diy solar

diy solar

AliExpress LifePo4 battery.


New Member
Jan 27, 2020

I bought one of this LifePo4 70AH all in one. And now I want to test capacity, Did a test with a inverter and ran for 1 hour and with a watt meter got 0.47kwh but stopped at 12.0v is it ok to go lower, like you can see in description of the add its down to 9,6 and that seems quite low for me!

Oh and I used a amp clamp for the cable and it was pulling 36A So close to 420W and the meter was showing 360W 230V So must have been like 0,53kwh Or is my math all wrong and when discharging how low can you leet a LifePo4 be i Volts?

Is this a scam or what?

Thanks in advance!
(Sorry for language, not a native english speaker or writer ;) )
you cannot go under 10V, but usually 12V is minimum you should not go lower.
12V 70Ah=840W, but since you would not go over 80% discharge, this is closer to 700W.
if you pulled 36A (that is 436W) for about an hour, this is good.