diy solar

diy solar

Dent In Cell - Is It Safe?


New Member
Mar 25, 2022
Received this cell as part of a 16 cell shipment - no damage on external/internal of shipping box suggesting this dent was there when packed.

Suspect it is OK - does not look like it punctured housing, IR & voltage are in normal range.

Intend to capacity test this one outdoors just in case. Does any one have any thoughts as to "Is it Safe?".

I wouldn’t hesitate to use it. Notify the seller so it’s on record you received it that way. They will say it’s fine. Then top balance it with the other 15 cells and see if it deviates from them when done. If it does, you have a case. If it seems ok, it shouldn’t be a problem. Put it in the middle of the pack so you can’t see it and enjoy life.

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diy solar