diy solar

diy solar

Distances from panels to inverter

With high voltage dc used on modern solar systems the distance between panels and inverters can be quite far 100s feet possible. Inverters and batteries should be close to the house to minimize voltage drop affecting loads in the house.
How far can the solar panels be from the equipment. And how far can the equipment be from the house?
Just depends on your budget for wire and conduit to get the HVDC from one place to the other. After a point, you’ll have more in wire than the panels or inverter…but you can get it there.
Need some specs for a system to answer that question.

The smaller the system the more limited the distance.

A single 12 volt 100 watt panel should be kept to 20 feet or under and use 8 gauge wire.

Put 4 of those together and connected in series for 48 volts and you can use 14 gauge wire (smaller diameter and cheaper) and run it 3x that distance with same voltage drop.

Here is a good calculator for voltage drop for different DC and AC applications:

ADDED: Today you have controllers and inverters that can handle multiple voltages but when I started out off grid 20 years ago you had basically one choice and that was 12 volt and you needed heavy gauge wire and ran it short distances. I just replaced my 15 year old 12 volt Blue Sky controller that was very expensive and one of the first MMPT controller available. Still works and never a problem but today you can get a better MPPT controller that can handle 12/24/36/48 volts with blue tooth bells and whistles for about half the price I paid.
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I only learned the concept recently, here as a matter of fact.
1) We all know that higher voltage has two benefits, smaller conductors and lower losses. BUT---
2) Since the inverters can digest a wide variety of voltages, within their design tolerances, you can accept a voltage drop in the DC solar feeds that would never be acceptable in a fixed 240v, 60hz AC environment.
3) Thus it comes to trade offs -- you could have perhaps a 10% loss over several hundred feet, say 500v to 450v, but as long as it stays cool and you are OK with more panels to handle the losses, its OK. (Just seat of the pants reasoning there)
Like mention as long as your using high voltage the distance can be a looong way. My panels for instance are 150 feet from my sungold aio and works great.
How far can the solar panels be from the equipment. And how far can the equipment be from the house?
It would be best if you actually spelled out your application, and the physical locations. Then people don't have to guess. For my own system, I'm running ~8A through 10 gauge copper at 120VDC with no measureable voltage drop at 125'.

The drop calculator that SCC documented for you is a good start. That's what I used in my design. But, a good rule of thumb is the distance between the panels and the controller can be measured in yards, but the distance between the controller and the batteries should be measured in inches.

diy solar

diy solar