diy solar

diy solar

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  1. tomashubelbauer

    Control a circuit powered by the load output of the Victron SCC with the Cerbo GX relay

    Hi, I have a Victron SmartSolar 100/15 MPPT SCC connected to a Cerbo GX for remote control via VRM and VictronConnect. I am currently not using the relays on the Cerbo but I know they can be both connected to a manual mode (and one can be programmed which is not something I need right now)...
  2. tomashubelbauer

    Is it bad for na LFP battery to be on a solar charge controller for a long time with no load?

    Hi, I have a miniature solar setup with a few panels, an SCC and a 206 Ah LFP battery. I used to have the setup power 24/7 lights in my shop but I disconnected the load some time back due to making changes to the shop lighting and I never got back to reconnecting it yet. I use a Victron SCC and...
  3. tomashubelbauer

    Advice on land mounted array 60 m (200 ft) away from the solar charge controller

    Hi, I have a barn where I have run a small solar system I use to power its lights as well as the occasional power tool. There is a semi-insulated brick room in the barn so I can keep the electronics (solar charge controller, invertor, batteries with internal heaters) there. The barn has a south...
  4. tomashubelbauer

    Is it okay to charge a battery with (much) lower current than recommended?

    Hey folks, I was recommended to repost my question from here: Long story short, I am a complete novice and I happen to have a 13.6-14.7 V / 1 A charger meant for gel batteries at hand...
  5. tomashubelbauer

    Is it okay to charge a battery with (much) lower current than recommended?

    Hi. I have this SOK 206 Ah battery: The specs say to charge using: 14.4-14.6 V and 40 A I am not at the spot where my solar system is for a few weeks now but since I...
  6. tomashubelbauer

    Code of Conduct points to a section that has since been removed

    This is not really a complaint even thought based on the forum list I think this is a best place to post this. I am a new member so I am going through all of the various resouces season members probably don't check anymore and one of them was the Code of Conduct post...
  7. tomashubelbauer

    What is the best way to suggest product suggestions to Victron?

    Hi, I am using Victron products (except for batteries) in my miniature solar system and while using the physical products themselves as well as VRM, I have come up with some suggestion improvements. I tried to email these to Victron, but they seem to have a pretty impenetrable sales wall; the...
  8. tomashubelbauer

    Hello everyone! A newbie from the Czech Republic

    Hi, my name's Tom and I am a novice solar hobbyist. I live in the Czech Republic, in central Europe. I'm making this post to say hi to everyone as well as to see if we have other Czech people here. I expect to create a bunch of posts for the Beginners Corner over the course of the coming months...
  9. tomashubelbauer

    How to load historical local data from Victron MPPT solar charge controller into VRM

    Hi! I have a hobbyist solar system with just a few panels powering just DC loads for now (lights in my shop). I want to build a bigger system in the future but I want to learn first to make sure I get it right. My system started off with a 12 V SOK LFP battery, a Victron MPPT BT solar charge...