diy solar

diy solar

48V dc / 110V ac inverter/charger

Will's most recent video:

Uses a very high-end flexible panel with adhesive that claims 23% efficiency - meaning more W/sq-ft. Given the overall budget, splurging on some high end panels may make a lot of sense for total wattage and non-penetrating installation.

Thanks, I do subscribe to him but have yet to watch this video... I will..

BTW - have you seen this study - granted it is a vendor's perspective..

Polymers VS Glass. A five years comparison.​

Unfortunately, that study doesn't reflect what people actually do with these panels.

The flexible panels were placed over existing panels thus held flat and with a dead airspace behind it with cooling characteristics highly similar to a rigid panel. In most cases folks are adhering these directly to a flat or curved surface, and their ability to shed heat is often crippled by the hot surface itself.

They basically tested how flexible panels perform when mounted like rigid panels. Had they been directly affixed to the roof and subjected to any thermal affects, their performance would have degraded.

It doesn't take much effort to find a lot of evidence where flexible panels adhered directly to a surface deteriorate rapidly and fail prematurely.