diy solar

diy solar

export meter


New Member
Apr 19, 2023
just a quick wee question about what meter should be used to read the export ??- the elmlite or sdm120ct??leccy company want photos of both meters for some reason!!the meters do say different readings but not by much -couple of kw.
Neither? My electricity supplier (Octopus, was Bulb) have no interest in those meters. They only care about the readings from my main (smart) meter which is the one that shows actual Import and Export. That's the one I would photograph if requested, but they can get the readings remotely anyway.

Unless you have an old meter that only shows import?

The SDM120CT is used by your inverter to track the voltage and current being used and control its output as needed. It also uses that for its own totals (import/export/load etc).

The Emlite generation meter is, as far as I can work out, pointless. It may have been useful with the old FIT tariffs where you got paid handsomely for every unit your inverter produced, but not now with real Export tariffs. No one has ever looked at my Emlite.
thanks for reply,doesnt look like my smart meter shows export so ,they will work it out.
thanks for reply,doesnt look like my smart meter shows export so ,they will work it out.
That's unusual.

Octopus are unable to read the export from my smart meter due to admin issues (import is fine), but I can read it manually and send them a reading once a month.
il take another look at the smart meter ,think its one of the first ones quite old!
Ah, yes. If it's one of the early ones it probably ignores export. I'm surprised they haven't said they'd get a new one installed.

The Emlite generation meter just shows what the inverter has produced. It doesn't differentiate between exported power and power used by your house. The SDM120CT is measuring the power in and out of your house (if the CT sensor is on the main live feed) and should be able to show the real export figures, but it's not as accurate as the smart meter would be.

So, it they're happy with it, use the SDM120CT readings. It'll be close enough.
thats what i thought about the sdm120 but they emailed the other day to say i had 2 meters and would like pictures of both to sort things out,already been exporting and getting paid from them then all of sudden want photos of meter,might be because they got more power back as had problem with battery which obviously wasnt using the solar at the time!!but thanks for replys?

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