diy solar

diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

What about the 70% you paid out of pocket?
Only around 50% of the installation came from my pocket. Between the 30% tax credit on the entire $12k installation that I was able to compound atop of the stimulus money sent to both myself and Wifey, I paid $6k and y'all the taxpayer, paid $6k (round numbers for simplicity sake).
Only around 50% of the installation came from my pocket. Between the 30% tax credit on the entire $12k installation that I was able to compound atop of the stimulus money sent to both myself and Wifey, I paid $6k and y'all the taxpayer, paid $6k (round numbers for simplicity sake).

Sounds like super funsies! ?
I fully fund 401k to the max as well as other write downs as well as having kids.

I actually get the earned income credit and do not pay any federal tax but will probably have to when the kids turn 18.

Oh I guess though if you're that old it comes out of the Medicare contribution but that is offset by the eei.
Good luck with your 401k. They make great rainy day funds. They don't stack up to Defined Benefit Pension Funds though, especially since recent legislation was passed to protect them from the greedy oligarchs and wanna-be oligarchs. I vested in 3 of them during my career and Wifey is vested in one as well. Like I said 401ks are great for a rainy day or midlife crisis, but crap for a pension. DBFs never run dry.
Well yeah, I mean
Good luck with your 401k. They make great rainy day funds. They don't stack up to Defined Benefit Pension Funds though, especially since recent legislation was passed to protect them from the greedy oligarchs and wanna-be oligarchs. I vested in 3 of them during my career and Wifey is vested in one as well. Like I said 401ks are great for a rainy day or midlife crisis, but crap for a pension. DBFs never run dry.

Thank you for the well-wishes.

Who are your DBP's with and how much are the management fees etc?
Well yeah, I mean

Thank you for the well-wishes.

Who are your DBP's with and how much are the management fees etc?
3-IBEW (local, national and international funds) & 1-Teamsters. Management is all done in house and now and with the passing of the IRA both unions and their pensions are going to grow like never before. Even the reddest of states are soaking up the infrastructure cash and putting union workers to work modernizing America.
3-IBEW (local, national and international funds) & 1-Teamsters. Management is all done in house and now and with the passing of the IRA both unions and their pensions are going to grow like never before. Even the reddest of states are soaking up the infrastructure cash and putting union workers to work modernizing America.

I'm anti-union so that won't work for me.
Well Batshit, it's pretty obvious you suffer from a reading comprehension deficit. It's either that or you believe I suffer from the aforementioned reading deficit. I stand by my remarks and continue to challenge you to show me quotes from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris saying that they..."would not trust any vaccine developed under Trump."
I freely admit a certain lazy streak that rears up in the face of batshit crazy tRumpers who seem to be obsessed with repeating themselves. Once I've read something I move on. You seem to be stuck in a loop, or a silo, or a bubble, or...

give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality.

I don't jerk. I stroke. :cool:
From the other link:

"She took the opportunity to explain that she would not get a vaccine pushed by Trump."

Im not here to play games with you. I dont have to provide references for the statement as YOU are now framing it. Get over yourself.
From the other link:

"She took the opportunity to explain that she would not get a vaccine pushed by Trump."

Im not here to play games with you. I dont have to provide references for the statement as YOU are now framing it. Get over yourself.

Says the guy who thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"

Stupid can't be fixed.

Some guys talk about hot-rods, hot girls, big machines, rockets and maybe football.

Liberal males blab on about vaccines they don't understand.

You're a vaccine enthusiast. That is very sad to see. ?
Rockets? You want to talk about rockets? Are you sure about that?

It's been my observation that you should not talk about anything related to science.. You might want to stick to girls, cars and big machines.
Says the guy who thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"

Stupid can't be fixed.

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Why do you keep bringing up a subject you were thoroughly embarrassed over? If you dont think thats an issue I am sure NASA would like to hear from you. They spend hundreds of millions of dollars hoping to reduce the chances of such comtamination, both inbound and outbound.
Youre just a troll, and not even a very good one at that.
But that's not the quote I was given to search for. And she did say that if the vaccine was recommended by the doctors, she would take it (and that was within the timeframe of tRump's admin.). She said if Trump said to take it, she would not take it. That's very different from "They urged people to not take "Trumps vaccine".
Youre reaching for a distinction that doesnt exist. How could a doctor approved vaccine be intruduced while Trump was president, that he personally accelerated the process for, BUT Trump didnt tell people to take?
Its impossible.
Fuck you, if you cant admit when youre clearly wrong, why should anyone take your word for it when you say youre right?
What kind of loser are you to sell out your credibility to defend bad behavior by politicians?
They did in fact urge Americans to not take vaccines that Trump introduced. That covers any vaccine up until January 20, 2021.
Youre just wrong.
Why do you keep bringing up a subject you were thoroughly embarrassed over? If you dont think thats an issue I am sure NASA would like to hear from you. They spend hundreds of millions of dollars hoping to reduce the chances of such comtamination, both inbound and outbound.
Youre just a troll, and not even a very good one at that.
You really are that stupid.. You can't even read an article and comprehend what is being said.

That's fine.. The screen grab isn't there for you, its there because anyone with an IQ of more than around 50 will see your statements and realize the scope of your ignorance.

Im not here to play games with you.
Well of course you are.
"She took the opportunity to explain that she would not get a vaccine pushed by Trump."
Obviously not a quote by Harris, but a quote of someone speaking about Harris.
This is what I said.

They urged people to not take "Trumps vaccine".

The links and history reflect my claim accurately.
But nobody cares what you said.
Fuck you, if you cant admit when youre clearly wrong, why should anyone take your word for it when you say youre right?
What kind of loser are you to sell out your credibility to defend bad behavior by politicians?

Projecting onto others is your only defense and lies are your only product. While offers of sex are inappropriate they are still a signal to your orientation.
They urged people to not take "Trumps vaccine".
I mostly ignore the recommendations of politicians, including the ones I'd vote for, when it comes to health care and listen to my doctor instead.

The links and history reflect my claim accurately.
No it doesn't.

You really are that stupid.. You can't even read an article and comprehend what is being said.

That's fine.. The screen grab isn't there for you, its there because anyone with an IQ of more than around 50 will see your statements and realize the scope of your ignorance.

View attachment 159350

You don't have an audience and your punches aren't landing.

You are up at 2:00 in the morning on a pc trying to be a poopy head to someone in hopes of hurting their feelings.

Now that has to be painful.
Well of course you are.

Obviously not a quote by Harris, but a quote of someone speaking about Harris.

But nobody cares what you said.

Projecting onto others is your only defense and lies are your only product. While offers of sex are inappropriate they are still a signal to your orientation.

Exchange of sex for solar panels is illegal in all 50 states but not Puerto Rico.

diy solar

diy solar