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diy solar

Energy-Mate App for MPP Solar LV6548 inverter


New Member
Sep 9, 2023
MPP Solar just released a new wifit monitoring application called Energy Mate APP. Does anyone have experience using it compared to WatchPower?

I am testing it on my LV6548 and it seems to work fine but it it does not to refresh automatically, it is supposed to be every 5 min.
This is only Apple and Android version, no Windows OS.
Does anyone have expereince using the Energy Mate and can the differnces between it and WatchPower?
I have been trying it , not much better than the other one , still cant get in to change parameters , just gives me a “No Settings “ icon !
In mine I am able to change the parameters. Note, if you have already setup the wifi with Watchpower, you have to use the same login to access Energymate. you can also email mppsolar support about that.
Not sure if this is why its working now but I had the old app and the new app on my phone , I deleted the old one yesterday , now all of a sudden , the Earth-Mate app will now let me set parameters ?
Not sure if this is why its working now but I had the old app and the new app on my phone , I deleted the old one yesterday , now all of a sudden , the Earth-Mate app will now let me set parameters ?
It is possible that the old app may have caused it. Are you able to change the parameters now?
Energy mate works quite well, once you finally get the AIO to communicate with the cloud (subject for another post lol), but there are still a couple of wrinkles that need ironing out.

Firstly, there is no ability to set daylight savings time, so your log/data will either be correct, or 1 hour out, for several months in many parts of the world.

The 'real time' data and statistics pages only update every 5 minutes. For the most part, this is fine but it can miss short duration/peak loads entirely.

Also, on the Day, Month, Year, Total statistics tab, the 'Load' chart doesn't display by default. Only the 'Solar Power's chart does. You have to manually activate it and when you navigate away, it deletes the chart again.

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diy solar