diy solar

diy solar

Amazon Sucks Big-Time!

I never said it was capitalistic.

I said it was wrong to do it and was called a communist as well its broadly percieved to be capitalist and wholesome. (While clearly being one of the greatest assaults to human freedom and free markets ever divised)
So now controlling natural resources and selling it back to people is both communist and capitalist. Can we make up our minds?
Abolishing private property, what you suggested in the context of consumers of Amazon vs mom and pop stores, is 100% communist.

Opposing monopolies is neither communist or capitalist. Free market price theory does not suggest that monopolies are good for anyone except the monopolists. In the USA, the railroads were the early textbook example. Monopolies are NOT free markets with or without the law opposing them. Monopolies, like communism, are in direct opposition to free markets.

I don't believe the super rich like Bezos, Buffet and Bloomberg put idealogy over the value of coin. They'll get richer any way they can, whether through communism, capitalism, monopolies or taxes and regulation. You put it all together with corrupt powers at the top, and you have crony capitalism... what we see in one form or another in varying degrees in Russia, China, the EU, South America and the USA.

This is why I try to avoid left vs right, capitalism vs communism, debates. But, abolishing private property... that's communism.
I said it was wrong to do it and was called a communist as well its broadly percieved to be capitalist and wholesome. (While clearly being one of the greatest assaults to human freedom and free markets ever divised)

You were only referred to as communist because you said "private property should be outlawed". How is this not communist?

The context was prices and Amazon vs mom and pop stores.
View attachment 2089

You were only referred to as communist because you said "private property should be outlawed". How is this not communist?

The context was prices and Amazon vs mom and pop stores.

Thats statement is orwellian

You brought the extreme costs to start a business and to compete blaming amazons success instead arbitrary costs of living and starting a business. The primary reason for difficulty of starting a business is we all have to pay huge prices just to live then even bigger prices to have land and taxes for a building for doing business, and even higher prices for wages due to the cost of living.

How does that have anything to do with all industry being ran by the government? Where in any communist country are people able to use land to live and start a business freely? Its the complete opposite. Again no one is comfortable with having to pay for sun or wind. That would be absurd.

Its literally the definition of anti-free market. It keeps prices inflated and the vast majority out of competition.
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Abolishing private property, what you suggested in the context of consumers of Amazon vs mom and pop stores, is 100% communist.

Opposing monopolies is neither communist or capitalist. Free market price theory does not suggest that monopolies are good for anyone except the monopolists. In the USA, the railroads were the early textbook example. Monopolies are NOT free markets with or without the law opposing them. Monopolies, like communism, are in direct opposition to free markets.

I don't believe the super rich like Bezos, Buffet and Bloomberg put idealogy over the value of coin. They'll get richer any way they can, whether through communism, capitalism, monopolies or taxes and regulation. You put it all together with corrupt powers at the top, and you have crony capitalism... what we see in one form or another in varying degrees in Russia, China, the EU, South America and the USA.

This is why I try to avoid left vs right, capitalism vs communism, debates. But, abolishing private property... that's communism.

Youre arguing a propaganda word salad here.

Communism and capitalism appropriate personal property. Things people work to make, build, harvest are taken by the state or by the capitalist (effectively the same thing) for themselves. You work for them, not yourself as you have no other choice.

The way that they create these quasi-slave systems is by keeping citizens off of land. Either through outright abolishment of land holding or virtually through private property (commoditization beyond mosts abilities to pay for). the texhnocal differences are irrelevant, the ends are that most people have no means to participate in the market economy.

Thats how you end up with a country with mass monopolization by mega billionaires and 70-90% of the population homeless, like the US.
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(restoring focus on this very critical topic)

If you'd like to discuss the "70-90% of the population homeless, like the US" statement you just made, @Ped , I can give you my BTC address so you can purchase more time.

(restoring focus on this very critical topic)

If you'd like to discuss the "70-90% of the population homeless, like the US" statement you just made, @Ped , I can give you my BTC address so you can purchase more time.
TY. I was happy to find this forum, and until a day or so ago, it was just about solar and related tech. No politics to be found, and it was great.

I'd like to ask everyone if we could leave ALL politics and non-tech related subjects at the door, and get back to what this forum is all about.
TY. I was happy to find this forum, and until a day or so ago, it was just about solar and related tech. No politics to be found, and it was great.

I'd like to ask everyone if we could leave ALL politics and non-tech related subjects at the door, and get back to what this forum is all about.
Where is their politics in here? We are discussing economics.

- If you clicked on this topic hoping to learn about bus bars.... clicker beware.
- If you clicked on this topic because you thought Amazon rants was a place to test meds re-balancing....

There's an ignore button?!? No way! LOL

(restoring focus on this very critical topic)

If you'd like to discuss the "70-90% of the population homeless, like the US" statement you just made, @Ped , I can give you my BTC address so you can purchase more time.

Feel free to pm me and we can debate
This out of control and not the intent of the diysolarforum. Folks, please take your politics somewhere else.
This out of control and not the intent of the diysolarforum. Folks, please take your politics somewhere else.
This is an off topic part of the forum, so no rules broken in having such debates.

As the thread starter, @Santa is free to kick everyone in line if he chooses, but he may be enjoying the discussion.
Solar allows for providing electricity for ones self for the first time in modern history. So broadly discussing the economics of self-sufficiency and the barriers to it is highly relevant. Especially under a system specifically designed to dissuade such practices. Particularly on a "diy solar" forum.

Albeit off topic to the thread.
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This out of control and not the intent of the diysolarforum. Folks, please take your politics somewhere else.
Please report offensive posts. Avoid commenting about it.

I’m not entirely sure what topics should be allowed in the off topic section of the diy forum...
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Could probably split it to a new thread and remind everyone not to get too far off topic. Thats the norm it seems