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Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

If they impeachment Xiden before the election that gives the lefties free rein to replace him. If they just keep having hearings and showing evidence he's corrupt they might affect the election.
If they impeachment Xiden before the election that gives the lefties free rein to replace him. If they just keep having hearings and showing evidence he's corrupt they might affect the election.
I think the likelihood that Hunter Biden was an asset is about 98% ..... The House impeachment committee is finally getting around to the idea that the intelligence agencies are interfering in the investigation.


☕️ THREE ADVISORS ☙ Friday, March 22, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
According to the Post, the whistleblower told Oversight chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Judiciary chairman Jim Jordan (R-Oh.) that in August 2021, two DOJ officials on the Hunter Biden tax investigation were ‘summoned’ to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. — and were told Mr. Morris “could not be a witness” for the investigation.
Comer’s letter added that the whistleblower’s story “seems to corroborate our concerns about DOJ’s deviations from standard process to provide Hunter Biden with preferential treatment.”
Deviations. You don’t say.
Add silver-haired Kevin Morris, 60, to the rogues gallery of Jeffrey Epstein-esque characters that have been tumbling out of the CIA’s skeleton closet lately. I am not implying Morris is a pedophile; I referring to the twisted Cinderella-like fairytale quality of each man’s career, as well as even their general appearances (all white guys a certain age), and their murky, mysterious, 007-like backstories. Jeffrey, Kevin, Hunter:
You see it, right?

Nothing about Epstein’s career background as a high-school teacher qualified him to be a wealthy, international “advisor” to the ultra-rich. Nothing about Hunter’s background as a meth-addict qualified him to “advise” the Ukrainian energy company Burisma on its board, or run the virus-tinkering “medical research” company MetaBiota — regardless of his last name.
And, until some unidentified point during the last twenty years or so, attorney Morris was a moderately successful Hollywood lawyer. He was the type of lawyer who negotiated acting contracts and defusing scandals. He wasn’t exactly top-tier; only two VIP clients have ever been connected to Morris: Matthew McConaughey — only for one project – and Matt Parker and Trey Stone, creators of South Park.

Quite unlike other celebrity lawyers, Morris keeps a low profile. He never appears with clients, makes public statements, or drops names. And as far as anyone knows, Morris has never stepped in a courtroom.
But then at some point, nobody is sure when, Morris’s career magically transitioned from negotiating media contracts to “providing strategic advice” to high profile individuals, whatever that means. Another “advisor.” And to anybody’s knowledge, the only such high profile individual Morris has strategically advised was Hunter Biden.

Nothing in Morris’s background qualifies him to “strategically advise” anybody.

And, not just advising. Like Epstein, Morris also runs a money laundry. That we know of, Morris has given Hunter a ton of money. On January 18th, Morris testified at the House Oversight Committee. He admitted that, since he first met Hunter in 2019 at a Hollywood political fundraiser, he has “loaned” the 54-year-old first son at least $5 million (and maybe more, he can’t remember). Morris testified he’s also paid Hunter $875,000 for some kindergarten-style ‘artwork.’

Morris also told the Committee he’s allowed the crack-addled first son to fly coast-to-coast on his private jet.
Never mind his “strategic advisory services,” nothing about Morris’ entertainment-law background explains where he got the kind of money to “loan” millions to drug addicts, buy sham artwork for the price of a luxury house, or own and operate a private jet to fly his friends and acquaintances around — just like Jeffrey Epstein.

Oh. Morris also said he’s dumped money on Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, and Lunden Roberts, the former stripper and baby momma of Hunter’s four-year-old, out-of-wedlock daughter. Plus, Morris admitted that he’s visited the White House three times since Joe Biden took up residence. We aren’t told why.

Finally, Morris admitted that Hunter has never paid any of the loans back. Morris claims they are due in 2025. Uh huh.
It has not escaped anyone’s notice that the Kevin Morris money shower effectively replaced Hunter’s now-cut-off foreign friends, taking up for Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and China, who were until recently paying Hunter millions after ‘conversations’ and meetings including the Big Guy, Joe.
The natural question arises: is Kevin Morris handling Hunter Biden for the CIA? Is he Hunter’s handler? Is Morris another one of the CIA’s crooked rogues?​
☕️ THREE ADVISORS ☙ Friday, March 22, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
I have noticed that the jaw-dropping CIA-in-Ukraine story published in the New York Times several weeks ago has had zero followup. That fully assembled, limited-hangout-from-outer-space splashed down into the media ocean and then sank like a deep-state stone, never to be discussed again. Bloop. Days after the article ran, Hunter would claim to House Oversight that the reason he was on the Burisma board was to protect U.S. national security and beat the Russians.

All of that lead me to speculate that Hunter Biden is a CIA asset, and Project Ukraine was really a decade-long CIA operation. And that, I suggested, is why Hunter remains un-prosecuted for his obvious crimes: he’s a spook. And his crimes were committed in furtherance of CIA goals.

Yesterday, deep-state analyst and former state department guy Mike Benz responded to the new Oversight letter. In this clip, Benz explained that he (like me) thinks Hunter Biden was advancing a CIA project in Ukraine to steal the natural gas market from Russia’s oligarchs and deliver the billion-dollar business to NATO oligarchs like George Soros. And that is why Hunter is untouchable (6:03).

Benz, who studies, writes, and talks about the security state, is much more qualified than I am to connect those dots. I think the real Ukraine story — the one Trump got impeached for trying to expose in 2018 — that story is slowly trickling out. Drip, drip, drip. We originally thought it was just about Hunter and Joe and the rest of the Biden Crime Family getting rich off influence peddling. But the truth is looking much bigger and much more sordid than we even thought.​

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