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Looking for reviews—AIMS Power 6000 Watt 48V [Split Phase] 120/240 Pure Sine Inverter Charger |

FYI I have an Aims 3000 watt MSW that has had zero problems over the 8 or more years I've owned it. It runs power tools in my garage including an air compressor and welder.
Mine was happy being used occasionally.

Running my entire house.... not so much.


R.I.P. aims.
You mention you had three Aims inverters.

Care to elaborate on model number and how they died?
Nooo not three. ONE.

They fixed it over and over. I paid more in shipping that monster (weight wise) back to them than I paid for the unit.

First time they said it fried from loads being to high. Second time it died while at idle. Third time may of been lightning but was a power surge. I never sent it back the third time its a door stop.
I have one Aims product and have had problems myself.

At this point I’ll get the Signeer or two multiplus units for split phase.

I own The 120 volt to 24 volt converter.

First one was sent back not operational. I think AIMs covered shipping. I bought it off their website.

The second one worked good when installed. I use it so little it sat for a year unused and when tested didn’t work, but worked when the on off switch was reset. Was not in “OFF” but turning from “on” to “off” to “on” fixed it. Not operator error.

It’s still in my RV and will be tested in another year unless I go boondocking for a few days with no sun.

The converter is hidden behind the RV electrical panel so it’s not easy to get to to trip the switch.
I have dual AIMs 12,000w 240v/120v and chose them because of ETL listing. The main one ran 5yrs / 25,000hrs and then the control board starting acting up - started putting out unsteady 240v/120v causing my UPSs to cycle several times a second.

AIMS support strung me along a few months and eventually refused to provide replacement control board. I was able to get the control board refurbished (mostly capacitors replaced) at a general electronics repair place for $500 - but I would not recommend AIMS any more as 5yrs seems a pretty short of life-span for the $!

While working to repair the AIMS, I went SGP 12,000w 240v/120v as they are one of the cheapest ETL certified around and 'fit' into my inverter area and happy so far but only 700hrs to date. We'll see how long it lasts :)
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I have dual AIMs 12,000w 240v/120v and chose them because of ETL listing. The main one ran 5yrs / 25,000hrs and then the control board starting acting up - started putting out unsteady 240v/120v causing my UPSs to cycle several times a second.

AIMS support strung me along a few months and eventually refused to provide replacement control board. I was able to get the control board refurbished (mostly capacitors replaced) at a general electronics repair place for $500 - but I would not recommend AIMS any more as 5yrs seems a pretty short of life-span for the $!

While working to repair the AIMS, I went SGP 12,000w 240v/120v as they are one of the cheapest ETL certified around and 'fit' into my inverter area and happy so far but only 700hrs to date. We'll see how long it lasts :)
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Thanks one of the things attracting me to Signeer and Aims is it fits into a compact space.
I know I have a minority opinion on this forum but that is the exact inverter I have + I also bought the 4kw split phase inverter.
That thing is built like a tank, it weighs almost 100 pounds + it is supposed to handle 18kw for 20 seconds.
Lot of people on here does not like Aims for one reason or another but they have always answered my questions & seem like they know their stuff.
A friend talked me into Aims & he has run his 10kw system for 12+ years with no problems after it was set up correctly.
He called tech support & they walked him through all issues & the same with me, I have called them at least 7 or 8 times.
They are a little expensive but I consider them commercial grade equipment.
The only thing I don't like is my shop LED lights flicker sometimes, I was told it was because I bought cheap lights (true).
Just my 2-cents!
Full disclosure first , i carry Aims products and im an authorized dealer. Im not trying to sell anything here, in fact i wont ship anything, period. I only deliver components locally, setup and verify operation of everything I sell.

That being said, i have a 4k/24v Aims at my personal cabin in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Installed in 2017 and has been great. I use the cabin year round, it powers my 50ft well, lights, fridge and tv. I even used it during construction to power the table saw and skillsaw.
I agree, that thing is a beast, i think its close to 60lbs and ive never had an ounce of trouble. I like that its simple and reliable.

I have installed many victron products and they are fantastic, just a little more "techy" than most people are wanting/needing. Neighbors have Magnums and they too have lasted many years.

Most of the problems i see are folks that are maxing out components for long periods of time. Most are sized too small. I believe no matter what piece of equipment you have, if its operated at its limits continuously it will fail sooner.

Lots of Aims haters out there, but ask a ford guy about chevy. Just opinions.
No matter what youre getting, If you want support after the sale, dont buy it on Amazon....
Full disclosure first , i carry Aims products and im an authorized dealer. Im not trying to sell anything here, in fact i wont ship anything, period. I only deliver components locally, setup and verify operation of everything I sell.
If I may ask for an opinion. I have dual AIMS 12,000w inverters and was a fan until... One of my units reached 5yrs, 25,000hrs of operation but then started putting out wacky AC. Not a warranty issue - but needed a new control board. AIMS support said OK at first - but then after 3 months it became clear this was never going to happen and they refunded the PayPal invoice for the replacement board. I was able to get the old control board repaired (new capacitors) at a generic electronic repair shop and the AIMS is operational again.

So I like my AIMS but this lack of support/replacement parts set my enthusiasm back.

My question - is 5 years and can't get replacement parts 'to be expected'? or what do see as reasonable for older (5,6,7 yrs) units / replacement parts. What is good, bad, normal in you're view as an authorized dealer?
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Considering the industry, 5 years is a long time. I have Solarworld panels from 2017 with a 25 year warranty, but they dont exist anymore, so no warranty. I thought Magnum was going down the same path last year, couldn't get products or individual components for months, warranty or new purchase.

Sounds like Aims had intentions of getting it fixed but ran into some issues?? I wonder what changed. Im with you, id be upset after major component failure in 5 years, but being it was reparable i suppose I would be happy about that. I might even prefer a local repair vs shipping back and forth.
Thank goodness for the repair shop that was able to help you. Those kinds of shops are rare these days.

To answer your question, id say 5-7 year support issues are unfortunately normal for the industry but still better than other electronic companies. I have had good luck with Aims support, but maybe its just that, luck!
Wounder if it was during the 2+ years of covd19, everyone was having trouble with supply issues.
It was even hard to get people to come to work & some places the government wouldn't let people work.
Like I said before, they helped me all the way & answered all the questions I had.
My buddy that turned me on to Aims has had his 10kw inverter running for 13 years & it's still going strong.
Wounder if it was during the 2+ years of covd19, everyone was having trouble with supply issues.
It was even hard to get people to come to work & some places the government wouldn't let people work.
My experience with AIMS was early this year - Feb 2023. Support took my request for replacement board as routine (did PayPal charge for me to accept) but after a few months it seem like manufacturing (in China?) was not able to provide.
I've got a 4000w AIMS and a 6000W Sigineer. Except for the cabinet and an LCD status display on the Sigineer, they are almost identical inside.

The AIMS unit died after running for about 4 months, it was sent back and repaired under warranty. I'm keeping it as a backup. The Sigineer has been running constantly for almost THREE YEARS with no problems.

Fair warning: all of these types of split-phase inverters have large 60 Hz transformers inside that run very hot, even with zero load. The most important thing you can do to help them last is to put a fan on the side of the cabinet so there is constant airflow over the transformer. If you don't do that, they run hot (esp. in summer) and shut down frequently. And no, the internal fans are not enough. Newer models MIGHT be better but this is cheap insurance.

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I agreed 100% eventually the extreme heat will "meltdown" basically the TX enamel coating
I've got a 4000w AIMS and a 6000W Sigineer. Except for the cabinet and an LCD status display on the Sigineer, they are almost identical inside.

The AIMS unit died after running for about 4 months, it was sent back and repaired under warranty. I'm keeping it as a backup. The Sigineer has been running constantly for almost THREE YEARS with no problems.

Fair warning: all of these types of split-phase inverters have large 60 Hz transformers inside that run very hot, even with zero load. The most important thing you can do to help them last is to put a fan on the side of the cabinet so there is constant airflow over the transformer. If you don't do that, they run hot (esp. in summer) and shut down frequently. And no, the internal fans are not enough. Newer models MIGHT be better but this is cheap insurance.

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I agreed 100% eventually the extreme heat will "meltdown" basically the TX enamel coating
Do you really think a $2200 AIMs inverter is the same thing as a $995 Sun Gold.

The Sun Gold, AIMs, and Signeer all look the same on the outside. Probably come from the same factory.

What makes you think its the same inside?
After comparing user manuals, reviews, and specs the 24 volt 4000 watt direction I'm going indicates they are the same. Reviews 5 star and 1 star % is almost identical. Weight is the same. User manuals are almost identical in layout and even use some of the pictures. So yes they appear to come from the same factory. Vent holes in case are different. Exterior layout is identical. Very high probability they are the same. Sun Gold is currently the cheapest.
@Will Prowse maybe you have preformed tests on these 3 units I missed, I looked at the Giandel you liked 2 years ago and while half the price it is also half the weight . Implications maybe lighter heat sinks and transformers?
@ill Prowse maybe you have preformed tests on these 3 units I missed, I looked at the Giandel you liked 2 years ago and while half the price it is also half the weight . Implications maybe lighter heat sinks and transformers?
He is asking for videos to do this year. I will ask this on his thread
He is asking for videos to do this year. I will ask this on his thread
What did you end up getting? I have the 24V 6k aims and a 24V 4k sungold. I don't have any overheating issues as described above. So far they both perform well.
What did you end up getting? I have the 24V 6k aims and a 24V 4k sungold. I don't have any overheating issues as described above. So far they both perform well.
I put this project on hold.

I had got a VIctron 250/100 MPPT to charge a battery bank, and ended up returning that to Amazon unopened.

Too many projects, so I put this level 2 grid charger on long term hold. Solar wise for projects to maintain, I have grid tied at the house, A small 350 VA solar generator/inverter, and a decent RV setup.
I have used aims inverter chargers about 7 yrs now,started with 12v 4000,went to 24v6000x2,never a problem but just this weekend did a 5hr drive for a pair of 24v6000wspli for 100.00,he was going to scrap them,his installer didnt like aims and didnt even trouble shoot them,working on them now,another thing is you can call them in the USA and they will answer your questions and if you need a board replaced out of warranty they will sell you one,how many others do that?Keep them cool and will last longer(I kept a small fan on mine.)
I figured out that one had a bad switch on the case(red goop to secure ribon cable covered 2 pins)switched covers and one working perfect,The other had strange voltages and tripped GFCI still working on the second

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