diy solar

diy solar

Santan Solar Arizona

Capt Tango

New Member
Dec 15, 2023
El Mirage, Arizona
Picked up 4 used 400-watt Q-Panels from this local firm for my RV. As a solar rookie I had many questions about using residential panel on an RV and was given an email address of their tech support. I sent them a drawing of the components and how I was going to wire to my system. I inquired about wire sizing, panel connection (series/parallel), fuses, switches and size of solar controller. Their advice kept me from guessing and making some mistakes. Even though I was only buying panels from them, they gave me setup and lithium programing info on my Magnum Energy charger/inverter, which was a product they don't even sell. I was also informed to buy 2 300 AH batteries with 200 amp BMSs rather than 1 larger 450 AH battery with a 250 BMS, even gave me an Amazon link. With this info I confidently built my first system and am up and running the first time without error.
If you start a thread on your build, many will be happy to help. So many ways to set this up and we all wish we’d done something a little different.

diy solar

diy solar