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diy solar

EG4 18Kpv strange occurrence

I want to apologize to any I might have offended
My intent was was to post an event with my inverter it just happened to be initiated by the ac compressor starting
This was also a way to easily recreate that event and possibly resolve an issue all while sharing my findings

The main reason I bought the 18k over the 6000ex at 3x the $$ was so I wouldn't have to supplement my loads or remain grid dependent for large loads and the the simplicity fewer panel boxes and less wiring and all the other features it offers

And when it doesn't preform within it's rated capacities I intend report on and document any issues I find that are said equipment related
@Bananaman321 Good evening! I have some firmware that I can put on your inverter if you'd like. I think this should solve the issue. Let me know if you have a time that works for you and we can get you back up and running.
Sure sounds good let me know what to do
Like I said since I reset it everything seems to be working fine now no glitches or bumps But you're more welcome to check it out
Sure sounds good let me know what to do
Like I said since I reset it everything seems to be working fine now no glitches or bumps But you're more welcome to check it out
DM me your station name and S/N of the inverter, and I can take a look at it.

If the inverter is working fine now, I'd rather not interrupt your power, but it wouldn't hurt just to check on everything.
I'm happy to report no more flicker flash apparently it was a software related issue due to my app update I had preferred a couple days prior.

And I have to give a shout out to EG4_Jarrett for burning the midnight oil to get my system up and running.😎
For anyone looking for a whole house backup the EG4 18Kpv is definitely a good place to start
You'll probably grow to regret purchasing anything less
This is inverter is definitely worth every penny
In My Opinion 💯
I don't have to run this unit and it is soon to be replaced I have other means of climate control

Plus I don't see how throwing soft starts at large inductive loads is a reasonable solution to what seems to me to be a software issue

I have had no fluctuations with any other large inductive loads since restart

Maybe that's all I needed was a restart

Normally AC does not struggle at all even with other loads just like the grid
By the way I appreciate the suggestion of the soft start I am looking into that.
I want to fully understand how it's gonna react with both pieces of equipment
If I find it to be compatible and beneficial in my situation I will definitely add it
Thanks again
By the way I appreciate the suggestion of the soft start I am looking into that.
I want to fully understand how it's gonna react with both pieces of equipment
If I find it to be compatible and beneficial in my situation I will definitely add it
Thanks again
I'm pretty pleased to know that that 18kpv apparently has enough oomph to start a 4-ton HVAC without a soft start,
assuming the firmware is up to date. :)
Occasionally compressors can stop in a 'less than ideal' way, so to speak. To get going again really takes an extra hard start and maybe that happened to you and the 18kpv just couldn't quite grunt through that much. Grid you'll never notice it (sometimes they sound off a little harder when it hard starts like that).
I had edited my original posting that I did recall having other fluctuations not just the AC that was the first time I had ran the AC since performing the update
I haven't experienced any fluctuations since updates have been performed last night
It is also a heat pump unit which has a 3 minute delay built into the board
Which also help me in my diagnostics
So just to clarify, you restarted the inverter and it started working again? Prob best to do a full restart after any firmware update.
By the way I appreciate the suggestion of the soft start I am looking into that.
I want to fully understand how it's gonna react with both pieces of equipment
If I find it to be compatible and beneficial in my situation I will definitely add it
Thanks again
It wasn’t really to fix your issue but rather lower your overhead a little.

I run one on mine and I have 2 sol-Ark 15ks in parallel.
They started the unit fine but I figured limiting the LRA just gives me more headroom should something else be on at the time..
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I'm just saying a current limiting device can prevent a hard starting device from starting at all I don't want to create a problem I don't already have
I am currently gathering more data on the situation if it looks like it'll be a good fit I will order one
I'm just saying a current limiting device can prevent a hard starting device from starting at all I don't want to create a problem I don't already have
I am currently gathering more data on the situation if it looks like it'll be a good fit I will order one
Never heard of that happening but anything is possible I guess.
Well they also make what is called a hard start kit which is necessary in an extreme situation
But I'd rather not get in the all that I have plenty of books that better explain it than I can
Hard start kits can help reduce the amount of power used during startup, which can lower energy bills and prevent brownouts. They can also help with other issues, such as dimming lights when the AC starts, or a compressor that won't start

Not trying to prove anything I'm just saying do you research and make sure you install the right device
Hard start kits can help reduce the amount of power used during startup, which can lower energy bills and prevent brownouts. They can also help with other issues, such as dimming lights when the AC starts, or a compressor that won't start

Not trying to prove anything I'm just saying do you research and make sure you install the right device
We have the Correct device. Pretty wide spread usage on this forum.
This is the first forum/social group I've been a part of and learning the bells and whistles so beer 🍺 with me.

Plus am not to good at putting thoughts to sentences and forget a lot of sh*t thanks to grand-mal epileptic siesures caused by brain tumor back in 2016
But that's ancient history damage is done and we move on
That being said I am new to solar but do have a fair bit of experience in the field of AC electrical mostly single phase secondary and some primary utility mostly underground
I do like to read these forums to see ideas and solutions people share and also would like to share some of my own But am usually reluctant do to not being able to keep up explain things that may seem simple to me.
Plus I'm not that good with the software-ish computer communications end of this stuff the mechanical physical end no problem for the most part.
But always open to new ideas, ways, possibilities, ect.
Some of my handy work from another life.
"As I understand "
"And to whom it may concern not quoting any in particular "

Soft start vs Hard start

I don't know how this became the topic of discussion nor do I care. I do appreciate your advice and suggestions but you do not know my ac compressor any better than I do. It may in fact benefit from a soft start or a hard start kit. Both devices in the right situation will reduce startup load on an inverter or generator. A soft start acts as a valve limiting startup currant and a hard start acts as a battery or capacitance storing and releasing extra current to give the motor a stronger kick to get it going generally needed in older motors with weak windings.
Both of these devices can reduce startup load just as they can both cause damage or premature failure of a motor not in need of said device.
A motor that is hard starting may not start at all with a soft start were as a motor with healthy windings could burnout prematurely from the added jolt of excessive current.
But generally speaking most healthy or new ac compressors will benefit from a soft start not only reducing start inrush currant but also extending there life from reduced load on windings and also reducing chance of stalling from line voltage fluctuations.

Anyway I'm trying to not come off as being a dick I just didn't want to start a public argument or an argument period.
Also I've come across information I know to be incorrect multiple on forums with lots of people in aggreeance that doesn't mean I have to agree or call them all out.
I value your shared thoughts and knowledge and hope we can learn from one another in the future.
I'm not expecting a response from this. 😄 🤣 😂

Bananaman321 OUT
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"As I understand "
"And to whom it may concern not quoting any in particular "

Soft start vs Hard start

I don't know how this became the topic of discussion nor do I care. I do appreciate your advice and suggestions but you do not know my ac compressor any better than I do. It may in fact benefit from a soft start or a hard start kit. Both devices in the right situation will reduce startup load on the inverter. A soft start acts as a choke limiting startup currant and a hard start acts as a battery or capacitance storing and releasing current at once to give the motor a stronger kick to get it going generally needed in older motors with weak windings.
Both of these devices can reduce startup load just as they can both cause premature failure of a motor not in need of said device.
A motor that is hard starting may not start at all with a soft start at all were as a motor with healthy windings could burnout prematurely from excessive jolt starting with unneeded hard start.
But generally speaking most healthy or new ac compressors will benefit from a soft start not only reducing start inrush currant but also extending there life from reduced load on windings and also reducing chance of stalling from line voltage fluctuations.

Anyway I'm trying to not come off as being a dick I just didn't start a public argument or an argument period. Also I've come across information I know to be incorrect multiple on this forum with lots of people in aggreeance that doesn't mean I have to agree or call them all out.
I value your shared thoughts and knowledge and hope we can learn from one another in the future.
I'm not expecting a response from this. 😄 🤣 😂

Bananaman321 OUT
This is my own personal opinion
This is not to diagnose or treat symptoms of any kind
If you are considering one of these devices please consult an electrical professional and have them inspect your ac to see if it is a good candidate for our of these devices.
BTW SERI AND GOOGLE are not electrical professionals 🤔
"I am NOT a master electrician" unless I'm in my underwear at 3:00am
Nope probably not then either

diy solar

diy solar