diy solar

diy solar

Watching 'Stupid' In Action...

instead they will be trying to steal from your children as your children not using drugs will make a real living and have nice things... so just as meth heads and crack heads steal stuff constantly so will the pot heads eventually.

The strength of pot has risen incredibly over the last 10 years due to legalization laws... pretty soon it will be just as addictive and destructive as crack and meth.
Perhaps.. but even a moron can dig ditches, pound nails, flip burgers, or work an assembly line.. We'll hang cute meaningless posters and buy them company hats to give them pride and a feeling of self worth... and they won't know any better..
The legalization of marijuana is among the best laws created in this country in the past 50 years.

Entire generations of self-inflicted, brain fried stupid people that won't be competing with my children.
It helps me a lot when I feel suicidal. It allows me to calm down to the point where I can sleep.

And if you wonder why I feel suicidal some times, it is because of all the hate I see towards minorities. (I thought at least in the West we would be over that senseless hate after the atrocities we witnessed in NAZI Germany.) Thinking of withdrawing from news, social media and finding some remote place to live relatively self sufficient.
It helps me a lot when I feel suicidal. It allows me to calm down to the point where I can sleep.

And if you wonder why I feel suicidal some times, it is because of all the hate I see towards minorities. (I thought at least in the West we would be over that senseless hate after the atrocities we witnessed in NAZI Germany.) Thinking of withdrawing from news, social media and finding some remote place to live relatively self sufficient.
It helps me a lot when I feel suicidal. It allows me to calm down to the point where I can sleep.

And if you wonder why I feel suicidal some times, it is because of all the hate I see towards minorities. (I thought at least in the West we would be over that senseless hate after the atrocities we witnessed in NAZI Germany.) Thinking of withdrawing from news, social media and finding some remote place to live relatively self sufficient.
Drugs are like money loans... The money helps in the short term, but you always go further into debt with each loan you take. Drugs (including alcohol) that alter your brain chemistry work exactly the same way. You might feel better in the short term, but not only is your brain being robbed of its ability to adjust, it is being permanently damaged and losing its ability to adjust.

In an alternate universe, I might have smoked a little pot when I got shingles and desired some help tempering the pain.

If your mentality causes you to feel depressed because of the behavior of others, then I have two suggestions: 1) Seek out some professional help to assist you in figuring out why, and 2) Learn how to not give a fuck when its appropriate.

There is a sort of invisible circle that surrounds you every day. You can (mostly) influence the things inside that circle, but anything outside of that circle is beyond your control.

And when life hands me problems of an psychological nature (things that don't induce physical pain), I find that reading (or listening to) a book helps more than anything else. I prefer books on astrophysics, quantum physics, chemistry, etc. Explanations on how things work so I can figure out how the universe works.. Of course, I never actually come up with any important answers that haven't already been figured out, but the attempt completely draws my thoughts away from whatever is causing me problems for a while, and I almost always learn something from the book.

The trick to dealing with life's problems is to give yourself a vacation by making yourself work on problems you enjoy instead of the ones you wish would just go away.

Perspective is important as well.. I think if I had to chose, I would much rather deal with depression than to be one of the few ignorant morons that inhabit this forum. One of them was wondering if it was possible if humans could be spreading life through the galaxy with our space probes. I shit you not... Imagine being on that level... if you can.... You'd happily go back to depression.
Perspective is important as well.. I think if I had to chose, I would much rather deal with depression than to be one of the few ignorant morons that inhabit this forum. One of them was wondering if it was possible if humans could be spreading life through the galaxy with our space probes. I shit you not... Imagine being on that level... if you can.... You'd happily go back to depression.

Seems like this is a concern NASA has as well .... and takes active measures for protection .... maybe you should think a little harder about who the ignorant one is in this scenario.

Seems like this is a concern NASA has as well .... and takes active measures for protection .... maybe you should think a little harder about who the ignorant one is in this scenario.

You clearly don't know the difference between planets in our solar system and what a galaxy is.. With your silly googling, making you think you're smarrrrt... you obviously think our solar system and our galaxy are one in the same thing... which is sad and disturbing that we have full grown adults in this day and age that are so grossly ignorant.

There is zero chance we are contaminating our galaxy with space probes (see screenshot of your ignorance)

I would educate you on the differences, but you are hyper-resistant to education... and it shows... and because I know that stupid can't be fixed.


  • BobB.jpg
    93.4 KB · Views: 2
You clearly don't know the difference between planets in our solar system and what a galaxy is.. With your silly googling, making you think you're smarrrrt... you obviously think our solar system and our galaxy are one in the same thing... which is sad and disturbing that we have full grown adults in this day and age that are so grossly ignorant.

There is zero chance we are contaminating our galaxy with space probes (see screenshot of your ignorance)

I would educate you on the differences, but you are hyper-resistant to education... and it shows... and because I know that stupid can't be fixed.
Someone is a full on retard - vegetable.

”””You are one of the billions of people on our Earth. Our Earth orbits the Sun in our Solar System. Our Sun is one star among the billions in the Milky Way Galaxy. Our Milky Way Galaxy is one among the billions of galaxies in our Universe. You are unique in the Universe!”””

edit: Bob you short circuited his narcissistic brain….. he can’t handle being wrong.
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You clearly don't know the difference between planets in our solar system and what a galaxy is.. With your silly googling, making you think you're smarrrrt... you obviously think our solar system and our galaxy are one in the same thing... which is sad and disturbing that we have full grown adults in this day and age that are so grossly ignorant.

There is zero chance we are contaminating our galaxy with space probes (see screenshot of your ignorance)

I would educate you on the differences, but you are hyper-resistant to education... and it shows... and because I know that stupid can't be fixed.
A couple of things ..... Is our solar system part of our galaxy? ..... Are you aware that at least one of our probes has already departed out solar system?

It is pretty incredulous that you are unable to admit the obvious ....
Someone is a full on retard - vegetable.

”””You are one of the billions of people on our Earth. Our Earth orbits the Sun in our Solar System. Our Sun is one star among the billions in the Milky Way Galaxy. Our Milky Way Galaxy is one among the billions of galaxies in our Universe. You are unique in the Universe!”””

edit: Bob you short circuited his narcissistic brain….. he can’t handle being wrong.
That is the ONLY thing that makes any sense .... he is simply a full on narcissist on tilt.
His world would end if he had to admit he was wrong about such a simple thing. It's bizarre.
A couple of things ..... Is our solar system part of our galaxy? ..... Are you aware that at least one of our probes has already departed out solar system?

It is pretty incredulous that you are unable to admit the obvious ....
Oh man.. oh man.. You really are ignorant..

Voyager1 has not departed our solar system.. Keep googling.

The first step in fixing your ignorance is to admit your ignorance.. which you are not capable of doing.

Your comprehension level of this stuff is lower than that of my 10 year old daughter.
Someone is a full on retard - vegetable.

”””You are one of the billions of people on our Earth. Our Earth orbits the Sun in our Solar System. Our Sun is one star among the billions in the Milky Way Galaxy. Our Milky Way Galaxy is one among the billions of galaxies in our Universe. You are unique in the Universe!”””

edit: Bob you short circuited his narcissistic brain….. he can’t handle being wrong.
Pretty typical posting from that fucking asshat reprobate.
Hes absolutely ridiculing someone as ignorant when theyre absolutely right.
Tried to make an argument of something irrelevent and he will never admit he is wrong.
On the point its kind of like the first Star Trek movie. What if a germ survived a trip to another solar system in the galaxy, mated with another life form and became some super monster germ that comes back to earth and is furious at all the pain and suffering we caused with our Lysol and the like.
Dr. Fauci would fuck it up bet on it.
Oh man.. oh man.. You really are ignorant..

Voyager1 has not departed our solar system.. Keep googling.

The first step in fixing your ignorance is to admit your ignorance.. which you are not capable of doing.

Your comprehension level of this stuff is lower than that of my 10 year old daughter.
"Voyager 1 has left the Solar System. Will we ever overtake it?"

Mr. Wrong couldnt be more wrong if he tried but I guess thats what happens when you have shit for brains.
Your daddy must have jerked off in a flower pot cuz he sure raised a blooming idiot!
NASA says its interstellar, FUCKSTICK.

You know, like your daddy is done with your sister and moves on to the next sibling, which must be you.

Check it out. What do you hillbillies do on halloween?


"Voyager 1 has left the Solar System. Will we ever overtake it?"

Mr. Wrong couldnt be more wrong if he tried but I guess thats what happens when you have shit for brains.
Your daddy must have jerked off in a flower pot cuz he sure raised a blooming idiot!
NASA says its interstellar, FUCKSTICK.

You know, like your daddy is done with your sister and moves on to the next sibling, which must be you.

Check it out. What do you hillbillies do on halloween?



You two really have no knowledge or concept of this stuff. You google something, see a headline, and you're too lazy to even read the damn page.. In other words, you're a moron. Maybe you two should get a room together?

Voyager one, the furthest away, has crossed the termination shock wave boundary, the technical term is Heliopause.. the Heliopause is the boundary were the sun's outward pressure (caused by the solar winds) is in equilibrium with the pressure from the interstellar medium. In 4th grade terminology, that means the sun is blowing a wind and the wind coming from the other direction has just enough force to stop it. How do we know it has crossed that boundary? Because the particles sort of pile up and become more dense. A good, albeit inaccurate metaphor, would be the bow shock wave in front of a boat. The water kind of piles up as the boat plows through the water.

So voyager has entered space where the interstellar medium is the dominate environment and not the stuff coming from our own Sun. This means that Voyager1 is experiencing extremely high energy particle radiation.. but that's all it means. No, I'm not going to explain what particle radiation is because you have absolutely no chance of understanding it. The heliopause a big deal, a big accomplishment for humanity, but the Heliopause is not the boundary of our solar system, not even remotely close.. Nor is it in any way shape or form a line being crossed that could "spread life thru our galaxy" (see screenshot attached).

From the inside out: Our solar system consists of the Sun at the center.. (YES, the sun is at the center and everything orbits around it, its not fake news, its fact) then the inner planets, an asteroid belt, the outer planets, another asteroid belt (Kuiper Belt) and then the Oort cloud, which is just another bunch of asteroids but because there's a big empty space we give it a different name. The Oort cloud is also not a flat(ish) disc, which is why we refer to it as a cloud and not a belt.
All of these are gravitationally bound to the Sun and constitute the whole of our solar system. The official definition of a solar system is everything that orbits it due to the star's gravity.

Voyager 1 has about another.. hmm.. 200 to 300? years before it even reaches the inner boundary of the Oort cloud.. and the Oort cloud is huge.. very dispersed, but huge.. It will take Voyager 1 another.. hmm.. 20,000 years probably? to exit the Oort cloud. 20K is arguable because there is no hard boundary for the Oort cloud..

After that, it probably has another 80,000 years, if it was traveling in the right direction, which it isn't, to get to the next closest star so it can "Spread life thru the Galaxy" (ROFLMAO)

Voyager 1 has entered interstellar space, it has not left our solar system and asking if it could contaminate the galaxy with life is like asking if an ant crawling across your living room floor could be responsible for killing John F. Kennedy.. Its f*cking stupid and shows a total lack of knowledge, which both of you have displayed in spectacular ways.. and I suspect will continue to display.

You should not partake in any conversation regarding science.. ever.. and especially nothing regarding astronomy or space. Stick to religion.. much simpler.


  • BobB.jpg
    93.4 KB · Views: 1
You two really have no knowledge or concept of this stuff. You google something, see a headline, and you're too lazy to even read the damn page.. In other words, you're a moron. Maybe you two should get a room together?

Voyager one, the furthest away, has crossed the termination shock wave boundary, the technical term is Heliopause.. the Heliopause is the boundary were the sun's outward pressure (caused by the solar winds) is in equilibrium with the pressure from the interstellar medium. In 4th grade terminology, that means the sun is blowing a wind and the wind coming from the other direction has just enough force to stop it. How do we know it has crossed that boundary? Because the particles sort of pile up and become more dense. A good, albeit inaccurate metaphor, would be the bow shock wave in front of a boat. The water kind of piles up as the boat plows through the water.

So voyager has entered space where the interstellar medium is the dominate environment and not the stuff coming from our own Sun. This means that Voyager1 is experiencing extremely high energy particle radiation.. but that's all it means. No, I'm not going to explain what particle radiation is because you have absolutely no chance of understanding it. The heliopause a big deal, a big accomplishment for humanity, but the Heliopause is not the boundary of our solar system, not even remotely close.. Nor is it in any way shape or form a line being crossed that could "spread life thru our galaxy" (see screenshot attached).

From the inside out: Our solar system consists of the Sun at the center.. (YES, the sun is at the center and everything orbits around it, its not fake news, its fact) then the inner planets, an asteroid belt, the outer planets, another asteroid belt (Kuiper Belt) and then the Oort cloud, which is just another bunch of asteroids but because there's a big empty space we give it a different name. The Oort cloud is also not a flat(ish) disc, which is why we refer to it as a cloud and not a belt.
All of these are gravitationally bound to the Sun and constitute the whole of our solar system. The official definition of a solar system is everything that orbits it due to the star's gravity.

Voyager 1 has about another.. hmm.. 200 to 300? years before it even reaches the inner boundary of the Oort cloud.. and the Oort cloud is huge.. very dispersed, but huge.. It will take Voyager 1 another.. hmm.. 20,000 years probably? to exit the Oort cloud. 20K is arguable because there is no hard boundary for the Oort cloud..

After that, it probably has another 80,000 years, if it was traveling in the right direction, which it isn't, to get to the next closest star so it can "Spread life thru the Galaxy" (ROFLMAO)

Voyager 1 has entered interstellar space, it has not left our solar system and asking if it could contaminate the galaxy with life is like asking if an ant crawling across your living room floor could be responsible for killing John F. Kennedy.. Its f*cking stupid and shows a total lack of knowledge, which both of you have displayed in spectacular ways.. and I suspect will continue to display.

You should not partake in any conversation regarding science.. ever.. and especially nothing regarding astronomy or space. Stick to religion.. much simpler.
Oh man.. oh man.. You really are ignorant..

Voyager1 has not departed our solar system.. Keep googling.

The first step in fixing your ignorance is to admit your ignorance.. which you are not capable of doing.

Your comprehension level of this stuff is lower than that of my 10 year old daughter.

" both probes had now "made it into interstellar space" and that Voyager 2's date of departure from the Solar System was 5 November 2018."

Seems like you are wrong on all counts .... maybe you should take a few deep breaths and do a little introspection.
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" both probes had now "made it into interstellar space" and that Voyager 2's date of departure from the Solar System was 5 November 2018."

Seems like you are wrong on all counts .... maybe you should take a few deep breaths and do a little introspection.
This is why I feel the need to be abusive to this cocksucking prick. Im not really interested in him redefining the parameters of an issue, when all the references say hes wrong. He just looks for opportunities to be condescending.
You two really have no knowledge or concept of this stuff. You google something, see a headline, and you're too lazy to even read the damn page.. In other words, you're a moron. Maybe you two should get a room together?

Voyager one, the furthest away, has crossed the termination shock wave boundary, the technical term is Heliopause.. the Heliopause is the boundary were the sun's outward pressure (caused by the solar winds) is in equilibrium with the pressure from the interstellar medium. In 4th grade terminology, that means the sun is blowing a wind and the wind coming from the other direction has just enough force to stop it. How do we know it has crossed that boundary? Because the particles sort of pile up and become more dense. A good, albeit inaccurate metaphor, would be the bow shock wave in front of a boat. The water kind of piles up as the boat plows through the water.

So voyager has entered space where the interstellar medium is the dominate environment and not the stuff coming from our own Sun. This means that Voyager1 is experiencing extremely high energy particle radiation.. but that's all it means. No, I'm not going to explain what particle radiation is because you have absolutely no chance of understanding it. The heliopause a big deal, a big accomplishment for humanity, but the Heliopause is not the boundary of our solar system, not even remotely close.. Nor is it in any way shape or form a line being crossed that could "spread life thru our galaxy" (see screenshot attached).

From the inside out: Our solar system consists of the Sun at the center.. (YES, the sun is at the center and everything orbits around it, its not fake news, its fact) then the inner planets, an asteroid belt, the outer planets, another asteroid belt (Kuiper Belt) and then the Oort cloud, which is just another bunch of asteroids but because there's a big empty space we give it a different name. The Oort cloud is also not a flat(ish) disc, which is why we refer to it as a cloud and not a belt.
All of these are gravitationally bound to the Sun and constitute the whole of our solar system. The official definition of a solar system is everything that orbits it due to the star's gravity.

Voyager 1 has about another.. hmm.. 200 to 300? years before it even reaches the inner boundary of the Oort cloud.. and the Oort cloud is huge.. very dispersed, but huge.. It will take Voyager 1 another.. hmm.. 20,000 years probably? to exit the Oort cloud. 20K is arguable because there is no hard boundary for the Oort cloud..

After that, it probably has another 80,000 years, if it was traveling in the right direction, which it isn't, to get to the next closest star so it can "Spread life thru the Galaxy" (ROFLMAO)

Voyager 1 has entered interstellar space, it has not left our solar system and asking if it could contaminate the galaxy with life is like asking if an ant crawling across your living room floor could be responsible for killing John F. Kennedy.. Its f*cking stupid and shows a total lack of knowledge, which both of you have displayed in spectacular ways.. and I suspect will continue to display.

You should not partake in any conversation regarding science.. ever.. and especially nothing regarding astronomy or space. Stick to religion.. much simpler.
Dickface cant even be bothered to get anything right. Religion? Im agnostic you idiot. Ive never posted anything resembling promoting religion. You just spew crap and hope nobody notices how wrong you are.
Oh man.. oh man.. You really are ignorant..

Voyager1 has not departed our solar system.. Keep googling.

The first step in fixing your ignorance is to admit your ignorance.. which you are not capable of doing.

Your comprehension level of this stuff is lower than that of my 10 year old daughter.
You do realize incest is wrong? Leave your poor daughter alone.
This is why I feel the need to be abusive to this cocksucking prick. Im not really interested in him redefining the parameters of an issue, when all the references say hes wrong. He just looks for opportunities to be condescending.
His - Murphy‘s ego is bruised like the worse butt hurt…. he has ever been dealt. He can normally take a size 13 boot sideways. ???

Leo is not much better.
This is why I feel the need to be abusive to this cocksucking prick. Im not really interested in him redefining the parameters of an issue, when all the references say hes wrong. He just looks for opportunities to be condescending.
You're not smart enough to understand even the basics of what a solar system consists of.

And you think "our space probes are spreading life thru the galaxy" ?? ROFLMAO.

No space probe has ever left our solar system you dumbass... not even close.. I suggest you google Oort Cloud because you obviously have no clue.

This is why I feel the need to be abusive to this cocksucking prick. Im not really interested in him redefining the parameters of an issue, when all the references say hes wrong. He just looks for opportunities to be condescending.
That's what a narcissist does ..... I've encountered a few narcissists over the years ... Murphy has a VERY severe affliction.
You're not smart enough to understand even the basics of what a solar system consists of.

And you think "our space probes are spreading life thru the galaxy" ?? ROFLMAO.

No space probe has ever left our solar system you dumbass... not even close.. I suggest you google Oort Cloud because you obviously have no clue.


“‘What is Voyager 1?​

No spacecraft has gone farther than NASA's Voyager 1. Launched in 1977 to fly by Jupiter and Saturn, Voyager 1 crossed into interstellar space in August 2012 and continues to collect data.

  • Voyager 1 and its sister ship Voyager 2 have been flying longer than any other spacecraft in history.
  • Not only are the Voyager missions providing humanity with observations of truly uncharted territory, but they are also helping scientists understand the very nature of energy and radiation in space—key information for protecting future missions and astronauts.
  • Voyager 1 carries a copy of the Golden Record—a message from humanity to the cosmos that includes greetings in 55 languages, pictures of people and places on Earth and music ranging from Beethoven to Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode."
  • “‘Voyager 1 was the first spacecraft to cross the heliosphere, the boundary where the influences outside our solar system are stronger than those from our Sun.
  • Voyager 1 is the first human-made object to venture into interstellar space.
  • Voyager 1 discovered a thin ring around Jupiter and two new Jovian moons: Thebe and Metis.
  • At Saturn, Voyager 1 found five new moons and a new ring called the G-ring.”’

diy solar

diy solar