diy solar

diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

And take note, you and I have a difference of opinion and I'm not resorting to juvenile behavior.. that's because you're not posting misinformation or distortions.

Perhaps it is more than that because you are inconsistent.

Leo has posted misinformation regarding Trump being convicted of crimes more than a few times. I know because I have also explained the differences between civil and criminal courts in the US to him in the past when he has done so, and because he continues to do so it appears he has an agenda due to his dislike of Trump. In other words, the misinformation appears to have a purpose.

Yet the tone of your response to him when you explained the differences was far different than it is when you respond to certain other people here.

That said, I really do not believe that the world needs to be saved by misinformation crusaders.
So you agree Leo shouldn't be spewing opinions about our political system and the opinions are worthless and irrelevant?
They can't even share where they live.
Leo does not conceal the fact he is not from the USA. That said, I would tentatively agree that his opinions, in the context of our political system, are irrelevant and have a low value. Not sure if I would consider them completely worthless, as his opinions knowing he's from another country, might occasionally provide insight into other perspectives. But low value in regards to our system? = yes.

If he was pretending to be from the USA while actually in another country, I would have a problem with that.
Leo does not conceal the fact he is not from the USA.
But he conceals what country he lives in.
That said, I would tentatively agree that his opinions, in the context of our political system, are irrelevant and have a low value. Not sure if I would consider them completely worthless, as his opinions knowing he's from another country, might occasionally provide insight into other perspectives. But low value in regards to our system? = yes.

If he was pretending to be from the USA while actually in another country, I would have a problem with that.
Perhaps it is more than that because you are inconsistent.

Leo has posted misinformation regarding Trump being convicted of crimes more than a few times. I know because I have also explained the differences between civil and criminal courts in the US to him in the past when he has done so, and because he continues to do so it appears he has an agenda due to his dislike of Trump. In other words, the misinformation appears to have a purpose.

Yet the tone of your response to him when you explained the differences was far different than it is when you respond to certain other people here.

That said, I really do not believe that the world needs to be saved by misinformation crusaders.

Your point is taken, understood, and I see it has validity. However, we don't live in the proverbial vacuum so I will make the following statements based on your reply:
1) Leo can not be expected to understand our court systems. It is my opinion that if he doesn't understand them, he shouldn't be commenting on them. In that respect, Leo was wrong to post that.

2) He's not hiding the fact that he's from another country. With this in mind, it somewhat excuses some of his misleading political or court opinions. Although he shouldn't be making them in the first place. This is a very different standard than an opinion based on science. Political systems and judicial systems vary from nation to nation, science does not.

3) We all make mistakes. The questions are: 1) do we learn from them? 2) Are they mistakes or are they propaganda.

Leo leans very strongly on the liberal side.. and judging from his statements in here, he's riding the line between a normal liberal and an extremist liberal as measured from within the context of the USA system. He might be "middle of the road" in his country, I don't know.

That's my take on it.. I don't have a liberal or conservative side.. Wrong is wrong, right is right, and science is science.. I really don't care who is talking, as is evident from my pointed correction of his post.
But he conceals what country he lives in.
I'm not sure how to interpret that. Maybe he lives in a country were he has to use a VPN to avoid government snooping or retribution? Maybe he's concerned that blasting the opinions of Americans, who own guns, could be hazardous for himself? (that seems extreme)... or maybe he's just worried about his ISP?

I have no idea.. have you asked him why he conceals that information? What did he say?

Also, why does it matter? I really don't care where he lives, so long as he's not pretending to be espousing opinions about America as an American.

He could be Edward Snowden in disguise for all we know.. or one of Trump's ex wives... That would be funny..
I'm not sure how to interpret that. Maybe he lives in a country were he has to use a VPN to avoid government snooping or retribution? Maybe he's concerned that blasting the opinions of Americans, who own guns, could be hazardous for himself? (that seems extreme)... or maybe he's just worried about his ISP?
OK I could buy that.

I have no idea.. have you asked him why he conceals that information? What did he say?
He has been asked many times. Never answers.

Also, why does it matter?
As an example, What if he is Russian?
I really don't care where he lives, so long as he's not pretending to be espousing opinions about America as an American.

He could be Edward Snowden in disguise for all we know.. or one of Trump's ex wives... That would be funny..
I guess.
Cut to the chase murph.

Youve yet to prove exactly why this statement, which wasnt mine to begin with, is so wrong it deserves your constant ridicule and ad hominems:

"we might be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"

You attempted a condescending rant about how people lack your vast knowledge about where our solar system ends and where the galaxy begins. Not only do definitions differ on the solar systems boundaries, (with proof offered by NASA saying our probes left the solar system) but its irrelevent because the probes arent OUTSIDE the galaxy now travelling to it.

Your semantic stupidity does not equal others being wrong. Youre searching for any obtuse angle to continue being a fucking punk ass bitch.

Really now. If we choose to include the only theoretical oort cloud, does it fucking matter that its another 300 years if the organism survives and infects other worlds? Havent we then spread organisms throughout the galaxy?

You have been given links to NASA programs showing their extensive efforts to keep earth organisms away from our spacecraft.

Your only position seems to be semantics of your own creation presented as a pompous arrogant windbag.

I guess this is where you reply with something like " if you are so stupid to not see why Im right then youre too stupid to understand my explanation."

Your family must despise you. Is that why you are here only to condescendingly abuse people? Theyve had enough of it?
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My dog (pictured in my avatar thingy), is a yellow Labrador. She's the most lovable bag of fur you'd ever meet.. except when she's hunting for rabbits.. then she's like Arnold Schwarzenegger going after that space alien.
Oh my. What do we do with someone so rerarded that he thinks arnold schwarzenneggar actually goes after space aliens!
Didnt you even get through first grade?
You said it. Ill put it in a signature in all my posts for a month, just so people can see how much better I am than the rest of you. Now, I finally have an online life just like murphyguy.
Cut to the chase murph.

Youve yet to prove exactly why this statement, which wasnt mine to begin with, is so wrong it deserves your constant ridicule and ad hominems:

"we might be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"
Sigh.. This is me with my head down and face in my palm.

I have already explained why the statement is wrong, but I'll do it again..
Lets put it this way.. If NASA could magically go back to the time when the pyramids were being built (5000 years ago?), and launch Voyager 1, it would still not have left our solar system today. It wouldn't even be close to leaving..

Human technology is not capable of leaving our solar system yet in any reasonable human time frame.. Voyager 1 is traveling at an escape velocity high enough to do it, but that velocity is still so ridiculously slow it will take another 30,000 years before it gets past our Oort cloud.. Then another 30,000+ years before it has any chance of contaminating any other solar system. Even project "Breakthrough Star Shot" wants to use FUTURE technological advances to send a 2 Gram (0.07 ounce) probe out of our solar system in the hopes it will get to the next closest star sometime within the next 50 to 100 years.. and to do that, they're going to need a desert sized array of the most powerful lasers ever produced sucking up a significant fraction of our entire nation's grid capacity, to push it to the speeds required to get to the next closest star within a human time frame. 2 grams.. Not 2 kilograms, 2 grams.. Actually, the plan is just 1 gram.. I'm being generous.

And I'm pretty sure the project will fail. Why? Because traveling at such speeds means that every space proton that strikes the probe will hit it with enough energy to cause mind boggling damage at those speeds. My guess is that by the time that gram sized probe gets there, it won't be much more than a loose cloud of atoms.

Such comments as "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" are the scientifically intellectual equivalent of a child crying because they think monsters are under their bed. It shows a stunning level of gross ignorance. It shows that the person making such comments has absolutely zero comprehension of our solar system, space, astronomy, speed, distance, etc. And yet this person argues about science all day long and they're an expert in virology, immunology, global warming, etc etc.

Pathetically comical doesn't even begin to describe it. I'm being serious, at that level, its a mental illness..

You attempted a condescending rant about how people lack your vast knowledge about where our solar system ends and where the galaxy begins. Not only do definitions differ on the solar systems boundaries, (with proof offered by NASA saying our probes left the solar system) but its irrelevent because the probes arent OUTSIDE the galaxy now travelling to it.
No, no, and no. Definitions do not differ on where our solar system ends.. The only difference is between those educated in the subject, and the public relations communications meant for the ignorant masses. Mix in a little human opinion on how technical the publication should be, and we end up with people like you arguing about things you know nothing about.
Either way, you will not find any statement on a NASA page about "spreading life thru the galaxy". What you will find are concerns about a contaminated probe (orbiter or lander) within our "planetary system" causing problems.

Voyager 1 has left our planetary system.. It did that a long time ago when it flew past the orbit of Pluto.. if we want to still call Pluto a planet, which it isn't. Would you care to know WHY Pluto isn't a planet? There's a scientific reason for that.. they didn't just decide one day it wasn't big enough or something.

Voyager 1 has also left our Sun's magnetic bubble and it is now experiencing the winds of interstellar space.. but it has NOT left our Sun's gravitational influence.. and probably never will. It will most likely never even reach the inner boundary of the Oort cloud in the next 300 years because our technology will most likely have advanced to a point where we decide to fly out there and get it for a museum..

You have been given links to NASA programs showing their extensive efforts to keep earth organisms away from our spacecraft.
Yes? So? We keep organisms out of our space probes so they don't contaminate any place we land, or so they don't cause problems with the sensitive instruments those spacecraft use. That has nothing to do with "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"

Your only position seems to be semantics of your own creation presented as a pompous arrogant windbag.

I guess this is where you reply with something like " if you are so stupid to not see why Im right then youre too stupid to understand my explanation."

Your family must despise you. Is that why you are here only to condescendingly abuse people? Theyve had enough of it?
My position is that even after educating you on the subject, you have a militant objection to learning.. You're not just slow or reluctant, you seem to despise the act of acquiring information if it doesn't already confirm your own irrational beliefs.

There's a difference between stupid and ignorant.. Ignorant is when you don't know something, stupid is when you refuse to learn.. or are incapable of learning.

Instead of picking my knowledge of the subject to learn something you're ignorant of, you decided to argue. Posting stupid link after stupid link trying to prove a ridiculously dumb point that isn't valid to begin with. Instead of thinking to yourself "Hey, we have someone in the forum who knows a lot more about this subject than the average person, lets ask questions".. You decided to double and triple down and argue about something you have no knowledge about.. all because you can type something into google.

Learn to accept when you're ignorant of a specific subject.. Its why I don't take part in discussions involving art, music, sports, cooking, interior design, or other things I'm not educated in.
Sigh.. This is me with my head down and face in my palm.

I have already explained why the statement is wrong, but I'll do it again..
Lets put it this way.. If NASA could magically go back to the time when the pyramids were being built (5000 years ago?), and launch Voyager 1, it would still not have left our solar system today. It wouldn't even be close to leaving..

Human technology is not capable of leaving our solar system yet in any reasonable human time frame.. Voyager 1 is traveling at an escape velocity high enough to do it, but that velocity is still so ridiculously slow it will take another 30,000 years before it gets past our Oort cloud.. Then another 30,000+ years before it has any chance of contaminating any other solar system. Even project "Breakthrough Star Shot" wants to use FUTURE technological advances to send a 2 Gram (0.07 ounce) probe out of our solar system in the hopes it will get to the next closest star sometime within the next 50 to 100 years.. and to do that, they're going to need a desert sized array of the most powerful lasers ever produced sucking up a significant fraction of our entire nation's grid capacity, to push it to the speeds required to get to the next closest star within a human time frame. 2 grams.. Not 2 kilograms, 2 grams.. Actually, the plan is just 1 gram.. I'm being generous.

And I'm pretty sure the project will fail. Why? Because traveling at such speeds means that every space proton that strikes the probe will hit it with enough energy to cause mind boggling damage at those speeds. My guess is that by the time that gram sized probe gets there, it won't be much more than a loose cloud of atoms.

Such comments as "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" are the scientifically intellectual equivalent of a child crying because they think monsters are under their bed. It shows a stunning level of gross ignorance. It shows that the person making such comments has absolutely zero comprehension of our solar system, space, astronomy, speed, distance, etc. And yet this person argues about science all day long and they're an expert in virology, immunology, global warming, etc etc.

Pathetically comical doesn't even begin to describe it. I'm being serious, at that level, its a mental illness..

No, no, and no. Definitions do not differ on where our solar system ends.. The only difference is between those educated in the subject, and the public relations communications meant for the ignorant masses. Mix in a little human opinion on how technical the publication should be, and we end up with people like you arguing about things you know nothing about.
Either way, you will not find any statement on a NASA page about "spreading life thru the galaxy". What you will find are concerns about a contaminated probe (orbiter or lander) within our "planetary system" causing problems.

Voyager 1 has left our planetary system.. It did that a long time ago when it flew past the orbit of Pluto.. if we want to still call Pluto a planet, which it isn't. Would you care to know WHY Pluto isn't a planet? There's a scientific reason for that.. they didn't just decide one day it wasn't big enough or something.

Voyager 1 has also left our Sun's magnetic bubble and it is now experiencing the winds of interstellar space.. but it has NOT left our Sun's gravitational influence.. and probably never will. It will most likely never even reach the inner boundary of the Oort cloud in the next 300 years because our technology will most likely have advanced to a point where we decide to fly out there and get it for a museum..

Yes? So? We keep organisms out of our space probes so they don't contaminate any place we land, or so they don't cause problems with the sensitive instruments those spacecraft use. That has nothing to do with "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"

My position is that even after educating you on the subject, you have a militant objection to learning.. You're not just slow or reluctant, you seem to despise the act of acquiring information if it doesn't already confirm your own irrational beliefs.

There's a difference between stupid and ignorant.. Ignorant is when you don't know something, stupid is when you refuse to learn.. or are incapable of learning.

Instead of picking my knowledge of the subject to learn something you're ignorant of, you decided to argue. Posting stupid link after stupid link trying to prove a ridiculously dumb point that isn't valid to begin with. Instead of thinking to yourself "Hey, we have someone in the forum who knows a lot more about this subject than the average person, lets ask questions".. You decided to double and triple down and argue about something you have no knowledge about.. all because you can type something into google.

Learn to accept when you're ignorant of a specific subject.. Its why I don't take part in discussions involving art, music, sports, cooking, interior design, or other things I'm not educated in.

*shakes fist at ort cloud*
Perhaps. You assume Russia likes him.......

Putin does like Trump.. They both subscribe to the authoritarian government philosophy. Putin, while not an outright dictator, is as close as one can be to being a dictator. The rest of his government is basically a group of puppets.

Trump holds the same authoritarian philosophy.. and its a philosophy I understand and wholly subscribe to within a business atmosphere.. but not a nation..

Authoritarianism, where one person has near unilateral and unchecked power, makes nations safer from a crime level perspective. There would be fewer murders, fewer rapes, and less crime over all. Authoritarianism has a whole set of positive benefits to any nation that embraces it.. but it also has one unfortunate side effect.. and its a big one.. Authoritarian nations do not excel at anything and never have. The authoritarian system stifles innovation, free market, and the freedom of expression and liberties of its citizens.

Here's a breakdown:
USA: You invent, you get rich, you do what you want.
China: You invent, you get rich, you do what we want or else.
Russia: You invent, we get rich, you do what we want or else.

Be careful what you subscribe to.. the brochures are always nice, the reality is usually very different.
Putin does like Trump..
I would agree that there was mutual respect between the two. (When Trump was in office ) After all they could obliterate this planet as we know it.
They both subscribe to the authoritarian government philosophy.
We need a strong person to deal with all the cronyism in the current government.
Putin, while not an outright dictator,
semantics. He is a ruthless killer of women and children. You cross him and you will mysteriously fall from a tall building window.....
But I digress if you believe he is not a dictator........
is as close as one can be to being a dictator. The rest of his government is basically a group of puppets.
They wish to live in luxury......
Trump holds the same authoritarian philosophy.. and its a philosophy I understand and wholly subscribe to within a business atmosphere.. but not a nation..
Lets agree to disagree on this.
Authoritarianism, where one person has near unilateral and unchecked power, makes nations safer from a crime level perspective. There would be fewer murders, fewer rapes, and less crime over all. Authoritarianism has a whole set of positive benefits to any nation that embraces it.. but it also has one unfortunate side effect.. and its a big one.. Authoritarian nations do not excel at anything and never have. The authoritarian system stifles innovation, free market, and the freedom of expression and liberties of its citizens.
You are dealing with absolutes. It is not that simple.
Here's a breakdown:
USA: You invent, you get rich, you do what you want.
China: You invent, you get rich, you do what we want or else.
Russia: You invent, we get rich, you do what we want or else.
That is obvious to anyone that pays attention.
Be careful what you subscribe to.. the brochures are always nice, the reality is usually very different.
Yes and if one does not seek the truth, one will not find it......
Last time I checked it was biden and his handlers and lackeys at the state level that fired snowplow drivers for not getting the jab, well after knowing it didn't provide sterilizing immunity as claimed.

That's pretty authoritarian.

The worse part about democrat, commie libtards is how unmanly their tyranny is. It's all creepy, backdoor hatchet nonsense because they are too big of pussies to get in your face.
We need a strong person to deal with all the cronyism in the current government.
There has been very little cronyism in government until Trump took office. If you disagree, please give me an example. Trump on the other hand, appointed his own family to official positions.

semantics. He is a ruthless killer of women and children. You cross him and you will mysteriously fall from a tall building window.....
But I digress if you believe he is not a dictator........

They wish to live in luxury......
Yeah.. I'm not going to argue or split hairs, we can agree he's not a good person.

You are dealing with absolutes. It is not that simple.
Not really, at least I don't see that. Authoritarian nations never do very well. China is a great example. If China went democratic, the USA would become a distant 2nd place in a very short time. China has a higher average IQ than we do in the USA, the only thing holding them back is the fact that no one really wants to put their life into something that their government can take.
Sigh.. This is me with my head down and face in my palm.

I have already explained why the statement is wrong, but I'll do it again..
Lets put it this way.. If NASA could magically go back to the time when the pyramids were being built (5000 years ago?), and launch Voyager 1, it would still not have left our solar system today. It wouldn't even be close to leaving..

Human technology is not capable of leaving our solar system yet in any reasonable human time frame.. Voyager 1 is traveling at an escape velocity high enough to do it, but that velocity is still so ridiculously slow it will take another 30,000 years before it gets past our Oort cloud.. Then another 30,000+ years before it has any chance of contaminating any other solar system. Even project "Breakthrough Star Shot" wants to use FUTURE technological advances to send a 2 Gram (0.07 ounce) probe out of our solar system in the hopes it will get to the next closest star sometime within the next 50 to 100 years.. and to do that, they're going to need a desert sized array of the most powerful lasers ever produced sucking up a significant fraction of our entire nation's grid capacity, to push it to the speeds required to get to the next closest star within a human time frame. 2 grams.. Not 2 kilograms, 2 grams.. Actually, the plan is just 1 gram.. I'm being generous.

And I'm pretty sure the project will fail. Why? Because traveling at such speeds means that every space proton that strikes the probe will hit it with enough energy to cause mind boggling damage at those speeds. My guess is that by the time that gram sized probe gets there, it won't be much more than a loose cloud of atoms.

Such comments as "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes" are the scientifically intellectual equivalent of a child crying because they think monsters are under their bed. It shows a stunning level of gross ignorance. It shows that the person making such comments has absolutely zero comprehension of our solar system, space, astronomy, speed, distance, etc. And yet this person argues about science all day long and they're an expert in virology, immunology, global warming, etc etc.

Pathetically comical doesn't even begin to describe it. I'm being serious, at that level, its a mental illness..

No, no, and no. Definitions do not differ on where our solar system ends.. The only difference is between those educated in the subject, and the public relations communications meant for the ignorant masses. Mix in a little human opinion on how technical the publication should be, and we end up with people like you arguing about things you know nothing about.
Either way, you will not find any statement on a NASA page about "spreading life thru the galaxy". What you will find are concerns about a contaminated probe (orbiter or lander) within our "planetary system" causing problems.

Voyager 1 has left our planetary system.. It did that a long time ago when it flew past the orbit of Pluto.. if we want to still call Pluto a planet, which it isn't. Would you care to know WHY Pluto isn't a planet? There's a scientific reason for that.. they didn't just decide one day it wasn't big enough or something.

Voyager 1 has also left our Sun's magnetic bubble and it is now experiencing the winds of interstellar space.. but it has NOT left our Sun's gravitational influence.. and probably never will. It will most likely never even reach the inner boundary of the Oort cloud in the next 300 years because our technology will most likely have advanced to a point where we decide to fly out there and get it for a museum..

Yes? So? We keep organisms out of our space probes so they don't contaminate any place we land, or so they don't cause problems with the sensitive instruments those spacecraft use. That has nothing to do with "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"

My position is that even after educating you on the subject, you have a militant objection to learning.. You're not just slow or reluctant, you seem to despise the act of acquiring information if it doesn't already confirm your own irrational beliefs.

There's a difference between stupid and ignorant.. Ignorant is when you don't know something, stupid is when you refuse to learn.. or are incapable of learning.

Instead of picking my knowledge of the subject to learn something you're ignorant of, you decided to argue. Posting stupid link after stupid link trying to prove a ridiculously dumb point that isn't valid to begin with. Instead of thinking to yourself "Hey, we have someone in the forum who knows a lot more about this subject than the average person, lets ask questions".. You decided to double and triple down and argue about something you have no knowledge about.. all because you can type something into google.

Learn to accept when you're ignorant of a specific subject.. Its why I don't take part in discussions involving art, music, sports, cooking, interior design, or other things I'm not educated in.
The fact a probe may take 30,000 more years to reach another solar system negates the concern, how?
Again, why does NASA go to such great lengths if theyres nothing to worry about because its so far?
If its so far it happens 30,000 years in the future we still did it didnt we?

Why dont you inform Stanford and NASA of your opinions? They contradict yours.

"Even before Sputnik, there were scientific meetings that discussed the potential for space exploration to a) carry earthly microbes to other worlds, thereby confusing or contaminating future scientific investigations"

Theyre discussing the possibility right there. Are they stupid?
The fact is microbes from our world dont have to travel a minimum of 30,000 years to contaminate space. There are concerns mars would be contaminated and our research there compromised.
Mars is in fact in the same galaxy as bodies 50,000 or 100,000 years away.
No special qualifier was ever stated life had to be some minimum distance outside our solar system.

Youre suggesting I am supposed to fawn over your superior knowledge about astronomy yet youve still not explained how these random tangents you introduce could possibly disprove the statement, which in itself is proven by NASAs efforts to prevent it.

If it couldnt possibly happen by virtue of distance, why has NASA had longstanding strict protocols requiring sterilization?

You just throw out astronomical facts that have ZERO bearing on the discussion.
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The fact a probe may take 30,000 more years to reach another solar system negates the concern, how?
Again, why does NASA go to such great lengths if theyres nothing to worry about because its so far?
If its so far it happens 30,000 years in the future we still did it didnt we?

Why dont you inform Stanford and NASA of your opinions? They contradict yours.

"Even before Sputnik, there were scientific meetings that discussed the potential for space exploration to a) carry earthly microbes to other worlds, thereby confusing or contaminating future scientific investigations"

Theyre discussing the possibility right there. Are they stupid?
The fact is microbes from our world dont have to travel a minimum of 30,000 years to contaminate space. There are concerns mars would be contaminated and our research there compromised.
Mars is in fact in the same galaxy as bodies 50,000 or 100,000 years away.
No special qualifier was ever stated life had to be some minimum distance outside our solar system.

Youre suggesting I am supposed to fawn over your superior knowledge about astronomy yet youve still not explained how these random tangents you introduce could possibly disprove the statement, which in itself is proven by NASAs efforts to prevent it.

If it couldnt possibly happen by virtue of distance, why has NASA had longstanding strict protocols requiring sterilization?

You just throw out astronomical facts that have ZERO bearing on the discussion.

And why are you quoting and referencing NASA ?
Again, why does NASA go to such great lengths if theyres nothing to worry about because its so far?
So by your understanding, the Tesla Roadster that Elon sent in the general direction of Mars back in 2018, was carefully cleansed of any and all possible life forms before being mounted inside the fairing of a Falcon Heavy and with great fanfare launched, while Space Oddity was blaring from its sound system and a dummy astronaut sat at the wheel? Is that the extreme NASA caution you speak of?
So by your understanding, the Tesla Roadster that Elon sent in the general direction of Mars back in 2018, was carefully cleansed of any and all possible life forms before being mounted inside the fairing of a Falcon Heavy and with great fanfare launched, while Space Oddity was blaring from its sound system and a dummy astronaut sat at the wheel? Is that the extreme NASA caution you speak of?
He probably considers that to be a conspiracy too...

Never argue with a stupid person, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
First off, I treat people like they deserve to be treated. Anyone who has chosen to spend their life playing video games and smoking dope, who then gets on the internet to spread misinformation, will get from me what they deserve. Two or three of these guys in here are most likely from Russian troll farms.. Even had a conversation with Will Prowse about it and he said there's no easy solution to the problem.
Hey now I like blazing weed and playing video games but am very adamant abut trying (futilely) to stop the spread of disinformation. Don't lump all us pot heads gamers in with these boomer idiots. I doubt most of them smoke weed or play video games.

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”​

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain
I know where I stand with this saying. Where are you with it? ( I hope I got the Where right due to you tossing in my face when I misused it.)
I didn't do too well in English classes either, which is why I make an effort to check everything.

As for the quote, I find it to be one of those useless pieces of shallow wisdom that are so prevalent in our society. Its based on historical experiences and was probably true enough in those times.. completely inaccurate and useless in the modern world.

I'll take a genius in a wheelchair with a 200 IQ over a tough Rambo type every time.

diy solar

diy solar