diy solar

diy solar

500wh/kg?(!) Amprius Battery


Solar Enthusiast
Dec 28, 2020
500wh/kg or 1300wh/litre
Silicone anode
0 to 80% charge in 10 minutes.

If it requires cobalt in it that may be a deal killer for some.

And I wonder what the real world cycle life is.
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Uhh what?
Jeez tough crowd.

Wondering if you’ll be “staying with what I’ve always done” if you happen to need new batteries when (inevitably) a better battery technology is proven, available, and cost competitive.
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Uhh what?
Jeez tough crowd.
Edison had established direct current at the standard for electricity distribution and was living large off the patent royalties, royalties he was in no mood to lose when George Westinghouse and Nicola Tesla showed up with alternating current.

Edison's aggressive campaign to discredit the new current took the macabre form of a series of animal electrocutions using AC (a killing process he referred to snidely as getting "Westinghoused"). Stray dogs and cats were the most easily obtained, but he also zapped a few cattle and horses.

Edison got his big chance, though, when the Luna Park Zoo at Coney Island decided that Topsy, a cranky female elephant who had squashed three handlers in three years (including one idiot who tried feeding her a lighted cigarette), had to go.
Edison had established direct current at the standard for electricity distribution and was living large off the patent royalties, royalties he was in no mood to lose when George Westinghouse and Nicola Tesla showed up with alternating current.

Edison's aggressive campaign to discredit the new current took the macabre form of a series of animal electrocutions using AC (a killing process he referred to snidely as getting "Westinghoused"). Stray dogs and cats were the most easily obtained, but he also zapped a few cattle and horses.

Edison got his big chance, though, when the Luna Park Zoo at Coney Island decided that Topsy, a cranky female elephant who had squashed three handlers in three years (including one idiot who tried feeding her a lighted cigarette), had to go.
Thanks for the bit of terrible history. So bad marketing strategies by todays standards, or any standards in my view.

diy solar

diy solar