diy solar

diy solar

A video popped up in my YouTube feed about a new solar tracker…


Staff member
Sep 21, 2019
Belmont, NC
The video came off as a paid commercial more than a review of the tracker… he showed over 400W output from his 400W array… kinda dubious there… I will try and find the video.
Interesting. If the tracker is spot on through the day and improves output, I see mentioning some stats. But if the output exceeds the panel or array, I think I would question his integrity or qualifications. I look forward to seeing what you might find on this.

It is odd, he mentions shadows would hit his panels, then shows this tracker, that obviously does not roll around on its own… only tilts and rotates… so how would it move away from any shadows?
I see Will has commented in the video a few days ago… maybe he will comment on the claims.
Ya, I didn't like the video in .87 seconds.

He makes money on the video promo in the least, BUT . . .

The main website has this little nugget:

pledged of $100,000 goal
2,033 backers
31days to go

"This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Mon, September 13 2021 7:39 AM MDT."

Really now? Which is larger, $100,000 or $7,512,537 ??

It's a startup trying to find seed money.

Who knows, it might be all the rage next year.

cute little item for those with deep pockets but if you are doing a diy system there are lots of arduino based solar panel tracker projects.
This does seem like a startup money grabber as there is zero innovation or new technology here.
well, if people are willing to fund several million dollars for a product that would cost about $80 to build and involve zero innovation or research maybe I am not thinking about this in the right way...hmmm....
maybe a designer pencil with, wait for it,..... bluetooth so you get a message when the pencil is being held!!!! because, well, it has bluetooth for gods sake!!
big money right there... hey, you, stop trying to steal my idea!!!
Now I’m thinking about KS ideas… how about a cell phone app to alert you when your turn signal gets left on? I mean, we are all texting while driving, right? Why not get alerts on the phone when issues like this crop up? Washer fluid low? Bing! An alert up on the app.
Check engine light? Bing!
low tire pressure? Bing!
Now I’m thinking about KS ideas… how about a cell phone app to alert you when your turn signal gets left on? I mean, we are all texting while driving, right? Why not get alerts on the phone when issues like this crop up? Washer fluid low? Bing! An alert up on the app.
Check engine light? Bing!
low tire pressure? Bing!
ok, now the scary part is somebody is going to do that and it will cause an accident and kill hundreds!!!

remember when GPS in cars first became a "thing" and many people would literally drive off roads and into rivers/ponds/trees because "the box said turn here"

Alex, I will take "where is the average IQ going?" for $400...