diy solar

diy solar

Best way to convert Zendure Superbase V satellite battery XT90 to AC?


New Member
Apr 28, 2023
I have a full Zendure Superbase V6400 system, including the satellite batteries. The satellites on their own are relatively locked down, requiring the use of the larger (in size and weight) Superbase V base station to get the full gamut of AC/DC outputs. However, the satellites do have an XT90 port that can be used as an output, and the spec page claims that it will output 60V at 10A for 600W max. I was thinking of using one battery as a semi-portable unit to use in my van, trailer etc for a variety of purposes and was wondering if anyone had tried converting the battery output to AC.

I have an XT90 to ring terminal wire and I'm assuming I could wire it up to some sort of DC-AC inverter. Before I spend money and risk burning my house down I wanted to see if anybody else has tried this approach and what their experience was.
As long as it just puts out unfettered DC current, you can basically connect whatever you want to it.

If it's just an XT90 output with no no communication pin or anything you should theoretically be able to plug anything that accepts that voltage into it.

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diy solar