diy solar

diy solar

Newbie -no idea about electric/solar-with fast-draining batteries

Update, the volts on the batteries are steadily climbing - 14.1. I don't expect it to reach 14.6 for a couple more hours due to heavier than normal clouds. :D
Okay, checked SCC and suddenly it shows 16v and the battery symbol is flashing, as soon as turned on the inverter, it went back to 14.2 v. Tried to change values and went to history, shows it went to 17.2. Any advice?
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Okay, yesterday, the system held fairly steady at 13.3v until the afternoon around 3 pm. Then it started dropping, not a lot, but went down to 12.9. Nothing else had been added to the power. Checked again before going to bed and it was 12.7v. Okay, I wrote it off to being uncommonly cloudy. But, when I woke up this morning it was down to 50% battery. I had turned off the converter inside and only had a personal-size fan and an alarm clock running all night. Is that type of draining normal? It is disconcerting to think that this system, which I was assured would run 2 fridges, a freezer, and a washing machine doesn't fit my needs. Do I need more batteries, more panels? I am extremely frustrated. In a month, I will be off-grid with no option to plug in when it doesn't work.
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That sounds like improvement but 13.3 is still not full, that's just the start of the flat part of the curve. You should be seeing 14+v on the battery when it's getting near the top.
That sounds like improvement but 13.3 is still not full, that's just the start of the flat part of the curve. You should be seeing 14+v on the battery when it's getting near the top.
Yes, but is that once it has power on it?
Once it hit 14.4v, I hooked up the power cable and it dropped to 13.3-13.4 where it stayed most of the day.
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That sounds like improvement but 13.3 is still not full, that's just the start of the flat part of the curve. You should be seeing 14+v on the battery when it's getting near the top.
Okay, here is a new one that I wasn't paying attention to...checked the battery, flucuating around 14v right now, but the AMPS, in my opinion, is too low, flucuating around 12. Isn't that way too low for 2 x 100ah lifepo4 batteries?
That sounds about right, that's about all your panels can produce at the moment, 160-ish watts. Don't panic, it's doing its job.
Okay, so the amps, which are currently at 13, should be at 100 on the SCC to be fully charged, right?
No, the amps will drop to near nothing when the batteries are full. Once the BMS sees the cells are all full, it'll tell the SCC to stop charging.

Basically panels don't PUSH power into a system, the system feeds a load and the batteries ASK for those watts back. The SCC hears the request and tells the panels "Gimme all you got!" and the panels say "Well, it's not perfect out but here's what we can do" and give what they can to the SCC. The SCC then converts those volts and amps into Battery Flavored volts and amps and GIVES that to the batteries.

If you're seeing 12a, that's about 160w which is all your panels can do between temperature, tilt, shade, irradiance, dust, angle of Venus in relation to Pluto, etc.
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UPDATE: Seems everything is fine with the solar system, ran the entire house no problem, the problem lies within the RV - somewhere. Had it hooked up (RV) a couple of days ago, 1 day fine, second day started losing power, went completely dead in the middle of the night. Next day, after it recharged fully, hooked up the house fridge only to it, no problem, then hooked up the entire house to it. Ran through the night only losing about 1 volt.
So, for now, once on the land, I will run power via an extension cord until I can find the drain on the system inside the RV.
I would like to thank everyone who took the time to help me. It has been a stressful time and you helped me when #SHOPSOLARKITS.COM would not.
NOTE about While their sales customer service was top-notch (they were great answering all my questions and assisting me in the purchase of a system), their lifetime customer support SUCKS.

diy solar

diy solar