diy solar

diy solar

1200sqft cabin


New Member
Jun 25, 2022
Good afternoon y'all,

Thank you for allowing me on the forum. I hope to learn a lot of things on here. I have been following on YouTube for awhile.

So as the title says, I am building a 1200sqft house. It's actually 1024sqft with a loft.

I am looking for a recommendation on a complete solar system. I saw a video he did for a all in one system. That would be very simple and maybe do two of those to make 240v?

Please give me recommendations! Simple cost effective system to stop relying on the electric grid.
Are you heating or cooling this 1200 sq ft space with the solar power? Otherwise the size of the cabin has nothing to do with how much solar you need. Your info is extremely vague.

Go to the Resources section and read about doing an energy audit, do it, and then post again with any questions?
So I can't get that to work. However here is my current monthly bill and usage. Does this help?

The Grand total of power use is also vague. You need to list all the appliances, tools, motors. anything that uses power, and list the electrical draw of each appliance and the length of time each appliance is used. Make a list.

What can't you get to work from the resources section. Why be so vague? People can't guess if they are to help.

You can also use Google to learn about and to make an energy audit.

Good luck.
The Grand total of power use is also vague. You need to list all the appliances, tools, motors. anything that uses power, and list the electrical draw of each appliance and the length of time each appliance is used. Make a list.

What can't you get to work from the resources section. Why be so vague? People can't guess if they are to help.

You can also use Google to learn about and to make an energy audit.

Good luck.
The link for the audit thing, I can't get it to work
812kWh/31 days = 26.2kWh/day. Your latitude is similar to mine and from my experience, you’ll need a 4-5kW array to generate this much power in summer months.

You’ll need to decide if you want to do off-grid which will require a lot of batteries, grid assist, or full grid-tied and if the latter, what credits will you get from your utility during the times when you’re generating more than consuming.
I would like to be fully off grid. I was thinking a 6kw, but we live pretty simple and outside all day.

How many batteries would I need?
I was thinking of these batteries. Any idea?

To go fully off grid will be a substantial investment. Do you use it year-round or only in summer?

If you want to be off grid in the winter, keep in mind your solar production will be much less than in summer, like 1/3-1/4 the generation on sunny days in December. Stormy days will generate very little.

You showed us your June bill for May usage. How do your wintertime bills look?

This is where as others have mentioned an energy audit will be very useful in determining the size of the inverter(s) and battery bank. Power, duration, and time of use info is critical here.

Do you use gas or electric for cooking, heating, and hot water in the cabin?
It will be much less, as we use propane for everything else. This is our full time residence now. Winter time would be mainly lights. My shop is on a separate property and is fed by the county electric.
So I can't get that to work. However here is my current monthly bill and usage. Does this help?
If it’s for the cabin :)
the house which has a 8:12 pitch.
Is the eave-edge east-to-west?
Even in Georgia that might be good!
was thinking a 6kw
Your latitude is similar to mine and from my experience, you’ll need a 4-5kW array to generate this much power in summer months.
This is where a pallet from santan probably makes sense. I’d try to buy 7kW for yourself and sell any extras. But I don’t know how tall they can ship on one pallet?
The gable ends are east and west. The front door is facing dead north. I'm thinking of taking a ride up to them in Savannah GA next week. Maybe I can pick them up directly.

For that 6-7k system, what all in one do y'all recommend?
For that 6-7k system, what all in one do y'all recommend?
Are your tastes Porsche or is used C2 corvette just fine?

If you can tolerate middle-to-lower shelf MPPSolar has decent units. 6-7kW panels and a 3000W output AIO I’m guessing you meant?
This may be blasphemous however I am a cheap realist. And I like Pintos (age test if you get it).

Running the house exclusively from a propane generator would be expensive. And noisy. The generator has to run at full speed regardless of how light the load.

Running the house exclusively from solar would be expensive with the panel array and massive battery storage.

My preference is for a hybrid system that has sufficient battery capacity to at least get you through one night. In the morning you can recharge from solar (panels are cheaper than batteries) and supplement from a propane generator before you go to sleep.

Plus you have the generator available to power large loads. For autonomous operation get an inverter and generator that have auto start functions.
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Since you’re already connected to the grid, I’d suggest a grid-assisted system with 3-5kW inverter and 5-10kWh of battery. Together with the 6-7kW array this will cover most of your usage, and then when the days are shorter and/or cloudy, you still have the grid without a noisy generator.
Ok, so if I went to a 3kw system. What would you recommend for a all in one system? Batteries? Does the grid keep the batteries charged? Or how does that work? Thank
I’ll let those with first hand experience recommend specific models here, but some all-in-one brands to consider include MPP, Growatt, even Renogy. If you’re willing to consider a separate solar charge controller, then also look at Victron Energy who have an extensive product range and highly regarded. Their MultiPlus and Quattro come to mind.

For a 48V system, here’s another battery to consider:

A grid-assist system provides grid electricity to your household when solar and/or battery are insufficient/unavailable for the real-time loads. Typically the solar charges the batteries when there is excess solar.
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