diy solar

diy solar

Where are the mini splits????

The non-solar Eg4 units on the signature solar site have a seer2 ratings of 28.5 to 29.5 depending on the size of the unit. That alone would be a reason to consider them.
The non-solar Eg4 units on the signature solar site have a seer2 ratings of 28.5 to 29.5 depending on the size of the unit. That alone would be a reason to consider them.
Probably going down hill with a 45mph tail wind, if you know what I mean.
Had to look it up. Did they used to make little quads? 72mph is fast on a dirt bike man.
I think so years ago, they sell lots of powered equipment in China and some in the US. I wish I bought the KPX-250.
It was probably closer to 68mph with speedometer corrections, still moving pretty good on a small frame.
I like the idea of the "not having to pull a vacuum line set" I've done some research and have not found any other brand other than the MR Cool 4th gen and the EG4 brand. But if there would be a problem I'd probably have better result with service with Mr Cool. I'd been using a Pioneer now for 5 yrs, been great, looking for another but with the quick connect lines.

Why do you say that the Mr. Cool's more serviceable than the EG4s?
Why do you say that the Mr. Cool's more serviceable than the EG4s?
I didn't, but I will explain your thought. Service is some thing like the company answering the phone with answers when you call or parts when you need them or warranty issues. Serviceable is like when you need to work on it.
If a EG4 mini split stops working, you call Signature Solar for the drama.
I didn't, but I will explain your thought. Service is some thing like the company answering the phone with answers when you call or parts when you need them or warranty issues. Serviceable is like when you need to work on it.
If a EG4 mini split stops working, you call Signature Solar for the drama.
Oh ok, heard. Makes sense.
No need to connect direct to panels unless you are running three EF4 6000's and don't want to cut back on other electric uses....I don't want to have to count watts...

You may need to increase storage.

I want to turn on any and all appliances whenever I need to without to solar mini splits let me do this....besides these are going in my barn which has no batteries or inverters.....
Let us know how that works out for you on direct solar to mini splits.......

How does it work without an AC connection and cloudy/partly cloudy days?
To me, it is a waste of PV to run a mini split that has dedicated PV to power it, mevermind the cloudy day problem. If it needs to be connected to AC power for cloudy days then it might as well be connected to the inverter system 24/7 instead of dedicated PV.
I have an off grid property that I visit on weekends.
I do not leave my PV system powered up when I am not there.
I got the EG4 hybrid so I can run the AC for humidity (and temp) control when I am not there.
Before I got it, the room temperature would be in the mid 80s when I arrived in the mornings.
It would feel stuffy and humid. It would take hours to cool everything down.
This weekend, the room temperature was 73 when I got there. The day before, the outside temperature was in the upper 90s.
The cabin was relatively cool, and dry feeling. I kind of like that.
It's not a waste of PV to me.
I have an off grid property that I visit on weekends.
I do not leave my PV system powered up when I am not there.
I got the EG4 hybrid so I can run the AC for humidity (and temp) control when I am not there.

How would it run if you do not leave the PV system powered up when you aren't there? "I do not leave my PV system powered up when I am not there"

Before I got it, the room temperature would be in the mid 80s when I arrived in the mornings.
It would feel stuffy and humid. It would take hours to cool everything down.
This weekend, the room temperature was 73 when I got there. The day before, the outside temperature was in the upper 90s.
The cabin was relatively cool, and dry feeling. I kind of like that.
It's not a waste of PV to me.
If it's cloudy/partly cloudy, you will most likely find it won't be cool when you get there.
How would it run if you do not leave the PV system powered up when you aren't there? "I do not leave my PV system powered up when I am not there"
That would be the hybrid part.
You know, the PV you hate wasting.
My main array and controller are turned off, and the HVAC is on PV direct only.
If it's cloudy/partly cloudy, you will most likely find it won't be cool when you get there.
Anything beats a zero.
When I am there, you do realize that if my mini split panels are not producing, my main panels will not be producing either.
The ONLY time the PV will be "wasted" is when it is a SUNNY day, and my mini split is not running full tilt.
I have spare panels. Are they wasted? Not in my opinion (and that's the only one that matters).
A waste of resources and capital.
Don't want one? Don't get one. That would be my advice.
I will just keep enjoying mine.
What I would REALLY like to waste my resources and capital on is a mini split that runs off of 48VDC, and PV direct.
THAT would be nice.

Any panel degrades over time as well as any battery system.
That goes for just EG4 hybrid mini split owners?
What difference does it make if they are powering my HVAC, or powering my controller? They are going to degrade regardless.
When things break, I buy new things, or repair the old things.
Anything beats a zero.
When I am there, you do realize that if my mini split panels are not producing, my main panels will not be producing either.

But you would have battery storage. The mini split won't run then?

The ONLY time the PV will be "wasted" is when it is a SUNNY day, and my mini split is not running full tilt.
I have spare panels. Are they wasted? Not in my opinion (and that's the only one that matters).

If the spare panels are used for the inverter/battery system, you get recovery from discharge quicker.

If the mini split isn't running "full tilt", then the energy is wasted because it could have been used for charging batteries or supplying power for inverters. Most mini splits don't run "full tilt" after the initial cooldown, the wattage drawn by my mini split decreases considerably as the house cools down. So yes, that energy is wasted.

Don't want one? Don't get one. That would be my advice.
I will just keep enjoying mine.
What I would REALLY like to waste my resources and capital on is a mini split that runs off of 48VDC, and PV direct.
THAT would be nice.

I have mini splits, I run them off AC because I have a large enough system and battery bank where I can harvest the yield from my panels instead of not using it.

That goes for just EG4 hybrid mini split owners?
What difference does it make if they are powering my HVAC, or powering my controller? They are going to degrade regardless.
When things break, I buy new things, or repair the old things.
The return on the initial cost for many is the deciding factor on switching to off grid or grid load reduction. Panels that sit idle still have a cost associated and that cost is low Kwh yield over the lifetime of the panel. This means the cost to produce that Kwh is much higher.

My array is large enough I have a surplus of power and my battery bank is large enough to handle all my loads. I'm actually looking for more dump loads and that is with AC power from my inverters powering the mini splits. I want the cost recovery from my system in the smallest time period. After full recovery of costs, the rest is money in my pocket.

During spring/fall, the majority of heating needs for my house will come from mini splits. Cloudy days are usually when more heat is needed or at night. With my array and battery storage, I'm able to heat on those days and nights off my system. A PV powered mini split does not have that advantage if the sun isn't shining.
I have no problem "wasting" the PV power.
I bought the unit for the very specific purpose of being able to run it when I am not there, and my main system is turned off.
It is doing what I wanted it to do.
You don't have one. Great, we're both satisfied.
most of those mini split heat pump comes from china in a container for 200$ a unit, the distributor in the US making double the price.