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diy solar

I suspect a Mouse is going to give the conservatives a beat down.


It just needs a bigger hammer
May 20, 2020
DeSantis crossed an important line and Disney acted smartly by waiting until it was clear enough for even an idiot to see..

Disney sues DeSantis, calling theme park takeover retaliation for ‘Don’t Say Gay’ opposition​

DeSantis crossed an important line and Disney acted smartly by waiting until it was clear enough for even an idiot to see..

Disney sues DeSantis, calling theme park takeover retaliation for ‘Don’t Say Gay’ opposition​

Except for the truth that the bill not once say in it "Don't say gay" This is an example of how the left lies. ( I bothered to download it to see for myself)
Except for the truth that the bill not once say in it "Don't say gay" This is an example of how the left lies. ( I bothered to download it to see for myself)
I wouldn't argue against your statement because it's probably 100% correct. But I don't think that's the point of the lawsuit.

Its pretty obvious that DeSantis is on a campaign war path over Disney's speech against the bill, and that is a big constitutional violation by every measure. DeSantis hasn't just engaged in verbal sparing or a public relations action, he's taken to using government powers and the legal system to punish Disney for their speech.

I'm 99% confident that even a super majority of conservatives on the supreme court is going to side with the mouse on this one, and no matter how much one disagrees with Disney's position, we all better hope the mouse wins.

Can you imagine the war and carnage that would ensue if republicans and democrats started using their elected positions to punish others for their speech?
Ya you have an opinion without reading the truth.
This is a case where truth doesn't matter.

It makes no difference whatsoever if the law DeSantis pushes is good or bad, truth or a lie. We have a constitutionally protected right to speak up against our government without fear of retribution for what we say.

In fact, that constitutionally protected right (1st amendment) is so important that the founders created a second right (2nd amendment) to make sure the first one stays in place.

Kind of strange how you right wingers don't seem to understand the constitution you so proudly claim to support. But I guess that's par for the course these days. People support religions they don't understand, laws they don't understand, and political ideologies they don't understand.

They're called sheepole...
This is a case where truth doesn't matter.

It makes no difference whatsoever if the law DeSantis pushes is good or bad, truth or a lie. We have a constitutionally protected right to speak up against our government without fear of retribution for what we say.

In fact, that constitutionally protected right (1st amendment) is so important that the founders created a second right (2nd amendment) to make sure the first one stays in place.

Kind of strange how you right wingers don't seem to understand the constitution you so proudly claim to support. But I guess that's par for the course these days. People support religions they don't understand, laws they don't understand, and political ideologies they don't understand.

They're called sheepole...
I guess you did not know that the deal end between Walt and Florida ended in 1966?
That happened in Louisiana in 1960.
DeSantis must have had a hell of.a throwing arm to hit that little girl from several states away and years before he was born.

Oh wait I get it... The people who threw rocks were white.... And DeSantis is white, and so are people opposed to teaching CRT.


Of course that makes sense to you, thats how your mind operates.
Explain again why Ruby Bridges is relevent in a thread about floridas governor and a florida amusement park?
You know why I dont give a flying fuck about Ruby Bridges? I didnt throw rocks at her. I wasnt alive then. If I was I wouldnt have associated with the people that did.
I am sick and fucking tired of race baiters like you suggesting that merely because I am white I am supposed to feel some burden of shame or guilt about what happened to her.
Thats racist to the core. And gets us nowhere. And where the fuck do you get off posting this divisive shit from 2000 miles away in another country? You getting your rocks off on whatever you can contribute to the discontent that results in the next BLM riots?
Youre a sick little fuck Leo.
That happened in Louisiana in 1960.
DeSantis must have had a hell of.a throwing arm to hit that little girl from several states away and years before he was born.

Oh wait I get it... The people who threw rocks were white.... And DeSantis is white, and so are people opposed to teaching CRT.


Of course that makes sense to you, thats how your mind operates.
Explain again why Ruby Bridges is relevent in a thread about floridas governor and a florida amusement park?
You know why I dont give a flying fuck about Ruby Bridges? I didnt throw rocks at her. I wasnt alive then. If I was I wouldnt have associated with the people that did.
I am sick and fucking tired of race baiters like you suggesting that merely because I am white I am supposed to feel some burden of shame or guilt about what happened to her.
Thats racist to the core. And gets us nowhere. And where the fuck do you get off posting this divisive shit from 2000 miles away in another country? You getting your rocks off on whatever you can contribute to the discontent that results in the next BLM riots?
Youre a sick little fuck Leo.
Where oh where, are children not educated about slavery in america? How would you even know? You dont have kids in our schools?
You think children arent taught about slavery? Why would you even think such a thing other than for race baiting? How stupid and ignorant of you. Stay out of our business, you dumb foreigner. Worry about your own back yard. Is your country really that insignificant you have nothing better to do with your time?
Where oh where, are children not educated about slavery in america? How would you even know? You dont have kids in our schools?
You think children arent taught about slavery? Why would you even think such a thing other than for race baiting? How stupid and ignorant of you. Stay out of our business, you dumb foreigner. Worry about your own back yard. Is your country really that insignificant you have nothing better to do with your time?
Ha. Story is behind a paywall.... AND bases its assertions on a report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, an extremist marxist organization with a long history of anti white racism and race baiting.
Nonetheless youve only proven that children are being and always have been taught about slavery.
A rule of history is that the further one goes from a historical point in time, the less accurate the accounts of events are. So these people want their revisionist history taught.

Stop wasting my time canuck. Go find some token black friends. Or wander around your city's ghetto at night with your open wallet in your hand, cash falling out. Im sure it wont take long for some black person to relieve you of your burden of conscience.
That author is a joke. Shes in a guardian article criticizing this:
"And in July in Iowa, teaching concepts that could lead to “discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of that individual’s race or sex” were prohibited."

Direct quote from her article.
She wants white children to live in psychological trauma and guilt for the actions of people 200 years ago. She wants the black kids to gang up and beat the white kids up.

Every time a whacko like leo complains that theyre preventing history from being taught, just look at the facts .
That passage from tne Iowa law is what the author of leos article has a problem with.

You try to do that to my kids and me and the other parents are gonna have a lynching and youre gonna swing. We dont like racists.
Ha. Story is behind a paywall....
Sorry about that.

AND bases its assertions on a report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, an extremist marxist organization with a long history of anti white racism and race baiting.
Nonetheless youve only proven that children are being and always have been taught about slavery.
That slavery was beneficial to the slaves?

A rule of history is that the further one goes from a historical point in time, the less accurate the accounts of events are. So these people want their revisionist history taught.
Actually, that isn't true, history, at least in the West has generally become more accurate in it's teaching. In part because historians from different nations get access to more sources, some that were once closed to them.

Stop wasting my time canuck.
Canuck? what is that?

Go find some token black friends. Or wander around your city's ghetto at night with your open wallet in your hand, cash falling out. Im sure it wont take long for some black person to relieve you of your burden of conscience.
Great way to show your bias.


Cities here are safe, although I would not walk around with an open wallet in my hand anywhere, it is uncomfortable and there are more convenient ways to pay for goods and services than with cash.
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They aren't NOT teaching history as in slavery etc.

They are against the part that came about in the mid 80's where they teach that things like math, the broken window fallacy etc are racist constructs meant to keep minorities from being successful.

They dabbled in this when I was in elementary school...of course it was an outside speaker who came to talk to the class about "white privilege".

Whom of course charged the school a fee for doing so.
.... and then there's this.

If you value free speech and object to censorship, you better hope Disney wins.

While you may (or may not), agree with their speech, what is happening with Disney and DeSantis is the same as what the gov does with twitter and facebook.

It is "censorship by manipulation of law or favor" IE: Capitulate to our demands or lose the benefit of laws or regulations that we created to support your business.

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