diy solar

diy solar

Portable EV Battery in working car used as Home BackUp Power

But since you have PV ... how about making your own fuel? ......

I am measuring my garage now to see where I could put one of those tanks.
Can their hydrogen vehicle do V2H?
Ironically a hydrogen vehicle is an EV. It has an electric motor and batteries. That is the simple part. The complex part is the hydrogen storage and the fuel cell and the control system between the fuel cell and the battery. The battery is needed because the fuel cell operates in a narrow range and the battery has to be the buffer. I love the simplicity of my EVs.
Has anyone used a PlugOutPower yet? Cost is down to $1,695 for the 5kw kit that can charge 48v batteries. I have asked Randy about install instructions (I have installed a high voltage wire harnesses on an old Prius before, so hoping current models are not much more difficult). Also asked about whether the charge parameters can be set for LiFePO4 batteries. His first email said it was set for PBA batters, but can be changed. Anyone know what PBA batteries are? I wish he would give possible charging parameters rather then saying "do you have a particular 48v battery in mind". Maybe how it chargers LiFePO4 batteries (voltage) is not compatible with my rack batteries (max 54.5v).
I take it most if any don't own a PHEV? See, thats where it's at and I'd want the ability to plug in additional battery storage. Currently, I have two 2000W Pure Sine Inverters each connected to an 85ah AGM battery. From the factory the 2013 Plugin came with 4.4kWh battery. The 2017 Prime 8.8kWh and the latest model is 13.6kWh.

Currently, my 2013 has ~10.1kWh when I calculate it the right way and my goal is over 50kWh before this year is over with the fast charging upgrade. Prius Plug-in HV Battery Upgrade

I'm glad I found this place, I hope to learn and share here!

diy solar

diy solar