diy solar

diy solar

ANT BMS won't connect to app


New Member
Jun 27, 2023
Hello all,

I have made a 7s battery for my boat a while ago using an ANT BMS which always worked flawless.
Over winter the battery discharged completely, that far that the BMS wouldn't turn on anymore. So I gave the battery a small charge by dodging the BMS so the BMS would turn on again. The battery is now fully charged using the BMS but I can't seem to connect to the ANT app again.

Opening the app I can see the BMS in the device list, I tap it, it tells me it's connected but it won't give me any information. Next to Run_Time it keeps saying connecting.

Last summer I have used a seemingly older version of the app which worked perfect. Now this new version off the app won't let me connect.

I am using an iPhone and have the latest version of the ANT app downloaded through the App Store.

Does anyone have an idea what I could be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Some pictures would be helpful of the BMS and app. I have only used ANT BMS in my battery packs.

The ANT's were revised a few years back due to the chip shortage. The older one connected with std bluetooth while the newer one uses bluetooth low energy (ble). It's a different app for both so updating to latest may not be the right move. I would first try and delete ANT from iphone and reconnect. I only use android but that often works.

The older ANT has square QR code symbol while newer one uses round QR code.
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diy solar