diy solar

diy solar

Alexandria’s New Electric School Buses Will Help Feed Power Grid

Where does the electricity come from? Unless they are solar doesn't it come from the grid? You get power from the grid, use some, then plug back into the grid. You then need to again, TAKE power from the grid for the next trip. What is the scenario that would put power into the grid?
Read more about it here:

Vehicle to Grid uses the batteries on the busses as active storage for the grid system, as they have limited road use, once the busses are parked and fully charged the grid can pull on demand from the busses as backup power storage. This can also be effectively used by the schools themselves as backup power for the school. Many schools are also installing Solar to provide for ongoing charging capacity, thereby reducing overall costs over time. Other projects have be done on a smaller scale and they realized that during summer shutdown periods, these can actually be used for a fair bit of continual generation & storage which is then usable by the local grid bi-directionally, saving on generation costs while providing a cost efficient power source.

Busses as used for V2G:
It magic math. Like the UMASS professor that got a solar farm squashed because "the solar panels would absorb the sun's rays & cause local cooling"