diy solar

diy solar

95% savings on electric bill with solar (and some help)


Solar Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2023
This past November, I installed an 18KPV, 12Kw of panels and 60 kWh of batteries.

This past month, I actually ran everything the way it should be run. I have 1 to 1 net metering, and previous months I was charging batteries from grid, then running from batteries, and basically costing myself money.

Anyway, I've made changes in my heating, and added the solar. Using my consumption from 2 years ago, and today's rates, my electric bill would have been close to $800 this month. With those changes and solar, it was $35. 95% savings.

So far, since my last meter reading, I have drawn in zero from grid and exported about $20 worth.

I'll take it all day long.
Just got my first zero bill. Actually $11, for "fees", but net zero usage and banked some.
Just went and checked my bill from 2 years ago again. Use was 3,100 KWH.

This month it was 275, net zero, with a credit.

Bill could have been $550. So yeah, 98% savings. I'm happy.
This month's bill was $-51, including fees. Same month, last year was $270, and I have added EVs to the mix since then, so it is even better.
No net-metering for me, I just pay the $20+/mo. Your power must be really expensive. I'm around 3MW in June/July, highest bill was a little bit over $400 in years past. Cut that down dramatically last year, with the first full month on my August bill (7/15-8/15). I doubled my batteries in November, so I'm really looking forward to tracking this in the summer. Not sure if 60KWH will take me thru the night, ROI to mostly flatline cost with another 30 is going to be abysmal. I will be adding another 4KW of solar production first. Helps a lot with the EV, I work from home 1 or 2 days a week, but the girl-ride needs to charge on the weekend when my demand is the worst. Extra panels will cover that.

Dec/Mar/Apr all minimum / meter charge.
We haven't had savings like y'all, but last month we only used 400kwh, and our bill was only $62, our lowest ever. This month we're on pace for only 300kwh, so our bill might be close to $50. I'll take it.
No net-metering for me, I just pay the $20+/mo. Your power must be really expensive. I'm around 3MW in June/July, highest bill was a little bit over $400 in years past. Cut that down dramatically last year, with the first full month on my August bill (7/15-8/15). I doubled my batteries in November, so I'm really looking forward to tracking this in the summer. Not sure if 60KWH will take me thru the night, ROI to mostly flatline cost with another 30 is going to be abysmal. I will be adding another 4KW of solar production first. Helps a lot with the EV, I work from home 1 or 2 days a week, but the girl-ride needs to charge on the weekend when my demand is the worst. Extra panels will cover that.

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Dec/Mar/Apr all minimum / meter charge.
Power is $0.17/kWh, usage has been high, but I've made improvements to reduce that.

diy solar

diy solar