diy solar

diy solar

Fighting Disinformation ..... or Censoring Oppostion.

Please read the whole article. part one is here

We're in the middle of a world-changing war right now.

Oh, I don't mean the war in Ukraine, the one that all the media are asking you to focus your attention on. Yes, that conflict continues to escalate. and every day there are new stories about provocations and threats that could lead to a nuclear exchange . . . but that's not the war I'm referring to.

And I don't mean the war in Yemen or the other military conflicts that the media are ignoring entirely. Yes, these wars are every bit as bloody, gruesome and devastating as the Russian invasion of Ukraine (if not more so), and they also risk an escalation into a broader geopolitical and geoeconomic crisis . . . but they're not the wars I'm referring to, either.

No, the war I'm talking about is an even broader war. A war that is taking place everywhere on the globe, even as I write, and that involves virtually everyone on the planet, young and old, male and female, military and civilian. It is the war of every government against its own population and every international institution against free humanity.

This is no ordinary war, however. Most of the victims of this warfare aren't even able to identify it as war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it.

It's called fifth-generation warfare, and I'm here to tell you all about it.

What is fifth-generation warfare, anyway? And, come to think of it, what were the first four generations of warfare?

Good questions. For an in-depth answer to the latter question, you'll want to read "The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation"—a 1989 article from the Marine Corps Gazette co-authored by William S. Lind—and you'll want to watch "William S. Lind & Philip Giraldi – Fourth Generation Warfare & The Deep State," especially the presentation by Lind from 13 minutes onward.

In a nutshell, Lind et al.'s thesis is that the "modern age" of warfare began with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which, Lind opines, "gave the state a monopoly on war." From that point on, modern warfare went through three generations, namely:

  • First-generation warfare: the tactics of line and column, developed in the era of the smoothbore musket;
  • Second-generation warfare: the tactics of indirect fire and mass movement, developed in the era of the rifled musket, breechloaders, barbed wire and the machine gun; and
  • Third-generation warfare: the tactics of nonlinear movement, including maneuver and infiltration, developed in response to the increase in battlefield firepower in WWI.
This, according to Lind and his co-authors, brought us to the late-20th century, when the nation-state began to lose its monopoly on war and military combat returned to a decentralized form. In this era—the era of fourth-generation warfare—the lines between "civilian" and "military" become blurred, armies tend to engage in counter-insurgency operations rather than military battles, and enemies are often motivated by ideology and religion, making psychological operations more important than ever.

But, some argue, we have now entered a new era of warfare, namely fifth-generation warfare. There is still much debate about what defines fifth-generation warfare, how we know we are engaged in it, or even if it exists at all (Lind, for one, rejects the concept). Various scholars have made their own attempts at defining fifth-generation warfare (5GW), like Dr. Waseem Ahmad Qureshi, who identifies it as "the battle of perceptions and information," or Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui of the People's Liberation Army, who write of the era of "Unrestricted Warfare" in which "a relative reduction in military violence" has led to "an increase in political, economic, and technological violence."

If academic debates about the changing nature of warfare are your thing, then there's plenty of reading for you to do on the subject, from The Handbook of 5GW: A Fifth Generation of War? to a slew of academic articles.

But for the purposes of this editorial, I'm not interested in that debate. In fact, we're going to use a decidedly non-academic definition of fifth-generation warfare from an Al Jazeera article as our starting point: "The basic idea behind this term [fifth-generation warfare] is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or guerrillas, but in the minds of common citizens."

There are two important things to note about this definition. The first is that fifth-generation warfare is not waged against either standing armies of nation-states or guerrilla insurgents but against everyday citizens. The second is that this war is not being fought in a battlefield somewhere, but in the mind.

I will expand the definition somewhat to include the fact that this war is being waged at all levels, not just the mental. The gist of it is this: Fifth-generation warfare is an all-out war that is being waged against all of us by our governments and the international organizations to which they belong. It is being waged against each and every one of us right now, and it is a battle for full-spectrum dominance over every single aspect of your life: your movements and interactions, your transactions, even your innermost thoughts and feelings and desires. Governments the world over are working with corporations to leverage technology to control you down to the genomic level, and they will not stop until each and every person who resists them is subdued or eliminated.

The most incredible part of all of this is that so few know that the war is even taking place, let alone that they are a combatant in it.

The best way to understand this war is to look at some of the ways that it is being waged against us.
I'm going to teach you something Bob.. and I'm going to do it in a sincere way.. but the question might upset you.

I suspect you won't learn anything however, but I'm not going to give up hope...

If you invite someone to your home and they start calling your mother and your wife dirty whores, will you allow their free speech to continue or would you kick them out of your home?

Are you capable of giving an honest answer?
In the case of you and your house, anyone doing so would obviously be telling the stone cold truth.
Whatever your reaction would be.
I must have missed this post..
I just asked if you would respect the free speech of someone in your home calling your wife or daughter a whore.. IE: Saying things that offend you.

Actually it does Bob.. You see Bob, in the context of social media, it has everything to do with your home.

That's right Bob, and you have every right to "censor" someone in YOUR home.. Just as you would have the right to censor someone in your BUSINESS as well.

I understand the difference on constitutional level..

We operate on two different levels Bob.. I'm a rather normal person with some unusual hobbies, you are a conspiracy nut job who thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"

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The government does not have the right to secretly partner with private companies to censor citizens to promote agendas. Thats pretty fucking simple and they got caught doing just that. Why is this even up for discussion?
Youre an evill little cocksucking turd burglar for defending this. Why do you hate the constitution?
The government does not have the right to secretly partner with private companies to censor citizens to promote agendas. Thats pretty fucking simple and they got caught doing just that. Why is this even up for discussion?
You are correct about that.. but that's not what this discussion is about.. Bob is too stupid to understand and apparently you are as well.

Congress has the right to regulate commerce.. Go back to grade school you dumbass and when the subject of the constitution comes up, pay attention this time.

Youre an evill little cocksucking turd burglar for defending this. Why do you hate the constitution?
Says the ignorant moron reject who thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"..

What's the saying? Birds of a feather flock together ?? Moron + Moron = Moron.

You are correct about that.. but that's not what this discussion is about.. Bob is too stupid to understand and apparently you are as well.

Congress has the right to regulate commerce.. Go back to grade school you dumbass and when the subject of the constitution comes up, pay attention this time.

Says the ignorant moron reject who thinks we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"..

What's the saying? Birds of a feather flock together ?? Moron + Moron = Moron.

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Way to go!!! You managed to use stupid and moron several times in the same post. You don't use moron nearly as much as stupid .... so, you need to work on catching up on that.

I started this thread.... so, I think I know what it's about. Censorship and regulating commerce are 2 completely different things.
Wonder what fact checker .... FAKE EXPERT .... you dug that nonsense up from. Is that the game plan for this administration to justify censorship?

It's exactly what Batvette said in post 28.

There's a reason it's the first amendment ... it is that important to this country,

You are totally willing to give up freedom of speech because they are using it against your perceived enemies. Next you are probably going to try to blame it on Trump .... or claim that it's just some Russian misinformation.

Read the playbook I put in the first post and try to convince yourself it's about commerce!!

But ..... Every day you prove yourself to simply be a troll, so I don't know why we are even bothering with your idiocy.
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Way to go!!! You managed to use stupid and moron several times in the same post.

I started this thread.... so, I think I know what it's about. Censorship and regulating commerce are 2 completely different things.
Wonder what fact checker .... FAKE EXPERT .... you dug that nonsense up from. Is that the game plan for this administration to justify censorship?
You mentioned Europe.. They can do whatever they want there as their constitution does not apply here or visa versa..

You then amended the thread with your quacky wacky scam doctor, which is an issue of commerce since has fraudulently selling supplements with fake claims.

It's exactly what Batvette said in post 28.

There's a reason it's the first amendment ... it is that important to this country,
So why are you including Europe? You have no first amendment right when you sell a product you dumb ass.. That falls under the commerce clause.

You are totally willing to give up freedom of speech because they are using it against your perceived enemies. Next you are probably going to try to blame it on Trump .... or claim that it's just some Russian misinformation.

Read the playbook I put in the first post and try to convince yourself it's about commerce!!

But ..... Every day you prove yourself to simply be a troll, so I don't know why we are even bothering with your idiocy.
The government partnering with social media companies to censor speech is wrong on every level.. This applies only to speech and expression, it does not apply to your wacky quacky scammer doctor selling products, nor do I think it applies to his professional license.. (but the professional license is another conversation)

You are attempting to conflate European laws with commerce in the USA.. and we're back to Space Probes!
You mentioned Europe.. They can do whatever they want there as their constitution does not apply here or visa versa..

You then amended the thread with your quacky wacky scam doctor, which is an issue of commerce since has fraudulently selling supplements with fake claims.

So why are you including Europe? You have no first amendment right when you sell a product you dumb ass.. That falls under the commerce clause.

The government partnering with social media companies to censor speech is wrong on every level.. This applies only to speech and expression, it does not apply to your wacky quacky scammer doctor selling products, nor do I think it applies to his professional license.. (but the professional license is another conversation)

You are attempting to conflate European laws with commerce in the USA.. and we're back to Space Probes!
When did I say anything about Europe in this thread .... or in any other thread in the context of censorship?

You make up one lie and nonsensical statement after another. Kinda looks like you are angling to go back on ignore so you can spout your lies without being called on it.
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When did I say anything about Europe in this thread .... or in any other thread in the context of censorship?
Oops.. My bad.. Got you confused with Aenyc posting..

You make up one lie and nonsensical statement after another. Kinda looks like you are angling to go back on ignore so you can spout your lies without being called on it.
The 1st amendment has nothing to do with your wacky quacky doctor selling fake medicine.

Sorry about the mix up, one idiot is pretty much the same as another to me.
Murphtard, did you really just say that the government can censor speech because it has the right to regulate commerce?
Oops.. My bad.. Got you confused with Aenyc posting..

The 1st amendment has nothing to do with your wacky quacky doctor selling fake medicine.

Sorry about the mix up, one idiot is pretty much the same as another to me.
Have you EVER made a post that you didn't lie?

Looks like one after another to me .... guess you don't really care if you have any credibility. You are only here to troll.
Murphtard, did you really just say that the government can censor speech because it has the right to regulate commerce?
He abandoned that the minute he was challenged .... and then just moved on to other lies.

He also spends a good amount of time trying to get others banned ..... That's people like Murphy know .... if you can't beat them, try to stop them from being able to speak.

He doesn't realize that Will is a firm believer in free speech.
He abandoned that the minute he was challenged .... and then just moved on to other lies.

He also spends a good amount of time trying to get others banned ..... That's people like Murphy know .... if you can't beat them, try to stop them from being able to speak.

He doesn't realize that Will is a firm believer in free speech.

Right? He starts a fight then tries to run to teacher to save his ass once the other person starts to fight back.

Liberal man child.

Have you EVER made a post that you didn't lie?

Looks like one after another to me .... guess you don't really care if you have any credibility. You are only here to troll.
Not from your idiotic perspective.. You're someone who thinks our space probes could spread life thru the galaxy...

The stupid in your arguments is beyond unreasonable, beyond just normal ignorance.. its a mental health issue.. and a clear one at that, not just an insult.

Get help you fruitcake..
Not from your idiotic perspective.. You're someone who thinks our space probes could spread life thru the galaxy...

The stupid in your arguments is beyond unreasonable, beyond just normal ignorance.. its a mental health issue.. and a clear one at that, not just an insult.

Get help you fruitcake..
Ok .... We realize you are mad .... err angry ... that your arguments have all failed and your attempt to get another user banned has failed.
That was a sneaky underhanded way to try to blame things on Russia propaganda, by the way .... I correctly predicted that one.
So lets see how you try to spin it to make all this censorship Trump's fault.
Ok .... We realize you are mad .... err angry ... that your arguments have all failed and your attempt to get another user banned has failed.
That was a sneaky underhanded way to try to blame things on Russia propaganda, by the way .... I correctly predicted that one.
So lets see how you try to spin it to make all this censorship Trump's fault.
Damn.. its really strange arguing with you.. its like you're not even connected to reality.

Freedom of speech does not include the freedom to sell products under false pretenses you idiot.

We're not spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes.
Damn.. its really strange arguing with you.. its like you're not even connected to reality.

Freedom of speech does not include the freedom to sell products under false pretenses you idiot.

We're not spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes.
You are correct about one thing .... Your do live in an alternate reality.

And for the 15th time .... post some evidence of Dr Mercola selling products under false pretenses or STFU.
Just imagine if every keystroke were a swing of a hammer, one could build a barn from Michigan to Texas; just don't build to high that barn might hit the bottom of a bridge.
You are correct about one thing .... Your do live in an alternate reality.

And for the 15th time .... post some evidence of Dr Mercola selling products under false pretenses or STFU.


diy solar

diy solar