diy solar

diy solar

6500 “ AC in” doing strange things…


New Member
Jul 17, 2023
Starke, Fl
Maybe some of you guys know the answer to this one. I have noticed in my electric meter usage that sometimes and mostly in the evenings that my sp6548 ‘s Are pulling small loads from the grid like between 35-80 watts. Not all the time and not during heavy sun or heavy PV production it’s kind of random actually and I know it’s for sure the AC in because when I kill the AC in breaker and walk to my meter It shows 0Kw used and if I turn back on the AC in it shows the above wattage I am not charging from Grid and set to only solar on one inverter and solar first on the other inverter at 2 amps which only kicks in when in bypass which is not the case now. I am also set to SBU mode. Any ideas? Thanks
1st question is at what state of charge is this happening? SBU says solar 1st, battery 2nd, grid 3rd. So what is your state of charge and what is your setting under #12? It appears that amount of wattage is similar to what the inverters take to run themselves.
1st question is at what state of charge is this happening? SBU says solar 1st, battery 2nd, grid 3rd. So what is your state of charge and what is your setting under #12? It appears that amount of wattage is similar to what the inverters take to run themselves.
It seems to have no variance but today it was at 100 percent state of charge and my outside meter still said it was using about 70 watts sometimes 100 and setting 12 is 47 volts
Exactly the same here. I have two MPP Solar inverters. They are connected to the batteries and their settings are SBU.
If they have a connection to the grid they both draw approx 50watts from the grid; always.

Since I only need grid assistance once in a while, sometimes I don't need assistance for months, I want to make that 'smart' with a relay that only lets AC power in, just before the inverter switches to utility.
My inverter is set to switch to grid at 25% SOC. If I set the relay to switch to AC-in at e.g. 27% the inverter is barely connected to AC and wil not use any AC, unless necessary.


diy solar

diy solar