diy solar

diy solar

Acronyms and Terminology.

There were several posts from 2 different new people that were like this, very much looks like AI dispensing bad information or advertising. I reported both. And I also reported a third that was a 1 post wonder of "look at this" with a link to some product or other on youtube that was scraping hit/view count.
I noticed them both also I thought they saw some other new members asking about big builds and smelt blood in the water.
I gave this one the benefit of the doubt and advised him to change his profile photo(advertisement) and to read the forum rules but he never messaged back and went on to play forum bingo, so as I got no reply or thanks I went into troll mode.
I became a 🧌 as soon as I saw posted one-liners every couple minutes.

I got put in the sin bin for suggesting this before 😥

I suggested it without spelling it out, and it is there (with claimed meaning: "Read The Fine Manual")

Not sure about you ppl but almost every time I go to start a new thread I see there's already one on the subject in the suggested section below with the question I was going to ultimately ask answered about 2 years ago.
Does hedges listen to any of us is the question.... 600 posts, 3000 posts were all slacking as far as he's concerned
Anyway back to topic

Meme: from the Greek mimema, meaning something that has been “imitated.”

diy solar

diy solar