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The Great Reset

Put a sock in your mouth Murphyguy errr mean Leo.

you are a pillow biter
Wow, a clearly left biased poster has disqualified a source merely because of its right bias.
Not at all, you said that "Imprimis is a publication of Hillsdale College, a conservative leaning institution. Their pieces are concise, to the point and fact filled."

Mediabias agrees with you that it is conservative biased, but that it's record is mixed for accuracy because of a failed fact check.


Interesting articles, did you read them?
Not at all, you said that "Imprimis is a publication of Hillsdale College, a conservative leaning institution. Their pieces are concise, to the point and fact filled."

Mediabias agrees with you that it is conservative biased, but that it's record is mixed for accuracy because of a failed fact check.

Their accuracy rating is the same as MSNBC, and ONE "failed" fact check by politifact over one speech by paul ryan does not apply to all their other contributors. The fact check was only a "mostly false" anyway.
Im not going to quibble over your intentional waste of my time here. You constantly remind me of why youre on ignore.
Dont read the article. I dont care. I didnt post it for you to read anyway, get over yourself.
Its not like I posted something from Breitbart or Sean Hannity.
Youre just looking for any excuse to remain in the dark and your dismissal of the source is due to your complete inability to discredit the content.
You clearly are a socialist who supports this, you are the enemy. If you agreed with my reference Id have to do a gut check that my own views were questionable.
Present those "facts" in court.

A joint investigation by two Republican Senate committees released in September 2020 did not find wrongdoing by Joe Biden, nor did a Republican House Oversight Committee investigation by May 2023.

Do you think it is a coincidence that six months after leaving the White House, Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince, a close ally during the Trump administration, despite objections from the fund's advisers about the merits of the deal.?

The United States did withhold government aid to pressure Ukraine into removing the corrupt prosecutor, in accordance with the official and bipartisan policy of the federal government of the United States, the European Union, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Ukrainian prosecutors led by Shokin in 2014 opened an investigation of Zlochevsky for illicit enrichment and money laundering. But then Ukrainian prosecutors let the investigations go dormant, angering the U.S. State Department. The American ambassador said in 2015 that mismanagement of the case was an example of Ukraine's failure to hold corrupt officials to account.

Russia can import the grain, they don't have to send troops in to take the land.

It always was.

Neighbouring countries wouldn't feel the need to join NATO if Russia was not threatening to invade.

They invaded a sovereign nation.


Dutch intelligence had discovered a plan by Ukraine to blow up the pipeline, Ukraine was warned not to do that. There is an ongoing investigation if Ukraine did.

None, Russia invaded Ukraine and Russia needs to be stopped and China is watching closely if we have the will to do so.

You could volunteer as a inspector to track the weapons and ammunition...

If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no more Ukraine, if Russia withdraws, Russia will continue to exist.

If we don't stop Putin with conventional weapons, every country will develop nukes so they can deter potential invaders, or invade neighbours who don't have nukes. Of course the threat of those nukes falling into the hands of terrorist will be far greater. Which is why the West worked hard to persuade Ukraine to hand over the nukes to Russia.

No one is taking Russia down and while I agree that people all over the world are not all that different, Putin should be tried as a war criminal and if found guilty, spend the rest of his natural life in prison.
Oh my a canadian sociaiist thinks I care if he agrees with me.
And expects the DOJ to bring Biden to court for anything.
You refuted nothing about his corruption.

But youre so stupid you think Trumps son cozying up to the saudi prince was a bad thing.

Maybe he should have flew there for a fist bump and grovelled.

And got kicked to the curb.

No with Trump in office we would be doing quite well and the dollar secure as the world reserve currency.

Bet you hate that.

The great reset is upon us. I'm fully aware of it, have been for years. All part of the plan of the tptb.
Have fun with the attached, a good friend sent it to me back in 2019 or 2020. It's interesting to say the least.
It even mentions solar ?.


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Their accuracy rating is the same as MSNBC, and ONE "failed" fact check by politifact over one speech by paul ryan does not apply to all their other contributors. The fact check was only a "mostly false" anyway.
I was told I couldn't use the Washington Post as a source because it was left wing.

Im not going to quibble over your intentional waste of my time here. You constantly remind me of why youre on ignore.
Dont read the article. I dont care. I didnt post it for you to read anyway, get over yourself.
Its not like I posted something from Breitbart or Sean Hannity.
Youre just looking for any excuse to remain in the dark and your dismissal of the source is due to your complete inability to discredit the content.

You clearly are a socialist who supports this, you are the enemy. If you agreed with my reference Id have to do a gut check that my own views were questionable.
I am the enemy because I want thing like quality education and health care for all? WOW!
I was told I couldn't use the Washington Post as a source because it was left wing.
That wasnt me so thats irrelevent. The next time that happens tell them what I told you.

If you dismiss a reference for bias, because of your own bias, you must dismiss yourself as well.

Its just being lazy and disrespects the other poster who took the time to bring information to educate you with.

There are exceptions. Media Matters on the left and Free Republic on the right only exist to promote propaganda and discredit their opposition. They go far beyond mere bias.

My problem with WaPo is most everything is behind a paywall.

Currently most mainstream media leans left. The fact the right has to accept most of it as legit means you already have the upper hand.
That wasnt me so thats irrelevent. The next time that happens tell them what I told you.
Washington Post, like your source is mostly factual. But it is fair not to believe everything they say and we should follow their sources to get things into context.

I try to find less biased sources for the information. For example there are reports that a couple of KKK members pulled gun(s) on some LGBT group. I can't find any reputable sources so I did not post it.

If you dismiss a reference for bias, because of your own bias, you must dismiss yourself as well.
I didn't, the fact checker even agreed with your own assessment that it is right wing biased. I still don't know why you'd have an issue with that.

Its just being lazy and disrespects the other poster who took the time to bring information to educate you with.
First thing I do with any source I am not familiar with is check their bias, rather than accepting anything blindly.

There are exceptions. Media Matters on the left and Free Republic on the right only exist to promote propaganda and discredit their opposition. They go far beyond mere bias.
Dismiss both of those without second thought.

My problem with WaPo is most everything is behind a paywall.
Subscriptions are cheap

Currently most mainstream media leans left. The fact the right has to accept most of it as legit means you already have the upper hand.
One of the qualities I tend to look for in a news story is fair and open minded reporting. That would be liberal/libertarian...
The simple solution to all of this is stop calling the Left anything but Wrong.

That way we will have the “Right” and the “Wrong.”
Second time this is appropriate today.


The blue states have the financial and management centers. The corporate headquarters.
An investment company in NYC for example, might have in its portfolio, farms in a number of red states. Or factories. The people who work in those factories might be in red states.
The people profiting the most from their labor, are in headquarters in the blue states.
That hardly means they have more worth to the nation.
Right now real estate holdings funds are a hot commodity.
They buy up homes and apartments, rent them out. All the companies that manage and profit from them are typically in blue states.

Youve made a good argument that all of the greedy blood sucking capitalists getting wealthy off the backs of others, are in blue states.

All of those toiling long hours for low pay to feed america, provide us all goods, are in red states.

Thanks for that.

Look at it another way. Theyre trying to say that people who voted for Biden are more wealthy merely because the GDP of their states is higher.

Those states also have higher crime rates.

Are we also to conclude Biden voters are criminals?
That sounds like religion.. come to think of it, it also sounds like political extremism.
I do not know about religion. Do you even know what the left calls D.E.I? It's is Marxist in nature under the name of socialism.
I do not know about religion. Do you even know what the left calls D.E.I? It's is Marxist in nature under the name of socialism.

We had to pass federal laws to get the right wing bigots to stop persecuting black people... First we had to go to war to stop them from enslaving the black people.. and now that those laws are in place, the right wing bigots moved to persecuting homosexuals.. and when we squashed that, now its the trans crowd. Somewhere in between there, lets not forget the persecution of Asian's along the way.

See a pattern? You probably don't but that's okay, I understand why.

The radical right wing white Christian male is experiencing a phenomenon called "Sons of the soil".. Their cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic dominance is being eroded.... and they're scared. That's all it is. The snowflakes are frightened because the world around them is changing and their personal preferences are no longer the dominant choice.

By the way.. this "sons of the soil" concept has been responsible for almost every civil war on the planet..

Hence the definition of the political philosophy called "conservative" ... it means reluctant to change..

Unfortunately, 95% of them are just too self centered and stupid to recognize it... Its a group of people who actually think they're the special chosen children of some all powerful magical invisible sky fairy.. For f*#ks sakes.. Imagine that..

So when you say "D.E.I Division Exclusion Indoctrination", what I know is that such things were given to you to repeat, because that's what you're good at.. repeating what others have programmed into you. Hint: The training started when you were a child and forced into church.
We had to pass federal laws to get the right wing bigots to stop persecuting black people... First we had to go to war to stop them from enslaving the black people.. and now that those laws are in place, the right wing bigots moved to persecuting homosexuals.. and when we squashed that, now its the trans crowd. Somewhere in between there, lets not forget the persecution of Asian's along the way.

See a pattern? You probably don't but that's okay, I understand why.

The radical right wing white Christian male is experiencing a phenomenon called "Sons of the soil".. Their cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic dominance is being eroded.... and they're scared. That's all it is. The snowflakes are frightened because the world around them is changing and their personal preferences are no longer the dominant choice.

By the way.. this "sons of the soil" concept has been responsible for almost every civil war on the planet..

Hence the definition of the political philosophy called "conservative" ... it means reluctant to change..

Unfortunately, 95% of them are just too self centered and stupid to recognize it... Its a group of people who actually think they're the special chosen children of some all powerful magical invisible sky fairy.. For f*#ks sakes.. Imagine that..

So when you say "D.E.I Division Exclusion Indoctrination", what I know is that such things were given to you to repeat, because that's what you're good at.. repeating what others have programmed into you. Hint: The training started when you were a child and forced into church.
This guy is a total idiot.

Lincoln was a Right winger
We had to pass federal laws to get the right wing bigots to stop persecuting black people... First we had to go to war to stop them from enslaving the black people.. and now that those laws are in place, the right wing bigots moved to persecuting homosexuals.. and when we squashed that, now its the trans crowd. Somewhere in between there, lets not forget the persecution of Asian's along the way.

See a pattern? You probably don't but that's okay, I understand why.

The radical right wing white Christian male is experiencing a phenomenon called "Sons of the soil".. Their cultural, racial, religious, and ethnic dominance is being eroded.... and they're scared. That's all it is. The snowflakes are frightened because the world around them is changing and their personal preferences are no longer the dominant choice.

By the way.. this "sons of the soil" concept has been responsible for almost every civil war on the planet..

Hence the definition of the political philosophy called "conservative" ... it means reluctant to change..

Unfortunately, 95% of them are just too self centered and stupid to recognize it... Its a group of people who actually think they're the special chosen children of some all powerful magical invisible sky fairy.. For f*#ks sakes.. Imagine that..

So when you say "D.E.I Division Exclusion Indoctrination", what I know is that such things were given to you to repeat, because that's what you're good at.. repeating what others have programmed into you. Hint: The training started when you were a child and forced into church.
So your in love in the Marxist diversity inclusion and equity then? Does this mean you are in favor of Social Emotional learning?

The Evidence of Indoctrination in Schools​

One example of this indoctrination can be seen in the way history is taught in schools. Students are often taught a revisionist version of history that emphasizes the failures of Western civilization and downplays its accomplishments. This creates a negative view of Western culture and values, which lays the groundwork for accepting alternative ideologies such as socialism. Additionally, students are often taught to view capitalism as the root of all social ills, while the failures of socialist experiments in countries such as the Soviet Union and Venezuela are glossed over or ignored altogether.

Another example can be seen in the way that schools promote diversity and inclusion. While promoting diversity and inclusion is important, the way it is often taught in schools often devolves into promoting groupthink and suppressing dissenting opinions. Students are taught that their opinions must align with the politically correct view or face consequences, leading to a conformist and homogeneous culture. This reinforces the idea that individualism is unimportant and stifles critical thinking and creativity.

The promotion of a nihilistic worldview can also be seen in the way that schools address morality and ethics. Instead of teaching absolutes such as right and wrong, students are taught that morality is relative and subjective. This leads to a sense of moral relativism and a lack of accountability for one’s actions. This can be seen in the way that schools address issues such as cheating and plagiarism, where students are often given the impression that there is no objective standard of right and wrong, and that the only thing that matters is the end result.
So your in love in the Marxist diversity inclusion and equity then? Does this mean you are in favor of Social Emotional learning?
Have you ever noticed that extremist have a "with us or against us" mentality? If an extremist moron says "The speed limit should be set to 80 mph" and you say "I think that's too fast", the extremist morons always seem to reply with something like "Oh, so you're against cars and think we should all go back to slow horses?"

The life long mentality of ignorance is some sort of mental health issue that seems to default to a binary thought process because anything more complicated requires too much effort to contemplate.

The Evidence of Indoctrination in Schools​

One example of this indoctrination can be seen in the way history is taught in schools. Students are often taught a revisionist version of history that emphasizes the failures of Western civilization and downplays its accomplishments. This creates a negative view of Western culture and values, which lays the groundwork for accepting alternative ideologies such as socialism. Additionally, students are often taught to view capitalism as the root of all social ills, while the failures of socialist experiments in countries such as the Soviet Union and Venezuela are glossed over or ignored altogether.
I always find it disturbing when religious sources talk about indoctrination. The word "indoctrination" is a term used to describe religious teachings... or maybe we should describe it as religious victimization of young children. But over the last few decades, the term has been used more and more and has become synonymous with victimizing and programming a child into conforming. Seeing that, the churches have attempted to use the word and apply it to everything in an attempt to dilute its negative connotations. Schools are indoctrinating students, liberals are indoctrinating students, bla bla bla.
The churches, and their idiot followers, have been instructed to dilute the meaning of the word and to shift it away from its almost ubiquitous use as a negative religious term.

The problem with religious sources, like the mormon moron you quoted, is that they use the same binary thinking process as the extremist... The only difference is that it isn't so pronounced, but its the same nonetheless.

You can not be religious and a critical thinker at the same time.. the two concepts are completely and totally mutually exclusive and incompatible. In fact, I think even attempting to combine them would most likely result in some sort of mental issue if one type of thinking or the other didn't completely dominate. It would be like trying to teach a dog that's been trained to attack and defend, to all of a sudden become an emotional support animal at a children's daycare... its not going to happen. And maybe that's part of the problem today? Our schools are teaching critical thinking skills and science to children who's parents are forcing them into church and filling their heads with nonsensical religious magic fairy tales, all the while hiding the parts of murder, enslavement, and bigotry.

Another example can be seen in the way that schools promote diversity and inclusion. While promoting diversity and inclusion is important, the way it is often taught in schools often devolves into promoting groupthink and suppressing dissenting opinions. Students are taught that their opinions must align with the politically correct view or face consequences, leading to a conformist and homogeneous culture. This reinforces the idea that individualism is unimportant and stifles critical thinking and creativity.
WOW.. That is complete bullshit as well.. and they didn't even attempt to hide it.. In fact, that is what the CHURCHES do, not the schools. When a child goes through school, they are instructed to read hundreds of different books, they're given assignments to pick their own books and create reports on those books or theatrical plays on those books or some other project relevant to the book THEY CHOSE on their own. Some assignments require specific books like math, science, biology etc. Other assignments require the child to pick their own book or subject.

How many books does a church issue? Yup.. just one.. and that books creates a "group think" and it most absolutely suppresses dissenting opinions, so much that its followers used to murder those who dissented.. and if you do dissent, you're going straight to hell where you will burn in a lake of fire and brimstone for not being a conformist.

Oh for f*cks sakes... you really can't see that?

What you are seeing, from the mormon moron, is a common religious attack practice today. The church is pissed off in a big way that society has removed its influence from our public schools. You see, churches need to indoctrinate children at a young age because if any hint of critical thinking or rational thought is allowed to grow within the child, the child will reject all religious bullshit as an adult.. which means less money for the churches.. So they attack the schools because the schools are no longer religious indoctrination accessory centers.

The promotion of a nihilistic worldview can also be seen in the way that schools address morality and ethics. Instead of teaching absolutes such as right and wrong, students are taught that morality is relative and subjective.
Morality is relative and subjective. Perhaps you should read some books on philosophy instead of the garbage in bibles? There's that binary thinking again from the mormon moron..

This leads to a sense of moral relativism and a lack of accountability for one’s actions.
It does lead to moral relativism, but the fact that he decided to tack on the second part "lack of accountability", was nothing but a sneaky physiological move. You can learn this type of thing in psychology.. I learned it from a book on dealing with difficult employees. When you want someone to accept something to further your goals, something you're not sure they will immediately accept, you must first feed them something you know they will accept, and preferably multiple things you know they will accept, before plugging them with what you want them to accept.
This is low level basic stuff.. but I guess that's on par with the type of irrational garbage religious institutions push.

This can be seen in the way that schools address issues such as cheating and plagiarism, where students are often given the impression that there is no objective standard of right and wrong, and that the only thing that matters is the end result.
Not even close. I have a child in school and everything you posted is complete bullshit.. Fake crap because the mormon moron is attacking the school system because they removed the influence of the church.

My advice: Never listen to a full grown adult in the 21st century who actually thinks magical invisible sky fairies are real and endorses the enslavement of other humans. Seriously, what kind of f*cked up person thinks that way?

Oh yeah.. one other thing while we're on the subject of plagiarism.. You just copied and pasted an entire article without crediting the author..
Who's the guilty party?

Like I said, you are very good at repeating what others tell you to repeat.

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diy solar