diy solar

diy solar

EG4 LL V2 & BMS Tools / BMS Test


New Member
Aug 26, 2023
West Coast
I'm trying to get BMS Tools and BMS Test up and running for communication with my new EG4 LL V2 And I'm not sure if I have a cabling problem since I don't have the official EG4 cable or if it's a setting problem or what. I'm using a couple of different cables that I've either had or recently purchased to try and make this work. My computer seems to be able to see the battery and both send and receive basic communications, but it isn't able to receive any of the battery information. I have tried setting the dip switches on the battery to 1, 2, 64, 63 and so far none of them have worked. You can see in the attached photos that both BMS tools and BMS test can see the battery on comp 4 but for some reason they can't communicate. Any thoughts?

@Markus_EG4 @EG4_Jarrett



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You are using the Lifepower software. You need Bms tools that one is for the LLs
Is there a link to the correct software? I installed the software that was linked on the EG4 website under the LL battery and didn't see any other versions available.


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Are there any specific dip switch or other settings that may need to be changed? It APPEARS in the second and third attachment above that the computer sees the battery with the cable I am using, opened the COM4 port and both sent and received information.

And this is the PC version I am using. It is the BMS Tools Version 1.0 and BMS Test V2.7.3. from the website. I noticed in other peoples posts and videos that they seem to have BMS tools Version 2.xx.
Ok I just tried all of that and note that the Baud Rate setting is different in the video from what is in the BMS Tools Manual. 19200 in the video vs 9600 in the manual. Neither worked and can't get the Com State to change from "Offline" to "Connected".

Guess I'll just wait to get the "official" cable and see if that helps. Hoping I don't have to update any firmware because all the warning you guys put in the update software manual make it seem like I'm going to brick the battery if I even try.
If it's something that we need to do, then I can help with the firmware update. It's easy to brick the battery if you're not careful. If you follow the guide to a T, then you will be just fine. As someone who has bricked their fair share of batteries and inverters, I put my faith in the process and just follow it.
And this is the PC version I am using. It is the BMS Tools Version 1.0 and BMS Test V2.7.3. from the website. I noticed in other peoples posts and videos that they seem to have BMS tools Version 2.xx.
OK, I just downloaded BMS Tools Version 1.0 from the EG4 website.
This appears to be an EG4 clean rewrite of the older Chinese-provided software.
Which they confusingly also called BMS_Tools (I've used versions 2.06 and 2.20).

They appear to do the same thing, though the older 2.20 runs better on my ancient Windows XP laptop.
OK, I just downloaded BMS Tools Version 1.0 from the EG4 website.
This appears to be an EG4 clean rewrite of the older Chinese-provided software.
Which they confusingly also called BMS_Tools (I've used versions 2.06 and 2.20).

They appear to do the same thing, though the older 2.20 runs better on my ancient Windows XP laptop.
Appreciate the info. I wasn't sure since I have seen version 2's of the software out there, yet this is a version 1 for the v2 battery. Lol!

Maybe this one should have been titled version 3 to save from confusion...

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diy solar