diy solar

diy solar

Watching 'Stupid' In Action...

That post should be framed with a spot light.

Your wisdom is either hard earned, or you read "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey. Good book..

The only person responsible for your feelings is you..
Wouldn't call it wisdom, nor do I know the book. I just work really hard at recognizing what influences my happiness.

I'm very good at appreciating contentment. Basically, if I've got a warm room and food, I'm good. I'm lucky to be married 34 years with a relationship that has gotten better each year. Having a great relationship is bonus. ( Wife laughingly doesn't like being third ) Finding things that make me happy is more bonus. For me, understanding that contentment is a good base to work from, I can then protect that and add bonus to it.

diy solar

diy solar