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diy solar

Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

Trump supporters want to line people up and shoot them.
Biden supporters want to line people up and give them money.
Perhaps they could compromise.

Line them up, give them money and then shoot them.
I think the word sick is more appropriate.
The question is why?
The trump supporters I know are generally very lazy. They justify their existence by watching Fox News all day and spew BS .
Ironically, they have to watch Fox to know what they are supposed to believe that day.
The next day might be different.
The men don’t work and live off their wife’s income.
Oh the rantings of the impotent and uninformed.

Painting with Broad strokes everyone they hate.

Typical spewings of the MSM induced mind because they cannot conceive that anyone might think for themselves.

Sorry but haven’t watched news for years.

Just keep on hating. It will keep your warm at night.
Ok .... For anyone who is totally enamored with Trump .... or those with TDS .... Here is a thread to go get it all out.

Here's another thread to keep this one and others from being misdirected. I and others sometimes throw things into a thread because there isn't a better place for it .... Use this thread for that purpose.

Biden Impeachment is theatrics that are designed to distract us from real issues.
Biden the man probably can not even think straight (Which does not make him innocent due to almost a lifetime of grift), "Biden" is just a front man puppet to the "Biden" the the machine, whatever you want to call it (Obama's third term, etc). Bottom line is that all of the puppets in the "Biden" regime are controlled by special interest aka "globalist scum"/"club or Rome"/"Bilderbergers"/"Davos WEF" or more accurately the oligarchy which has ruled this planet since the dawn of men, with the only difference that for the first time ever they actually have the technology to actually achieve TOTAL control (via digital ID and digital currency if we let them).

So, on the topic of this thread - whatever comes out of Biden impeachment, it will not make one iota of difference as long as people continue to surrender their personal liberty for a little bit of convenience and get distracted by Biden Vs Trump, R vs D, and A vs B... As long as we continue to fall for these distractions, the oligarchy wins.
Biden Impeachment is theatrics that are designed to distract us from real issues.
Biden the man probably can not even think straight (Which does not make him innocent due to almost a lifetime of grift), "Biden" is just a front man puppet to the "Biden" the the machine, whatever you want to call it (Obama's third term, etc). Bottom line is that all of the puppets in the "Biden" regime are controlled by special interest aka "globalist scum"/"club or Rome"/"Bilderbergers"/"Davos WEF" or more accurately the oligarchy which has ruled this planet since the dawn of men, with the only difference that for the first time ever they actually have the technology to actually achieve TOTAL control (via digital ID and digital currency if we let them).

So, on the topic of this thread - whatever comes out of Biden impeachment, it will not make one iota of difference as long as people continue to surrender their personal liberty for a little bit of convenience and get distracted by Biden Vs Trump, R vs D, and A vs B... As long as we continue to fall for these distractions, the oligarchy wins.
That was really sneaky how you avoided going to the new thread.
That was really sneaky how you avoided going to the new thread.

No, it was not.

Here is what is happening, exactly what i described - petty issues are being thrown at us, while really important ones are pushed quetly:

This controversially allows warrantless spying of foreign targets and Americans who have communications with those foreign subjects. The new extension in the NDAA authorizes it further until at least April 19.

Sen. Mike Lee raised the alarm on the FISA issue in particular, writing on X, "The Senate just voted to waive the point of order against the NDAA. 35 of us opposed the motion to waive. We needed only 41 to prevent this outcome, and to remove FISA 702 from the NDAA. This is not good. The House should #StopTheNDAA."

And here's what Sen. Lee is urging Americans to do:

It’s a new day in America. The Fourth Amendment still prohibits warrantless searches of Americans. FBI disregards that under FISA 702. The NDAA would further enable FBI’s lawless abuse of 702. One-third of the House can still stop the NDAA. Ask your representative to vote NO!!!
Rand Paul was another objector. House Rep from the same state of Kentucky Thomas Massie had this to say: "It was close in the Senate, but now it’s up to the House tomorrow to stop the reauthorization of warrantless spying on Americans."

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden also urged Americans to voice their opposition to the NDAA...

If Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) abuses the NDAA to smuggle into law an extension of the warrantless surveillance regime (FISA702) that the FBI exploited to spy ON AMERICANS more than TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND times in JUST ONE YEAR, he should be dumped just like McCarthy. No excuse.
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) December 13, 2023
Even CNN has highlighted that Section 702 easily sets up the government to exploit the law and conduct mass wireless spying, a severe violation of the Fourth Amendment.

So you have 7 holdouts (6R, 6D, 1I) out of 50. Controlled opposition? More theatrics?
I am not holding my breath with this, after all they extended Patriot act every time since its enactment.
No, it was not.

Here is what is happening, exactly what i described - petty issues are being thrown at us, while really important ones are pushed quetly:
I agree with your general premise, but the risk to national security by a totally compromised President is NOT a petty issue.

I think the REALLY big important ones are going to be ushered in by engineered emergencies.
They have found a lot of to love in emergency powers and openly express jealousy over the power China has over it's people via social credit scores.
Trudeau used "emergency powers" to usher in the first test of CBDC type control in North America by killing the bank accounts and credit cards of the trucker protesters .... He showed others willing to resort to those type of measures how well it can work for them .... but ... now I've gotten into territory that should have gone to the other thread .... it's so easy to divert the conversation in a thread.
I agree with your general premise, but the risk to national security by a totally compromised President is NOT a petty issue.

I think the REALLY big important ones are going to be ushered in by engineered emergencies.
They have found a lot of to love in emergency powers and openly express jealousy over the power China has over it's people via social credit scores.
Trudeau used "emergency powers" to usher in the first test of CBDC type control in North America by killing the bank accounts and credit cards of the trucker protesters .... He showed others willing to resort to those type of measures how well it can work for them .... but ... now I've gotten into territory that should have gone to the other thread .... it's so easy to divert the conversation in a thread.

What national security is there to talk about, when the ENTIRE GOVT APPARATUS, all 3 branches are de facto serving the globalist oligarchy?
And yes, engineered emergencies, on which every single govt apparatchik WORLDWIDE was FULLY ONBOARD WITH? They have all been bought! The oligarchy figured out that vast majority of people can be bought, especially the ones in POWER! So they BOUGHT THEM! Long ago! And in places like China and Russia triple so. For Russia, i can tell you 100% that every single person in politics will SELL THEIR MOM for money! Let alone their country!

The thread is about Biden Impeachment, which more and more looks like complete theatrics (i.e. the outcomes are completely irrelevant).
I would be pleasantly surprised if even a single person in power at ANY level who made crappy decisions during covid tyranny was actually punished for it, but NO, that will not happen. Even after doubling and tripling down on things, they are now saying with a straight face that they did not do it/did not force anyone? They are LAUGHING at us!!!

There was a great article i saw today that i posted on the Control Group thread as i think it is very relevant to what happened with the vaxxes, but it shows again and again that people making policy unfortunately can not be voted out. I wish it wasnt so
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What national security is there to talk about, when the ENTIRE GOVT APPARATUS, all 3 branches are de facto serving the globalist oligarchy?
And yes, engineered emergencies, on which every single govt apparatchik WORLDWIDE was FULLY ONBOARD WITH? They have all been bought! The oligarchy figured out that vast majority of people can be bought, especially the ones in POWER! So they BOUGHT THEM! Long ago! And in places like China and Russia triple so. For Russia, i can tell you 100% that every single person in politics will SELL THEIR MOM for money! Let alone their country!

The thread is about Biden Impeachment, which more and more looks like complete theatrics (i.e. the outcomes are completely irrelevant).
I would be pleasantly surprised if even a single person in power at ANY level who made crappy decisions during covid tyranny was actually punished for it, but NO, that will not happen. Even after doubling and tripling down on things, they are now saying with a straight face that they did not do it/did not force anyone? They are LAUGHING at us!!!

There was a great article i saw today that i posted on the Control Group thread as i think it is very relevant to what happened with the vaxxes, but it shows again and again that people making policy unfortunately can not be voted out. I wish it wasnt so
They can't be voted out .... but they can be fired by someone who is voted in.
I would be pleasantly surprised if even a single person in power at ANY level who made crappy decisions during covid tyranny was actually punished for it, but NO, that will not happen. Even after doubling and tripling down on things, they are now saying with a straight face that they did not do it/did not force anyone? They are LAUGHING at us!!!

There was a great article i saw today that i posted on the Control Group thread as i think it is very relevant to what happened with the vaxxes, but it shows again and again that people making policy unfortunately can not be voted out. I wish it wasnt so
Did you ever consider the possibility that the vaxxes as you call them actually worked and you’re alive today to be able to complain about them. Even if you didn’t get one they may have slowed the spread and saved you conspiratal ass.
Did you ever consider the possibility that the vaxxes as you call them actually worked and you’re alive today to be able to complain about them. Even if you didn’t get one they may have slowed the spread and saved you conspiratal ass.
There's TONS of evidence to the contrary ...... study after study is listed in the do we need a control group thread.

If you take a look a that thread just consider a few of the current studies that show serious contamination issues and also the studies of excess death details.
Did you ever consider the possibility that the vaxxes as you call them actually worked and you’re alive today to be able to complain about them. Even if you didn’t get one they may have slowed the spread and saved you conspiratal ass.

You clearly did not do your research.
I suggest you start with the control group thread and go from there.
Oh, step one, turn off your Tee Vee.
They can't be voted out .... but they can be fired by someone who is voted in.

I already explained why this is false promise and will never happen.
The system that raises these politicians to the top ensures that they never threaten the system. This is done via money and via dirt. They are under total control and will never "fire" anyone. There is AT least 100 years of history to prove that.
No takers for the question of write in on primary ballots. Sadness. Thus, ends my political chit-chats.
Man, and I thought I was done (posting here that is). Tks. Not sure exactly what legal ppwk that is but it's something to look at. So, the thing is, he is not unqualified at the federal level just by a State's idea unable to be on the ballot. If people write him in and the supreme court weighs in saying he is A ok, then that's that. This is very interesting. If they say write in ballots for him "shall not be counted".... They are disqualifying him in quite the literal sense and not-counting-votes. I thought we could cast a vote for whomever we wanted..... I'm sure this makes people who want to vote for him....
Man, and I thought I was done (posting here that is). Tks. Not sure exactly what legal ppwk that is but it's something to look at. So, the thing is, he is not unqualified at the federal level just by a State's idea unable to be on the ballot. If people write him in and the supreme court weighs in saying he is A ok, then that's that. This is very interesting. If they say write in ballots for him "shall not be counted".... They are disqualifying him in quite the literal sense and not-counting-votes. I thought we could cast a vote for whomever we wanted..... I'm sure this makes people who want to vote for him....
Simply put it is unconstitutional. He has not been found guilty of insurrection. The left is simply causing chaos.
Simply put it is unconstitutional. He has not been found guilty of insurrection. The left is simply causing chaos.
Guilt? I read the part cited, 14/3 let's call it ?, and there is mention of; 'aid', 'comfort' and 'engaged'. Not 'guilt'. Where does it mention needing to be guilty in the Constitution? I ask for the answer to the question and not for rhetorical purposes. I can't find it, myself, but I have not looked that hard. Very curious what SCOTUS will indeed say. They may wait till after the election tho, the way they move.
Sorry, it's an excerpt from the text of the decision by the Colorado Supreme Court, and almost certain to be reversed by the SCOTUS.
Got it. Be reversed why? It's tuff to predict. I can't explain how he didn't give comfort, myself. He freeking said "we love you but go home" and then they left. Whoo man. I was a little keyed up because I live relatively close to DC, I was glued to Twitter and the news (got out of work at 1pm that day, early start). Of course so many other things happened but that point alone is really hard to be able to try to explain how it doesn't fit.
Omg guys I'm such a noob I thought I was replying to a thread I made, nice catch on the info klystron, jumping threads like a beast!
Omg guys I'm such a noob I thought I was replying to a thread I made, nice catch on the info klystron, jumping threads like a beast!
There is a Trump thread if you want to express your TDS .... This is a thread about Biden.

diy solar

diy solar