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diy solar

400A Solar Ready Electrical Panel: Direct tie Inverter?

Steve R

New Member
Jul 24, 2023

My electrician installed a Siemens 400A, solar ready, meter combination, electrical panel. Ive never seen a "solar ready" panel before but i noticed that there are presumably 2x 100A breaker slots on the far left, followed by a meter in the center, and breakers on the right side. I was wondering if I could put 2x 50A double pole breakers and directly tie in both my EG4 18k inverters--essentially treating the solar ready section of the panel like a AC combiner box. Thoughts?

I don't see any reason not to. That's what it's designed for. Grid-tied solar.
Yeah, the 2x spots on the top right are to feed a 200A subpanel. This is a off grid system so im not worried about the meter/ utility. It just seems too easy to be true...
If you will never have utility, that thing is more than you need. But, extra separately bussed spaces are great for any setup.

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