diy solar

diy solar

Adhesive Film Solar Panels?


Solar Enthusiast
Dec 28, 2020
I know they exist but I find very little info on readily available adhesive film solar panels.
I believe some may have been developed for Military applications.
Was thinking I had seen a Will Prowse youtube featuring one that could even be trimmed and still function well, can’t find the video now. I’d really like find this to custom fit to my rooftop ac cover on my sprinter without raising the height much since it's alreay 10’2“ high. I found Cascadia hood panels and another near identical that attaches to the hood, ($600 for 80watts?(!!), but looking for something closer to 35x24, or 48x36 if it’s able to be trimmed.
Here's a Rich Solar 160 watt cigs panel for $509. Doesn't really fit your size requirment though. I think thee is a company called Merlin Solar that might make a custom flat panel.

Here's a Rich Solar 160 watt cigs panel for $509. Doesn't really fit your size requirment though. I think thee is a company called Merlin Solar that might make a custom flat panel.

The Rich panel is a flexible panel - not an adhesive, and nowhere close to the size I’m looking for.
Flex panels are everywhere on amazon and elsewhere.
I talked to the rep at Merlin a few weeks back, nothing in the size needed and not able to trim.

ps after a rewatch of one of Will’s youtube on problems with flex panels due to hot spots I may just due without an adhesive panel as they surely must have even more hot spot issues since the mount directly to a surface and can’t really cool.

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diy solar