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Updating Firmware on Lifepower 4 batteries


New Member
Jan 3, 2021
A couple questions on updating the firmware. I just recently purchased another battery to add to the others that are over a year old. I haven't updated the firmware on any of them as I really haven't had any issues, they all top balance fine and are usually at the same voltages. I have them in EG4 settings so they are BMS controlled by the inverter. The big question should I update the firmware, how do you know what version is on them now, and I see the latest is version 3.37, what am I missing by not updating. Thanks,
Download and extract the firmware, inside the zip file you'll find a change log that will detail all the changes between the versions. As with any firmware, staying on older firmware allows your product to drift further from the manufacturer's current baseline. The further the drift, the more changes that must be loaded when the day comes that you have to update for some reason.

That said, unless there is a warning for firmware, which is typically only temporary, I would always update the firmware to reduce your drift exposure.

From my experience, the most important part about updating the firmware on the LifePower4 batteries is to make 100% sure they are under ZERO load when you update them. Any load causes the BMS to work, and doing that while updating the firmware is only so forgiving, and will eventually lead to a corrupt BMS update.
Ok thanks for the reply with some good info. Yes I now see the change log and there is quite a few from the first. So is there a way to read your current version and does loading the latest one incorporate all previous versions. Also I guess its best to power down all batteries and totally isolate each one as you update.
Yes current firmware will apply all changes from your current version and isolation of battery for update is the only way to do it
Ok was able to successfully update the firmware on the first 3 but the final one failed to load and is now is in an alarm state, powering off and on does not clear it. I saw somewhere when this happens during a load there was a process to clear it, does anyone know this process
There are multiple levels of “bricked” in my experience.

1: When you turn the power off and lights stay illuminated, when this happened to me I had to RMA another BMS.

2: When the unit shuts off (no lights) , and upon boot an abnormal light behavior is experienced. In this scenario you may be able to still connect the firmware update tool and attempt to re-try the firmware. This mode is also a mode in which Signature Solar can possibly assist.
Ok, it does power off with no lights, but returns to all lights when turned back on. It does not sync up with the BMS tool at this point so not sure how you could try to reload.
I would suggest calling Signature Solar and see if they can provide any undocumented steps to help you get the unit to accept firmware. I’d love to know if there is anything that can be done. ?
Yes I talked with them, going to try a few things as they send out a new. BMS. I’ll let you know how it goes
Because Signature Solar is sending out a BMS, I presume their Support determined it's possible the BMS may not be software/firmware recoverable??

Would you mind sharing the things that were shared with you to try from Signature Solar? These types of details are invaluable in the forums and collectively help everyone. (y)
Sure thing, they wanted me to try reloading but with it in that state it won’t connect with the BMS tool, I said without it communicating there would be no way to send the firmware, that’s when they asked if I had the capability to change out the BMS or they would have it sent back. I have the technical ability. They sent me instructions, doesn’t look that difficult. One thing I’m going to try first is to remove power from the BMS to see if will reset itself, if not I’ll change it out. I see people slamming SS all the time on these forums, couldn’t ask for better communication and instant action. Picked up phone immediately.
I have replaced a BMS myself and it's easy, it took about 40 minutes and you just need to take some pictures before you start taking it apart, be cautious and don't rush, carefully unhook everything and re-connect it at a comfortable pace.

One of the ideas proposed to me when my BSM was dead was to try and push the firmware without checking the boot info in the BMS test tool.

have you tried to update the battery without getting boot info that’s how we always saved the bms

My BMS lights would not turn off when I flipped the breaker, I had what I consider a "FULLY BRICKED" situation so this step didn't help me. But maybe it works for you. (y)
I didn't think of trying to push it without comm but will give it try. Cant see how it would without it seeing the BMS tool, but certainly cant hurt. Did yours brick while trying to update. Like I mentioned the first 3 loaded fine, the last one stopped halfway thru then gave me the message failed to load, it actually gave me another shot right after as did successfully get the boot info again but failed the same way, but this time locked it up
Mine bricked during an update, it got some percent complete, and then it just froze. I attempted again and it wouldn't connect, so I attempted to restart the BMS by flipping the breaker and that's when I noticed it was "FULLY BRICKED", with the breaker switch in the "OFF" position, my LED lights were still dimly lit. Only after disconnecting the wires to the BMS for replacment did the lights on the front of the BMS finally shut off.

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