Emperor Of Solar
My panels are generating over 60Kwh per day now. House is at 80°F during the day, I'm running a pair of 1.5Kw resistance heaters plus the heat pump. I'm still getting to full charge by 2 pm. This morning I was up before daybreak, turned all the resistance heaters up all the way and heat pump heated the house all night. I see it takes until 3 am for the house temp to drop to about 68°F which is where I have the thermostat set.
I'm burning off as much electrical energy as I can. I need more dump loads, probably add a small electric hot water heater ahead of the propane water heater. It's feast or famine, during mid winter it would have been nice to have some of this excess. I could buy an induction cooktop but really a stove doesn't take much propane.
I'd like to get some thermal storage for those cloudy/rainy days to heat the house. Doesn't take many btu's this time of year.
Hope you all have been catching some good rays, this time of year is always excess as there isn't any haze or dust in the sky and panels are usually clean.
I'm burning off as much electrical energy as I can. I need more dump loads, probably add a small electric hot water heater ahead of the propane water heater. It's feast or famine, during mid winter it would have been nice to have some of this excess. I could buy an induction cooktop but really a stove doesn't take much propane.
I'd like to get some thermal storage for those cloudy/rainy days to heat the house. Doesn't take many btu's this time of year.
Hope you all have been catching some good rays, this time of year is always excess as there isn't any haze or dust in the sky and panels are usually clean.