etc.

No one has to guard solar panels, wind generator blades or batteries on their way to recycle.

Fourth, these are FOR PROFIT, capitalists, building the microchip and battery plants.
It's conventional car makers producing the bulk of the EVs.
Nothing changes with the exception of 'Fuel' that powers the vehicles, still the same capitalist, for profit makers.

This isn't state owned business, so yes the consumer will foot the bill in every vehicle sold. ICE or electric.

Fifth, anyplace there is an outlet, 12 Amp to 50 Amp, you can charge an EV.
That's anyplace there is an outlet, every rental, every apartment, every home on the grid.

If you want to 'Top Off' an EV, you go to the convenience store/gas station just like anyone with an ICE in the very near future... Any new convenience store/gas station has them, so stop being a drama queen/alarmist.

Your political rant sounds suspiciously like communisum manifesto, it sounds like you want to "Redistribute" homes and vehicles to those that didn't work for them...

If you can't afford a car, or a home, then maybe you need to get an education in something that pays better.

Anyone can do it because I did it.
Went from a disabled Marine in a wheelchair to building/owning half a dozen businesses because I was willing to do the work, pay my taxes, reinvest the profits.

I lived below my means, 35 cent raimen & 3 for $1 corn dogs much of the time in the beginning...

Until the garden came in and the chickens started laying, then I ate better.

When I hear someone bragging about how much they can do, but still complain they aren't making it I have to think about the 4 wheel drive & bass boat in the driveway, the satellite dish on the roof, trashcan full of pizza boxes & beer bottles, but complains the wife brought the cheap crap from the food bank, and complains about an immigrant with no education, doesn't speak the language, but still doing a better job at his work...

Can't help you if someone without 12 free to them years of education, that doesn't speak the language can do "Your Job" better than you can.

Can't help you if you spend a crap ton on vehicles you don't need, bass boats you don't need, entertainment, booze, fast food, etc you don't need and yet complain about school lunches for the kids or not being able to run right out and get credit for a home... (bad at money budgeting, reinvesting)

Stupid is as stupid does...
If tou don't learn this, Good luck with the Bud Light at the trailer park with the Republican signs!
Im sorry I didnt realize I was in a discussion with a complete jackass.
Currently, EV ownership is only practical for HOMEOWNERS because only single family homes have charging stations.
My city is building thousands of apartments every year, and they arent requiring developers to include enough parking spaces, let alone EV chargers, under this fantasy that people will use the bike lanes theyre putting up.
Most apartment dwellers I know have only on street parking and park up to a block away.
So I suppose you think theyll all be laying extension cords out their windows, across the street, over the neighbors fence...
Or just stop to "top off" at a convenience store?
At an hour or two per car, when the ICE vehicles took two minutes? Hows that gonna work out?
The rest of your post was just you patting yourself on the back and insulting me. Projecting a dozen different directions that are irrelevent toward the topic. Fahvoi4WQAAF89h.jpeg
Im sorry I didnt realize I was in a discussion with a complete jackass.
Currently, EV ownership is only practical for HOMEOWNERS because only single family homes have charging stations.
My city is building thousands of apartments every year, and they arent requiring developers to include enough parking spaces, let alone EV chargers, under this fantasy that people will use the bike lanes theyre putting up.
Most apartment dwellers I know have only on street parking and park up to a block away.
So I suppose you think theyll all be laying extension cords out their windows, across the street, over the neighbors fence...
Or just stop to "top off" at a convenience store?
At an hour or two per car, when the ICE vehicles took two minutes? Hows that gonna work out?
The rest of your post was just you patting yourself on the back and insulting me. Projecting a dozen different directions that are irrelevent toward the topic. View attachment 153374
When communist take over they move-ppl to over crowded small apartment for living. Since they plan to take away private vehicle ownership then parking space is not going to be a requirement.

the best thing you can do is hurt him feelings until he puts you on ignore. That was my goal accomplished. Ever watch someone stick their head up their arse? Keep watching that person. ??

As long as this keeps happening we are going to have problems as a society. If anyone says watching Biden in action is not a visual for stupid then nothing is or will be.

This isn't state owned business, so yes the consumer will foot the bill in every vehicle sold. ICE or electric.
This is where you are totally missing the boat. IF you can't see where this is going, you are the fool. Liberal states and the federal government are pushing to move EVERYTHING toward electric. And guess who will have control.

You have 2 issues going against you in your argument.
First, you use multiple stereotypes to categorize those who don't agree with you.
Second, as is typical, you won't allow for the other side to be right, or go their own way. Just like with other liberal issues, it's all or nothing. Instead of letting change happen organically, you want it forced. That only brings resentment.
I have no idea what your political slant is, but you sure do argue like a liberal.
Typically liberals are full of shit.

Hes checking all the boxes.

"Anyone can do it because I did it.
Went from a disabled Marine in a wheelchair to building/owning half a dozen businesses because I was willing to do the work, pay my taxes, reinvest the profits.

I lived below my means, 35 cent raimen & 3 for $1 corn dogs much of the time in the beginning...

Until the garden came in and the chickens started laying, then I ate better."

Disabled marine in wheelchair works a farm and raises chickens. He must be superman.

And who knew the remedy ro get yourself out of a wheelchair and walking was simply WORKING HARDER.

I've had scoliosis, sciatica and a fractured vertebrae for about 15 years now. A lot of it caused by working long hours in jobs that were hard on my body. Most days Im in extreme pain for hours after I get out of bed, and cant stand or walk more than a few minutes at a time.

So according to hillbilly superman here, the only thing Id need to cure all that is more hard work. And reducing my diet to the most worthless crap I could possibly eat. 3 for $1 corn dogs. Im ready to step out of the wheelchair and fly!

Oh and he pays his taxes. Arent you special! I guess he thinks we can all just choose not to.
Typically liberals are full of shit.

Hes checking all the boxes.

"Anyone can do it because I did it.
Went from a disabled Marine in a wheelchair to building/owning half a dozen businesses because I was willing to do the work, pay my taxes, reinvest the profits.

I lived below my means, 35 cent raimen & 3 for $1 corn dogs much of the time in the beginning...

Until the garden came in and the chickens started laying, then I ate better."

Disabled marine in wheelchair works a farm and raises chickens. He must be superman.

And who knew the remedy ro get yourself out of a wheelchair and walking was simply WORKING HARDER.

I've had scoliosis, sciatica and a fractured vertebrae for about 15 years now. A lot of it caused by working long hours in jobs that were hard on my body. Most days Im in extreme pain for hours after I get out of bed, and cant stand or walk more than a few minutes at a time.

So according to hillbilly superman here, the only thing Id need to cure all that is more hard work. And reducing my diet to the most worthless crap I could possibly eat. 3 for $1 corn dogs. Im ready to step out of the wheelchair and fly!

Oh and he pays his taxes. Arent you special! I guess he thinks we can all just choose not to.

Can't help you.

For me, 17 years on a farm, 16 in the Marines, 30+ off grid, now retired.

Lost 1/2 of right & 1/4 of left to a bullet, shattered left ankle, lost both knees, lost left hip, back broke in 5 places, neck in 2, left shoulder busted.

I scratched up the money to get my back fixed because the VA wouldn't do it. Got my legs about 60% back, that's would be 100% of NOT a Marine.

Been in business since I was 13. Grandpa saw what I was doing for our farm equipment and started a home shop business. It grew.
I have a knack for electrical, rebuilt starters, generators, alternators, magnetos and converted breaker points to electronic ignition.

Full time job on the farm, full time student, working for other farmers for spending money.
You learn to work on a farm or it fails.
Nothing I can do if you can't grasp that.

In business with my cousin at 18, had a video arcade. Made money in quarters, but it made money while I was in the Marines.
Base pay in the Marines was $435/mo, the arcade brought me $600/WEEK.

Electronic fuel injection came out and the hot rod/car guys jumped on it, that was the fuel injection business which did reasonably well.

My cousin and me started a hot rods business in 1992 to make enough to pay for our hot rod habit. It did REALLY well.

I bought land that didn't have power or water, drilled water wells & installed solar 30 years ago and keep expanding.

The land had to pay it's own taxes, had to produce a profit, so garden produce, welding, machining, chickens, anything that would make a profit. It did.

If you cared to get to know, ask questions, you would find out I build for self sufficiency.
Garden beds raised so I don't have to bend over, posts in the corners to do vertical gardening and to support nets/screens so the gardens produce more.

I could have taken the pills from the VA and went home to die, I could have whined about how the world wasn't 'Fair', I could whine & complain about any given socio-political issue as an excuse... Lots of people do instead of getting up and doing something constructive, but that's not me...

I understand Right 'Wing', Left 'Wing', same bird. Just there to see how much they can beg, borrow or steal...
Not builders or produce anything, just grab with both hands and complain they can't get more.

Never trust anyone that wraps themselves in the flag or religion.
You either grab a shovel and get to work, or you wait for someone else to do the work and hold out your hand... you have to decide which one you are.
This is where you are totally missing the boat. IF you can't see where this is going, you are the fool. Liberal states and the federal government are pushing to move EVERYTHING toward electric. And guess who will have control.

You have 2 issues going against you in your argument.
First, you use multiple stereotypes to categorize those who don't agree with you.
Second, as is typical, you won't allow for the other side to be right, or go their own way. Just like with other liberal issues, it's all or nothing. Instead of letting change happen organically, you want it forced. That only brings resentment.
I have no idea what your political slant is, but you sure do argue like a liberal.

More Bullshit.

I honestly don't care what you do as long as you don't make it a problem I have to deal with.

You want to spend money on crap instead of reinvesting it that's your choice.
Lots of people do, that's why we have a false 'Consumer' economy instead of the agrarian/manufacturing economy we now have.

Go buy $500 of crap at Wally-World and as soon as you pay for it, you have $10 of yard sale crap.

It's your choice.
If you have enough income, you can buy $600 worth of our steel parts, but it will cost you between $12,000 & $36,000 because we have a 'Brand Name' you want on your vehicle or whatever.

I really don't care what your politics are, what tin foil hat theories you carry...
As long as you can afford our products, you can sit in jello and 'Think' whatever you want...
Our production doesn't care who buys it, like all other inanimate things don't care, including EVs, ICEs, political flags, etc.
More Bullshit.

I honestly don't care what you do as long as you don't make it a problem I have to deal with.

You want to spend money on crap instead of reinvesting it that's your choice.
Lots of people do, that's why we have a false 'Consumer' economy instead of the agrarian/manufacturing economy we now have.

Go buy $500 of crap at Wally-World and as soon as you pay for it, you have $10 of yard sale crap.

It's your choice.
If you have enough income, you can buy $600 worth of our steel parts, but it will cost you between $12,000 & $36,000 because we have a 'Brand Name' you want on your vehicle or whatever.

I really don't care what your politics are, what tin foil hat theories you carry...
As long as you can afford our products, you can sit in jello and 'Think' whatever you want...
Our production doesn't care who buys it, like all other inanimate things don't care, including EVs, ICEs, political flags, etc.
Dude, I don't know what your issue is, but 90% of your reply has nothing to do with what you quoted from me.
Can't help you.

For me, 17 years on a farm, 16 in the Marines, 30+ off grid, now retired.

Lost 1/2 of right & 1/4 of left to a bullet, shattered left ankle, lost both knees, lost left hip, back broke in 5 places, neck in 2, left shoulder busted.

I scratched up the money to get my back fixed because the VA wouldn't do it. Got my legs about 60% back, that's would be 100% of NOT a Marine.

Been in business since I was 13. Grandpa saw what I was doing for our farm equipment and started a home shop business. It grew.
I have a knack for electrical, rebuilt starters, generators, alternators, magnetos and converted breaker points to electronic ignition.

Full time job on the farm, full time student, working for other farmers for spending money.
You learn to work on a farm or it fails.
Nothing I can do if you can't grasp that.

In business with my cousin at 18, had a video arcade. Made money in quarters, but it made money while I was in the Marines.
Base pay in the Marines was $435/mo, the arcade brought me $600/WEEK.

Electronic fuel injection came out and the hot rod/car guys jumped on it, that was the fuel injection business which did reasonably well.

My cousin and me started a hot rods business in 1992 to make enough to pay for our hot rod habit. It did REALLY well.

I bought land that didn't have power or water, drilled water wells & installed solar 30 years ago and keep expanding.

The land had to pay it's own taxes, had to produce a profit, so garden produce, welding, machining, chickens, anything that would make a profit. It did.

If you cared to get to know, ask questions, you would find out I build for self sufficiency.
Garden beds raised so I don't have to bend over, posts in the corners to do vertical gardening and to support nets/screens so the gardens produce more.

I could have taken the pills from the VA and went home to die, I could have whined about how the world wasn't 'Fair', I could whine & complain about any given socio-political issue as an excuse... Lots of people do instead of getting up and doing something constructive, but that's not me...

I understand Right 'Wing', Left 'Wing', same bird. Just there to see how much they can beg, borrow or steal...
Not builders or produce anything, just grab with both hands and complain they can't get more.

Never trust anyone that wraps themselves in the flag or religion.
You either grab a shovel and get to work, or you wait for someone else to do the work and hold out your hand... you have to decide which one you are.
Cool story, bruh. Not sure of its relevence toward your thread, which I replied to concerning illegal immigration and forced adoption of EVs, two issues rhat affect my life.

It would seem though that "your" success is due to family business relationships. You got $600 a week while your cousin was home running things. Im happy for you.
This is one of many things I have no experience with. My mother literally left me at the hospital at birth, and the people that adopted me tired of me when I was no longer cute and Ive been on my own since age 14. I have no family whatsoever.

Semper Fi.
Cool story, bruh. Not sure of its relevence toward your thread, which I replied to concerning illegal immigration and forced adoption of EVs, two issues rhat affect my life.

It would seem though that "your" success is due to family business relationships. You got $600 a week while your cousin was home running things. Im happy for you.
This is one of many things I have no experience with. My mother literally left me at the hospital at birth, and the people that adopted me tired of me when I was no longer cute and Ive been on my own since age 14. I have no family whatsoever.

Semper Fi.

Still can't help you...
You can only help those that will help themselves.
The legalization of marijuana is among the best laws created in this country in the past 50 years.

Entire generations of self-inflicted, brain fried stupid people that won't be competing with my children.
If you have a logical, rational (not rationalizing) example of stupid human behavior, feel free to share...
I believe all of us are stupid (except for me of course /s) some are just more stupid than others.

Compassion is not stupid, without parents taking care of us we would not have become adults and would not have been able to call others stupid. About half the people in the US are currently in some form of employment and that is fine with me. They still need the products other people make/grow and shouldn't be dismissed as being an important part of the economy. You can also have fun with it, for example rather than calling people stupid, on my desk I used to have a In tray labeled "Too hard" and my out tray was labeled "Done". The idea is that if it were easy, they would have done it themselves.

Working can be enjoyable, I loved solving problems and a colleague once commented that my eyes lit up when I was trying to solve a major problem. But I would not enjoy working in a slaughterhouse. Working as a freelancer allowed me to earn a much higher rate and before my retirement I would work 5 - 6 months a year and take the summers off to do other things I liked. Other people might like to work less or more hours, it is all good by me. What I did not like is working with lazy or incompetent people and I have no problem with giving them a little of my money so they can survive without bothering me.

I am retired and my eyesight is not good enough to do everything I like to do, tying a hook on my fishing line is mostly done by feel now. I am glad I spend a lot of time doing the things I enjoyed doing while I was able and still do. I still have new interests and thanks to this site and Will's video's I even made a small solar system so I can try out for myself how well batteries and solar panels work.

Stay curious, have fun and don't worry so much about "stupid" or "lazy" people. They only make you, even though you know you are not perfect either, look better...
The legalization of marijuana is among the best laws created in this country in the past 50 years.

Entire generations of self-inflicted, brain fried stupid people that won't be competing with my children.
instead they will be trying to steal from your children as your children not using drugs will make a real living and have nice things... so just as meth heads and crack heads steal stuff constantly so will the pot heads eventually.

The strength of pot has risen incredibly over the last 10 years due to legalization laws... pretty soon it will be just as addictive and destructive as crack and meth.

diy solar

diy solar