diy solar

diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

That's a very good point.. but there is also a very good reason for it..

Elon Musk isn't subject to the pitfalls of tax payer ignorance or stupidity. If he crashes a rocket, public opinion means almost nothing. When NASA crashes a rocket, entire committees are formed and demand answers and seek someone to blame.

Also, while Musk has done some really cool things, lets see how well he does trying to land on another planet without NASA data..

When we compare, we must compare apples to apples

Worst take ever.
We are not "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes".. That's not even possible at this point in our civilization.

It is apparent that the concepts and science involved in this discussion are beyond your understanding. Just because we are part of our galaxy, it does not mean we can influence anything outside our own solar system.. even if we tried. Even if NASA wanted to, they couldn't "spread life thru our galaxy with our space probes".

The distances involved are so vast your tiny little monkey brain isn't capable of comprehending them beyond some very large and silly numbers on a piece of paper.. Don't feel bad, my tiny little monkey brain has trouble with it too.

Yes, but after berating him for such a stupid question because it shows a total lack of comprehension on the subject, he then went on to argue that he was right all along.. and you joined that path of stupidity. Neither of you has a clue of what you're discussing. Far more alarming than your ignorance, because we are all ignorant of certain things, is your lack of ability to acknowledge your own ignorance. That lack of ability, or lack of willingness, is dangerous to your health and wellness, and it has most likely caused severe problems in your life.

A much better way to go about things is to admit your ignorance, then start studying the subject and bash that ignorance into the ground, run it over with a garbage truck, then back up and run it over again.....

The first step in getting rid of ignorance is to get rid of beliefs.

You're welcome, and I sincerely hope I have expanded your knowledge, whatever it was when we started. I'm more than happy to talk astronomy anytime.


"of less concern, is that such a bacteria could possibly multiply on the planet. Theoretically it might be possible."

I will ask you again. If it took 50,000 years for voyager to completely exit the solar system (by your own definitions) and it crashed on another planet, with a hibernating organism on it (highly unlikely) didnt we spread life thru the galaxy?

If Im in California, and I mail a letter to Nevada, I mailed a letter in the United States didnt I?

So if we send a probe to Pluto, didnt we send it somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy?

Make the distance whatever you like.

Have a great trolly day.
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"of less concern, is that such a bacteria could possibly multiply on the planet. Theoretically it might be possible."

I will ask you again. If it took 50,000 years for voyager to completely exit the solar system (by your own definitions) and it crashed on another planet, with a hibernating organism on it (highly unlikely) didnt we spread life thru the galaxy?
1) Not 50,000 years, about 80,000 years to the next closest star at Voyager speeds.

2) Any contact Voyager has with another planet, or even a body with enough mass, would result in Voyager being turned into a ball of plasma.
If Voyager entered a planet with an atmosphere, its speed would cause the atmospheric compression to turn Voyager into a ball of plasma, which would kill any organism. If the planet did not have an atmosphere, then Voyager and the organism would be turned into plasma upon impact.

3) To my knowledge, there are no known organisms on Earth that can survive the radiation of a trip for that long.. So the organism would be dead when it got there.

4) Why are you so desperate to defend someone who asked such a ridiculously stupid question and then attempted, beyond all logic and science, to defend it with gross and comically pathetic ignorance? It seems you have some ethical issues when it comes to such things. Didn't anyone teach you how to lose gracefully and with honor?

If Im in California, and I mail a letter to Nevada, I mailed a letter in the United States didnt I?
Not if you don't put a stamp or address on the envelope and it never ends up leaving your mailbox..

Wow, I'm surprised.. I didn't think I could dumb myself down that much but I did it!

So if we send a probe to Pluto, didnt we send it somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy?

Make the distance whatever you like.

Have a great trolly day.
Your desperation to use semantics in a poor attempt to defend someone's gross ignorance is kind of comical.. stupid, but comical.. Perhaps you should be a writer for a new Abbott and Costello show? The show specialized in this kind of semantic stupidity.
1) Not 50,000 years, about 80,000 years to the next closest star at Voyager speeds.

2) Any contact Voyager has with another planet, or even a body with enough mass, would result in Voyager being turned into a ball of plasma.
If Voyager entered a planet with an atmosphere, its speed would cause the atmospheric compression to turn Voyager into a ball of plasma, which would kill any organism. If the planet did not have an atmosphere, then Voyager and the organism would be turned into plasma upon impact.

3) To my knowledge, there are no known organisms on Earth that can survive the radiation of a trip for that long.. So the organism would be dead when it got there.

4) Why are you so desperate to defend someone who asked such a ridiculously stupid question and then attempted, beyond all logic and science, to defend it with gross and comically pathetic ignorance? It seems you have some ethical issues when it comes to such things. Didn't anyone teach you how to lose gracefully and with honor?

Not if you don't put a stamp or address on the envelope and it never ends up leaving your mailbox..

Wow, I'm surprised.. I didn't think I could dumb myself down that much but I did it!

Your desperation to use semantics in a poor attempt to defend someone's gross ignorance is kind of comical.. stupid, but comical.. Perhaps you should be a writer for a new Abbott and Costello show? The show specialized in this kind of semantic stupidity.

Judging by what has been written in the above post, I'm almost positive the person who wrote it has a drinking and/or pill problem.

I'm not saying that just to say it.
Judging by what has been written in the above post, I'm almost positive the person who wrote it has a drinking and/or pill problem.

I'm not saying that just to say it.
Says the pot head who thinks magical invisible sky fairies are real..

Stupid can't be fixed.. but apparently, we can get it to behave if we ban it for a week...
1) Not 50,000 years, about 80,000 years to the next closest star at Voyager speeds.

2) Any contact Voyager has with another planet, or even a body with enough mass, would result in Voyager being turned into a ball of plasma.
If Voyager entered a planet with an atmosphere, its speed would cause the atmospheric compression to turn Voyager into a ball of plasma, which would kill any organism. If the planet did not have an atmosphere, then Voyager and the organism would be turned into plasma upon impact.

3) To my knowledge, there are no known organisms on Earth that can survive the radiation of a trip for that long.. So the organism would be dead when it got there.

4) Why are you so desperate to defend someone who asked such a ridiculously stupid question and then attempted, beyond all logic and science, to defend it with gross and comically pathetic ignorance? It seems you have some ethical issues when it comes to such things. Didn't anyone teach you how to lose gracefully and with honor?

Not if you don't put a stamp or address on the envelope and it never ends up leaving your mailbox..

Wow, I'm surprised.. I didn't think I could dumb myself down that much but I did it!

Your desperation to use semantics in a poor attempt to defend someone's gross ignorance is kind of comical.. stupid, but comical.. Perhaps you should be a writer for a new Abbott and Costello show? The show specialized in this kind of semantic stupidity.
Okay Mr. Supergenius... If there was never any chance of Voyager reaching a place which can support life...


Just stop posting. Or I will. Your claims go against everything NASA has done and contradict your own statement.

"of less concern, is that such a bacteria could possibly multiply on the planet. Theoretically it might be possible."
Okay Mr. Supergenius... If there was never any chance of Voyager reaching a place which can support life...

Two reasons.. 1) On the ridiculously, stupidly, unimaginably low chance that a Vulcan survey ship might fly by it, capture it, and come say hello.. and 2) As a publicity stunt to garner public attention, which increases public funding.

Did you think some bacterial contamination was going to use it to navigate its way home?? WTF?

Just stop posting. Or I will. Your claims go against everything NASA has done and contradict your own statement.

"of less concern, is that such a bacteria could possibly multiply on the planet. Theoretically it might be possible."
You will stop posting? Who's going to entertain me with their stupidity? Dude, I use you as an educational example for my 10 year old daughter.. When you say really dumb things, which is almost every post, I show her some of the posts and remind her what happens to people (like you) when they do drugs and smoke dope, pray to magical invisible sky fairies, and don't pay attention in school.

I owe you.. most people are just average or slightly ignorant... but when they reach your level, it's a teaching aid....
Hmm... I have answered the question, you apparently did not understand the answer.. I will try again and dumb it down even further this time because you don't seem to understand.

NASA is certainly concerned with organisms on their space probes, but not because they're concerned about "spreading life thru the galaxy". That is not even possible within any reasonable human or geologic time frame we would ever be concerned about.

NASA's contamination concerns have two basic flavors..

1) The first (and by far the most important) is instrumentation. The instruments on space probes are ridiculously sensitive, some of them are so sensitive that a single photon could affect them, others could be affected by any sort of chemical or biological contamination.

If NASA somehow magically knew that a biological contaminate would remain in a corner of some bracket and never move, they wouldn't care about it.. But that's not possible, and the rigors of launch (and landing) can shake contaminants loose (including dust), and cause them to interfere with sensors.

2) Planetary contamination. Without any respect to the instruments or sensors mentioned above, NASA doesn't want to land a probe on Mars only to have some bacteria fall off and trick a sensor into thinking it found life. Of less concern, is that such a bacteria could possibly multiply on the planet. Theoretically it might be possible, but very unlikely anywhere NASA has been. On Venus, the high temperature would sterilize the probe, and on Mars, the radiation would do it. Mar's doesn't have a significant sized moon, therefor its core stopped sloshing around and cooled, which caused Mars's electromagnetic field to collapse, which then allowed solar winds and cosmic radiation to make it to the surface after they blew away the atmosphere, which then sterilized the crap out of everything on the surface.

If there was ever life on Mars, then most likely that life was also in the atmosphere and some of it got blown away by the solar winds.. Would that life survive floating around in space? Most likely not.. There is no life we know of that can survive the radiation in space for any time frame measured in the millions of years. Cosmic rays destroy everything.. The energy in a cosmic ray can be thousands of times higher than anything the Large Hadron Collider can produce.. Thousands of times! If we ever ran into a life form that could survive that type of energetic radiation, it would make the alien in the movie "Alien", look like a delicate and fragile marshmallow.

Humans are not technologically advanced enough to get a spacecraft out of our own solar system in any reasonable amount of time. And even if we could, there is nothing I'm aware of on our planet that is capable of surviving the radiation in space... and once you leave our Sun's magnetic field, that radiation gets dialed up to ridiculous. Could a bacteria survive? Yes, but it would take a very special set of circumstances to do it. First, the organism would have to be the type that can put itself into dormancy for millions of years, and second, it would need to somehow be protected from that radiation by very thick layers of dense material. None of which exists on any spacecraft NASA sends out.

Even with most "panspermia" theories, very special circumstances must exist.. In our own planet, we know that when we drill cores down several hundreds of feet (even miles!), we find bacteria in some places.. Very specialized bacteria that evolved to live within the structure of rocks, even some very warm rocks at those depths. Problem is, at those depths, there is no radiation because of all the rock above the bacteria, which shields it.. and therefor, it is unlikely that such an organism would evolve repair mechanisms. Humans can survive low levels of radioactive exposure because we have evolved with repair mechanisms within our DNA. When we're exposed to too much of that radiation, our repair mechanisms can't keep up and we die.
Radiation is zipping through you right now as you read this.. If you want to actually see it, you can build yourself a cloud chamber. Fairly easy to do and a great science experiment.

Now imagine a planet orbiting a star with life.. and a giant space rock slams into it sending up a plume of dust and debris. If some of those chunks of material have bacteria inside them, and if (BIG IF), that material can achieve escape velocity of its host planet, then it could theoretically get a slingshot boost from another planet, leave its host solar system, travel through the vast distances between stars, and be captured by the gravitational influence of another star.. and then land on a planet with the environment needed to host that bacteria. But there's a big catch.. first, that bacteria would need to be surrounded by enough material to protect it from most of the radiation it encounters during its millions and millions of years.. (good luck with that).. and then, it would have to survive the heat of entry into a planets atmosphere without being sterilized by the atmospheric compressive forces that cause the rock to get so hot it melts.

Could we "spread life thru the galaxy" if we wanted to? Not really.. We could launch a probe like Voyager and aim it at Proxima Centauri, but we'd have to wait about 80,000 years for it to get there, and whatever life we put on the probe would have to be well protected by several feet of dense (and very heavy), shielding to protect that life from radiation.

You can think of the radiation in space as being in three different categories... Low earth orbit, solar system levels, and interstellar levels.

Low earth orbit isn't so bad.. the guys on the space station seem to do fine.
Solar system levels are a couple of magnitudes more severe, and there's nothing we can do about them. That's why we haven't sent humans to Mars yet.. our best propulsion systems aren't fast enough to get them there in a short enough time frame were they won't be killed by the interplanetary radiation during the long trip. But we're getting there.. we're developing faster rockets..

Interstellar radiation is an entirely different story.. Its the difference between a BB gun (solar system) and that big ass 6 barrel vulcan canon on the A10 warthog attack plane.

Humans would simply not survive, and I don't think there's any life form on our planet that would survive for very long either, especially not the tens of thousands of years it would take to make the trip.

Concerning the space probe contamination issue for the machines we send to mars, even if they were packed with bacteria, and even if we found something that could survive, they would never leave our solar system. Probes sent to mars simply do not have the escape velocity needed to leave our Sun's gravitational influence. Even the Voyager probes didn't have enough velocity when launched. The Voyager probes had to use Jupiter to "slingshot" themselves to higher speeds..

So, spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes? That's a big fat NOPE..

NASA is concerned because even DEAD bacteria can interfere with the sensitive instruments.. They're not worried about our galaxy.. We're not even capable of leaving our solar system at this point let alone worried that some extremophile is going to survive on a flimsy tinfoil probe.

Here, I just looked this up for you.. Kind of interesting.. The most robust extremophile on Earth that we know of is called "Conan the Bacterium" (ROFLMAO).. I guess some scientists do have a sense of humor.. If you put it on Mars, it would need 33 feet of Mars soil covering it in order to survive for geological time frames. That's 33 feet of dense shielding to protect it.. because Mars is bathed in radiation.

But even if it was dead from hitching a ride on the space probe, it could still interfere with the sensors.

Radiation is what keeps humans from going anywhere.. well, that and energy.. but mostly radiation. We need to develop fusion reactors and high temperature super conductors.. If we can create these two things, then we might (MIGHT!) be capable of developing a space craft shield that mimics the Earth's magnetic field that protects us squishy humans from the nasty stuff. And that craft better have a backup unit because if the first one fails, the squishy humans inside die.

All life on earth is carbon based.. from humans to simple bacteria.. when radiation hits us, it strips electrons loose from the atomic nucleus (the protons and neutrons at the center), which then changes the charge of those atoms, which then changes how they connect to other atoms to form molecular chemical bonds, which then causes those chemical bonds to break apart.. IE: your DNA gets destroyed.. and all life on Earth is based on Carbon and DNA.

In fact, it is most likely that all life in the universe (there are trillions and trillions of galaxies within the universe) is most likely carbon based.. Maybe not DNA, but most likely carbon. Why is that? Its because of the way carbon bonds form between themselves and with other elements. Carbon is the most versatile element on the periodic table.. and thus, all life forms from it.
Ever notice how he goes from rapport-seeking in the morning to rapport-breaking as the effects of the opiates wear off?
Unlike you, I do not do drugs.. The amount of alcohol I drink per year is about equal to a six pack of beer.. I don't even take aspirin unless I'm in a whole lot of pain.

When I got Shingles a few years ago, my doctor prescribed Norco, which is basically the same as Vicodin I think... He said to take one pill every 4 to 6 hours for the pain.. and let me tell you, Shingles is a bitch...

I took 1/2 a pill and I was stoned for the entire day.. an educational experience because now I know how you idiots get hooked on that stuff.. It's nice.. feels good to be stoned.. Rots your brain, but if you idiots don't have any brain to begin with, then no downside.

I told the doctor I finished the bottle after the prescribed 4 day term. Shingles lasts for about 6 weeks, the first 3 to 4 of which are extraordinarily painful.. So I got more.. never even took another 1/2 pill as Tylenol was enough to take the edge off.

Now I have 4 full prescriptions (minus 1/2 pill) sitting under high vacuum in a canning jar at the bottom of my freezer...

YOU are a dope head, I am not.. and it is why you say such idiotic things. You will never recognize you are an idiot because it's a sort of catch 22.. Stupid people don't recognize their own stupidity.. Ignorant people are capable of recognizing their own ignorance, but you're not just ignorant, you're stupid.. IE: You have a low IQ.
Anyone with an average or slightly above average IQ is going to seem like a genius to you.. such emotional reactions almost universally display themselves as "he thinks he's so smart", or "thinks he's smarter than everyone else"....

You are not capable of understanding your own stupidity... but others see it in the things you say..
Unlike you, I do not do drugs.. The amount of alcohol I drink per year is about equal to a six pack of beer.. I don't even take aspirin unless I'm in a whole lot of pain.

When I got Shingles a few years ago, my doctor prescribed Norco, which is basically the same as Vicodin I think... He said to take one pill every 4 to 6 hours for the pain.. and let me tell you, Shingles is a bitch...

I took 1/2 a pill and I was stoned for the entire day.. an educational experience because now I know how you idiots get hooked on that stuff.. It's nice.. feels good to be stoned.. Rots your brain, but if you idiots don't have any brain to begin with, then no downside.

I told the doctor I finished the bottle after the prescribed 4 day term. Shingles lasts for about 6 weeks, the first 3 to 4 of which are extraordinarily painful.. So I got more.. never even took another 1/2 pill as Tylenol was enough to take the edge off.

Now I have 4 full prescriptions (minus 1/2 pill) sitting under high vacuum in a canning jar at the bottom of my freezer...

YOU are a dope head, I am not.. and it is why you say such idiotic things. You will never recognize you are an idiot because it's a sort of catch 22.. Stupid people don't recognize their own stupidity.. Ignorant people are capable of recognizing their own ignorance, but you're not just ignorant, you're stupid.. IE: You have a low IQ.
Anyone with an average or slightly above average IQ is going to seem like a genius to you.. such emotional reactions almost universally display themselves as "he thinks he's so smart", or "thinks he's smarter than everyone else"....

You are not capable of understanding your own stupidity... but others see it in the things you say..

he would never say that to Leo or would get cut off from the pickle stick …..
Unlike you, I do not do drugs.. The amount of alcohol I drink per year is about equal to a six pack of beer.. I don't even take aspirin unless I'm in a whole lot of pain.

When I got Shingles a few years ago, my doctor prescribed Norco, which is basically the same as Vicodin I think... He said to take one pill every 4 to 6 hours for the pain.. and let me tell you, Shingles is a bitch...

I took 1/2 a pill and I was stoned for the entire day.. an educational experience because now I know how you idiots get hooked on that stuff.. It's nice.. feels good to be stoned.. Rots your brain, but if you idiots don't have any brain to begin with, then no downside.

I told the doctor I finished the bottle after the prescribed 4 day term. Shingles lasts for about 6 weeks, the first 3 to 4 of which are extraordinarily painful.. So I got more.. never even took another 1/2 pill as Tylenol was enough to take the edge off.

Now I have 4 full prescriptions (minus 1/2 pill) sitting under high vacuum in a canning jar at the bottom of my freezer...

YOU are a dope head, I am not.. and it is why you say such idiotic things. You will never recognize you are an idiot because it's a sort of catch 22.. Stupid people don't recognize their own stupidity.. Ignorant people are capable of recognizing their own ignorance, but you're not just ignorant, you're stupid.. IE: You have a low IQ.
Anyone with an average or slightly above average IQ is going to seem like a genius to you.. such emotional reactions almost universally display themselves as "he thinks he's so smart", or "thinks he's smarter than everyone else"....

You are not capable of understanding your own stupidity... but others see it in the things you say..

This post is way too long. Quit typing novels. You're wasting bandwidth
Unlike you, I do not do drugs.. The amount of alcohol I drink per year is about equal to a six pack of beer.. I don't even take aspirin unless I'm in a whole lot of pain.

When I got Shingles a few years ago, my doctor prescribed Norco, which is basically the same as Vicodin I think... He said to take one pill every 4 to 6 hours for the pain.. and let me tell you, Shingles is a bitch...

I took 1/2 a pill and I was stoned for the entire day.. an educational experience because now I know how you idiots get hooked on that stuff.. It's nice.. feels good to be stoned.. Rots your brain, but if you idiots don't have any brain to begin with, then no downside.

I told the doctor I finished the bottle after the prescribed 4 day term. Shingles lasts for about 6 weeks, the first 3 to 4 of which are extraordinarily painful.. So I got more.. never even took another 1/2 pill as Tylenol was enough to take the edge off.

Now I have 4 full prescriptions (minus 1/2 pill) sitting under high vacuum in a canning jar at the bottom of my freezer...

YOU are a dope head, I am not.. and it is why you say such idiotic things. You will never recognize you are an idiot because it's a sort of catch 22.. Stupid people don't recognize their own stupidity.. Ignorant people are capable of recognizing their own ignorance, but you're not just ignorant, you're stupid.. IE: You have a low IQ.
Anyone with an average or slightly above average IQ is going to seem like a genius to you.. such emotional reactions almost universally display themselves as "he thinks he's so smart", or "thinks he's smarter than everyone else"....

You are not capable of understanding your own stupidity... but others see it in the things you say..
This is some real dickhead arrogance talking. Hes got this fantasy going on in his head that the reason people on the internet disagree with him is because theyre all on drugs.
Well Im not and theres no evidence anyone else who posts here is yet he has repeatedly made this assertion as fact.
The guy is one of the most pompous dishonest shitbags Ive encountered on the internet.
And he boasts of showing these exchanges to his 10 year old. What parenting.
Why is this guy so full of shit?

"they carried identical golden records designed as the first recorded interstellar message from humankind to potential intelligent life in the cosmos."

" The records, now traveling beyond our solar system through interstellar space... "

" Both are in interstellar space and the only spacecraft to operate beyond the heliosphere, the sun’s bubble of magnetic fields and particles that extends well beyond the orbit of Pluto."

" As the sole extensions of humanity outside the heliosphere’s protective bubble, the two probes are alone on their cosmic treks as they travel in different directions. "

Hey assclown, why dont you contact CNN and virtually every other source which contradicts you, and tell them theyre stupid and on drugs. Im sure they need an asshole around the office to annoy them. Youre perfect.
This is some real dickhead arrogance talking. Hes got this fantasy going on in his head that the reason people on the internet disagree with him is because theyre all on drugs.
See? Such emotional reactions being universally displayed. Although Batvette thinks he's being sneaky by changing the words.. Kind of like a dog thinks its being sneaky by pooping behind the couch.

diy solar

diy solar