diy solar

diy solar

12000w Consumption spike when battery is in use.


New Member
Jul 7, 2024
Hello all! I'm assisting family with an installed solar system and there is an oddity that I am not convinced is normal. The system is an EG4 and there are two 18k EG4 battery banks.

It's not my system but I've been able to research how to charge from PV / Grid at set times. We've been able to charge the batteries from both without much hassle.

It seems once the system is outside of the "charge first' windows, the house consumption spikes up to 11000-13000W, with battery discharge in a similar area. When in Charge First mode, the house consumption is about 100-300W.

I've been reading that this may be a physical contact issue, battery failure, or improper inverter settings. I'd like to rule improper settings out before having them deal with warranty claims.

Smartload is disabled, force discharge is disabled, and discharge is supposedly limited to 250A.

Any advice is welcome - I am happy to post screenshots of the setup if needed.
Thank you all!

diy solar

diy solar