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Optimizers per MPPT or string on Sol-Ark


New Member
Jun 25, 2022
I have a Sol-Ark 12K with four strings of six 400 watt panels on the two MMPT's. All 12 of the panels on MPPT 1 face west. For MPPT 2, I have one full string of six panels facing East and one string that has three panels facing East and three facing West. This is my first experience with solar and I found that as we've moved into fall, the peak on my house covers part of 1-2 of the panels on the last string with the three facing East and West. At solar noon, with the peak of the house covering 1/3 of one panel (On the string that's split with three East and three West), it's cutting the full MPPT 2 output by about half. When I recently logged the data, MPPT 1 was putting out 16.7 amps and MPPT 2 was putting out 8.7 amps with part of one panel in the shade.

This started in early September so I expect to have the shading problem for 7-8 months out of the year.

I assume I need optimizers, but I haven't been able to find out whether I need optimizers on just the shaded panel, all of the panels in the string or all of the panels in the MPPT. I was looking at the Tigo TS4-A-O units, but I'm open if there's something better.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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You can add optimizers to all panels if you wanted, but, if there is no shading they won’t add and value more than panel level power monitoring and rapid shutdown.

If you use Tigo you can put the ts4-a-o’s on the shaded panels and ts4-a-m’s on the panels in the clear.
Before you pull out your wallet and buy Tigo, if you can wait just a little longer, I'm told Q1 of 2024, you can use Sol-Arks new optimizers that also have rapid shutdown and don't need all the extra communication parts that would be required with Tigo.

Wasn't that originally Q1 2023? It's been pushed back a quarter every quarter like clockwork...
Yeah, but now the documentation is out, the detailed instructions are provided and I confirmed with a Sol-Ark representative that it was on schedule for Q4 or Q1. They said part of the issue is that they want to launch the whole solution, meaning their new online monitoring solution that will replace PVpro and show all the per-panel generation, etc day one. From what he said, the software development of that system has held them back because the hardware is already ready to go and in stock, ready for distribution once they get the green light the whole solution is complete.
Yeah, but now the documentation is out, the detailed instructions are provided and I confirmed with a Sol-Ark representative that it was on schedule for Q4 or Q1. They said part of the issue is that they want to launch the whole solution, meaning their new online monitoring solution that will replace PVpro and show all the per-panel generation, etc day one. From what he said, the software development of that system has held them back because the hardware is already ready to go and in stock, ready for distribution once they get the green light the whole solution is complete.
You just confirmed what I suspected. Unfortunately, I couldn't wait.
they want to launch the whole solution, meaning their new online monitoring solution that will replace PVpro and show all the per-panel generation, etc day one.
I'm not sure I buy that as an excuse, if you've got hardware made ready to ship you are going to ship it not sit on it. That costs money.
I'm not sure I buy that as an excuse, if you've got hardware made ready to ship you are going to ship it not sit on it. That costs money.
I didn't mean to imply they have lots of inventory, just that the hardware development is completed, and they have some on hand for testing and for their early adopter partners they're working with to get field data. Basically, it's ready to go as soon as a few more finishing touches are completed.

For me, I'm gonna wait it out rather than go Tigo, I've been treated so well every time I talk to anyone at Sol-Ark, a little delay in getting a product fully baked before going to market won't deter me from purchasing from them.
I didn't mean to imply they have lots of inventory, just that the hardware development is completed, and they have some on hand for testing and for their early adopter partners they're working with to get field data. Basically, it's ready to go as soon as a few more finishing touches are completed.

For me, I'm gonna wait it out rather than go Tigo, I've been treated so well every time I talk to anyone at Sol-Ark, a little delay in getting a product fully baked before going to market won't deter me from purchasing from them.
You have any more updates on the ship date? I'm in the same boat with a Sol-Ark 12K mounted, and panels purchased. The installed expected the DC Optimizers to be available by now, but had to stop work...
Unless you need these for inspection (rapid shutdown) you can provision the system without them and add them later on.

I decided to reach out to another contact in Sales and he confirmed they're still shooting for Q1. However, he would not give me any more details surrounding why the delay, or potentially when in Q1 (beginning/end).

I wish I had more info, maybe someone else has an inside contact that can get more details, but from what I'm told March is probably your target date at this point.
Unless you need these for inspection (rapid shutdown) you can provision the system without them and add them later on.

I decided to reach out to another contact in Sales and he confirmed they're still shooting for Q1. However, he would not give me any more details surrounding why the delay, or potentially when in Q1 (beginning/end).

I wish I had more info, maybe someone else has an inside contact that can get more details, but from what I'm told March is probably your target date at this point.
yeah, I would put the panels up without if I was installing, but my installer won't put them up without some RSD device. I get it, its his reputation on the line (required for inspection), and I'd rather not put them up with some other RSD-only device, only to come back later and re-install the O900-80V optimizers. Additional cost and labor / wasted time.
I also checked with Sol-Ark tech support about the Enteligent NMax Optimizers (which the Sol-Arks are supposed to be based on). He confirmed that they would be compatible with the RSD transmitter in the new Sol-Ark TX boards, but they would not work with the module-level monitoring, as Sol-Ark is writing their own data-format over the Power-LIne-Communications protocol.

I was hoping maybe the Sol-Ark was just a repackaged NMax device, and I could buy those. Jokes on me, because I can't get anyone from Enteligent to respond to e-mail or phone messages requesting a quote. Makes me wonder if they are even in business anymore...
I'm not sure what state you're doing your installation in, not all states require rapid shutdown at the panel level. If you're in one of the states that doesn't require NEC 2017 you can still use the rapid shutdown integrated into the Sol-Ark, get it up and going, pass inspection, and then add the panel-level optimization and RS at a later date when they're available. Installation is plug-and-play when it's time to add them except adding the board to the Sol-Ark.

This might help you determine if your state is on the list.

I'm not sure what state you're doing your installation in, not all states require rapid shutdown at the panel level. If you're in one of the states that doesn't require NEC 2017 you can still use the rapid shutdown integrated into the Sol-Ark, get it up and going, pass inspection, and then add the panel-level optimization and RS at a later date when they're available. Installation is plug-and-play when it's time to add them except adding the board to the Sol-Ark.

This might help you determine if your state is on the list.

Live in CT, so it's under NEC 2017 :(

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