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diy solar



lvl 6 noob
Jan 20, 2023
Because there is a thread called "Trump" ?. Btw Biden probably won because the people that likely sat out or didn't vote D/R in the T v H election ended up voting for Biden on the second trumpster fire (oh snap). I must say I don't know if that term has ever been coined before. I'm going to go pet the grass outside. Rocks are good too if you guys don't got grass.
Ok, I'm back. Like, are you guys buying the news? (Lighting match) The whole trump was removed from the ballot thing? Because I have not claimed a party I have not voted in a primary, ever. Nor have I tried to, (I think one party sometimes allows it sometimes?).But I have voted. And (throwing the match on pool of gas) golly jee.... There is a portion for bubbling and then writing in the name. Is this not possible in a primary? I can't buy "voter suppression" given every time I have voted I could have voted for mickey mouse because..... Write in. It's right there next to the pre filled out spaces. I ask because I want to know partly about the primary write in, if it exists on the ballots, and also partly because I've got a bucket of popcorn and need to take a break and cruise around here once and a while.

‘Tremendously Damaging’: Here’s The Most Aggressive Restrictions Biden’s EPA Pushed On Americans In 2023​

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pushed several aggressive climate regulations in 2023 that could seriously harm the American economy, energy policy experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The agency proposed or finalized rules that would spur the electric vehicle (EV) transition, decrease power grid reliability by imposing costly restrictions on power plants, tighten air quality standards and more in 2023. Under the Biden administration, the EPA has made considerable efforts to further regulations that would nominally help to counter climate change, often at the expense of the American economy, energy policy experts told the DCNF.

“The EPA took a disturbing trend to a new level in 2023: a willingness to use its regulatory power to kill off industries, dictate or influence what businesses can operate and limit what goods and services are available to the public,” Daren Bakst, the director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Energy and Environment, told the DCNF. “Congress never envisioned the agency’s authorized regulatory power would be used as a tool for the agency to engage in central planning, reshape industries and limit consumer choice.” (RELATED: EPA Bureaucrats Can Rake In Six-Figure Salaries While Mostly Working From Home, Report Finds)

The “Clean Power Plan 2.0″​

The EPA’s May proposal to slash greenhouse gas emissions from power plants would require fossil fuel-fired generation facilities to adopt expensive developing technologies, such as carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and hydrogen blending, in order to come into compliance over the coming decades. If finalized in its current form, the regulations— which the EPA contends are legal under the auspices of the Clean Air Act— would significantly raise the chances of blackouts in a massive swath of the Midwest while imposing costs to stakeholders totaling nearly $250 billion, according to analysis conducted by the Center of the American Experiment (CAE).

Power the Future, an energy advocacy organization, dubbed the proposal the “Clean Power Plan 2.0” in a November report because of its strong resemblance to the Obama administration’s “Clean Power Plan” proposal, which the Supreme Court struck down in its landmark decision in West Virginia v. EPAin 2022.

The EPA is moving forward with the proposal, despite the North American Electric Reliability Corporation and a key official for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission warning that the premature retirement of fossil fuel-fired baseload generation and increased reliance on intermittent green energy, like wind and solar, threatens future grid reliability.

“The proposed rule does not require that plants go offline,” an EPA spokesperson told the DCNF in August. “The proposed rule would require plants to install proven technology to abate greenhouse gas emissions. The proposal provides owners and operators of power plants with ample lead time and substantial compliance flexibilities, allowing power companies and grid operators to make sound long-term planning and investment decisions, and supporting the power sector’s ability to continue delivering reliable and affordable electricity.”

However, CAE and one of its leading grid experts, Isaac Orr, are not convinced.

The agency “does not appear to have the expertise necessary to enact such a sweeping regulation on the American power sector,” CAE wrote in its August comments in response to the agency’s proposal.

“This is the regulatory equivalent of studying the structural integrity of the top floor of a 100-story building without doing so for the preceding 99 floors,” Orr told the DCNF.

Tailpipe Emissions Standards​

In April, the agency unveiled its proposal for new tailpipe emissions standards in an effort to curb emissions attributable to transportation. The proposed standards would be historically stringent if finalized and they would effectively mandate that 67% of all light-duty vehicles sold after model year 2032 are EVs, according to the EPA.

Under the proposed rules, 46% of medium-duty vehicle sales and 25% of heavy-duty sales will be EVs, according to the agency’s projections.

The proposal could be “tremendously damaging for the American people,” Diana Furchtgott-Roth, the director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Energy, Climate and Environment, told the DCNF. “The reason the agency is pushing these rules is because Congress would never pass these as laws … this rule would be very damaging for Americans and get rid of an iconic means of transportation.”

The administration has spent billions to facilitate its ambitious EV push, and other agencies, such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, have promulgated their own similar rules as well. Despite these efforts, the American EV market is on tenuous footing: consumer demand is not growing as rapidly as anticipated, companies are losing large sums of money on their EV product lines, auto executives are starting to back away from short-term EV production targets and the nation’s EV charging infrastructure remains inconsistent and unevenly distributed across the country.

Notably, the House passed a bill that would effectively nullify the proposal earlier in December by a bipartisan vote, but it is unlikely to make it through the Senate, and the White House has suggested that President Joe Biden will veto the bill if it lands on his desk, according to The Hill.


Fine Particulate Pollution Standards​

In January, the EPA proposed to tighten the existing National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for fine particulate pollution (PM 2.5) in order “to better protect communities, including those most overburdened by pollution,” the agency announced in a press release.

More than 70 industrial executives penned a letter to White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients warning him that it could lead to massive swaths of the nation falling out of compliance with the rule, which would in turn choke economic development and complicate key goals of Biden’s own green industrial agenda, according to its text.

The states that would be most directly impacted by a finalized PM 2.5 NAAQS update would be Texas, California, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona and Illinois, according to the letter’s text.

“PM 2.5 is the most demonstrable science fraud going on at the EPA,” Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow for the Energy and Environment Legal Institute, previously told the DCNF. “There is more than enough scientific research to demonstrate that what EPA is doing here is fraud, and it is really a testament to the corruption of the scientific community.”

If finalized, the proposal would kill jobs and put the EPA in a position to deny local economies the right to develop, because states that can not comply with the tightened standards would have to receive approval from the agency to develop new industrial factories and power facilities, Milloy told the DCNF.

The EPA projects that the policy would generate up to $43 billion in net health benefits in 2032, as well as prevent 4,200 premature deaths per year and restore 270,000 lost workdays per year by reducing the current standard of allowable fine particle pollution by up to 25%.

Waters of the United States​

In January, the agency proposed a regulation that would define the “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) under the EPA’s regulatory purview as “navigable waters” to include lands containing small streams and wetlands. A federal court blocked the January proposal in April, finding that the 24 states that sued the agency had “persuasively shown that the new 2023 Rule poses a threat to their sovereign rights and amounts to irreparable harm.”

Then, in May, the Supreme Court limited the EPA’s authority under the Clean Water Act — which it had cited as the enabling statute for the January proposal — in its decision in Sackett v. EPA, a case brought by a couple whom the EPA tried to stop from constructing a house on their land in Idaho.

In August, the agency “finalized amendments to its January rule, which are just a half-hearted and incomplete set of corrections to try and fix the flawed rule,” Bakst told the DCNF. “These amendments don’t properly comply with the Sackett opinion and fail to provide needed clarity to implement the opinion. And they did so without seeking public comment.”

The EPA exhibited a “complete disregard for private property owners and the rule of law” in its proceedings pursuant to WOTUS regulation in 2023, Bakst told the DCNF.
I seriously still am new at using forums and posted elsewhere thinking I was posting here earlier. Presidential politics as a topic of discussion often turns men into babies. I need to go change my diaper ?. Life is too short.
Biden at the Children - petting zoo. Just a few samples. Epstein likes them young ….. so does

I’m amazed Biden was not Epstein’s biggest pal. It turns out his daughters’ diary was maybe true…. I always found it interesting that the FBI was more interested in going after the supposed thief vs the evidence that was written by a supposed minor being acted upon in illegal sexual manners. Find it interesting the Trump election - group wanted the Biden diary to be sent to FBI. Seems the lady that took the Biden diary found it in a house that she moved into. My goodness almost like leaving laptop hanging out.

The FBI was not going after that or the Hunter Biden laptop in their possession for illegal activities found in contents. Portions of Hunter Bidens laptop was hosted in Taiwan China for viewing those contents Months before the 2020 election. It was shown in parts on telegram and other websites. Remember it being stated that laptop was stolen too. Later on it was stated and sworn as Russian misinformation. 50 plus Intel active and former signed on for election interferences. One of the reasons given for that false intel report: “wanted Biden to win.” All those ppl should have security clearances taken from them as a minimum.

Right now by keeping Biden in office and number 1 democrat candidate for 2024 …. they - powers that be are given Trump a much better chance at 2024 for SELECTION. I fore see the democrat party turning on their own and eating Biden. Rino Nikki Haley is already asking for mental evaluations for Presidential - elderly hopefuls based on “old” age…. Haley should run as a democrat - true blue. Be something to hear the Left finally say Trump won 2020.
Biden cheated by “building the biggest election fraud team in American Politics”.

right from the Donkey’s lips.
Allowed quid pro quo on video too.

Remember that time when Biden stated Russia would not invade Ukraine? Right there on video preserved.

FBI running the thin blue line….. never telling the truth. FBI = KGB political party controlled operations funded by tax payers.

I want Biden to stay the front runner. Do you think the democrats will say “Trump is disqualified to run for 2024 since he won 2020?“ That is no doubt a last ditch effort to keep power for an option.

Panicked Obama Reportedly Urging Joe Biden to Quit the 2024 Race​

By Mike LaChance Jan. 24, 2024 9:40 pm1592 Comments


Barack Obama is reportedly terrified that Biden is going to lose in November and is urging Joe Biden to exit the race.
Obama has never been crazy about Biden and wasn’t even happy about Joe’s decision to run for president in 2020. Now he is looking at the momentum Trump is already building, compared to Joe Biden’s weak campaign.
The problem Democrats have here is Joe Biden’s ego. He thinks he is doing a great job. He wants to run.”’

‘’’’PJ Media reports:
REPORT: Barack Obama Is Telling Joe Biden to Quit the 2024 Race

Earlier this month, we learned that Barack Obama advised Joe Biden on how to beef up his reelection campaign. Now, he appears to have given up all hope for Biden’s struggling campaign.
The former president and other allies of Biden’s have advised him “to quit the 2024 race to save America and the Democratic Party,” according to a report from RadarOnline.
“Insiders snitched that tensions between the two presidents recently exploded after irate Obama rushed to a secret meeting and confronted Biden about his fading chances to fend off surging Republican candidate Donald Trump in the upcoming November election,” explains the report.
Incredibly, Joe seems almost oblivious to the lack of excitement about his campaign and cratering approval ratings. Recent polls show a scant 38 percent of American’s approve of his performance with a whopping 58 percent holding a negative opinion of his work…
In desperation, sources said Obama bellowed at bumbling Biden to go on the attack — and make sure trusted aides are constantly by his side on the campaign trail to keep them from committing the disastrous gaffes that have defined his presidency. There are also reports that Obama is quietly making decisions about who controls Biden’s campaign. Lots of people believe Obama is the real puppet master behind the Biden White House anyway, so none of this is very surprising.”’’’’

Joe and the pedo show - his grand daughter. These kid fk’ers are NASTY he did that many many times while out in public to send his message.

I think this guy is more sick than Hunter ..... he just didn't misplace a computer.
They know and are covering for his sicko actions. The Left know it. Young Turks are Leftist. He is a sicko. The daughter’s diary excerpts were nasty. That is why they have it buried. It was posted on telegram. Nasty….SICKO.

I don’t want him forced to quit - Trump will beat him. Trump would have harder time against others.

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