diy solar

diy solar

By No Means Listen To Anyone That Knows What They Are Talking About!


Solar Wizard
Nov 15, 2019
Since this isn't a political forum we won't talk about what literally everyone with a medical degree is telling you, mask, disinfectant, minimize contact, etc.

Then there is drinking or injecting bleach (Gene Pool Cleaner).

So, on subject...
When I tried to explain that a generator hookup to home/solar array has been done quite simply with a transfer switch,
And for very small systems a 'Shore Power' (transfer switch) is cheap & common...
The guy shouted me down and wanted a complicated situation where he connected/disconnect raw wires into his homemade 'System' (random parts cobbled together).

In another case the guy wanted to connect his generator directly to the incoming 240Vac Grid lines so he didn't have to use a transfer switch or lockouts on the breaker box...

I'm not all that good with people, and trying to politely explain WHY both instances are an insanely bad idea, and still be polite didn't work well for me.
"Dangerous", "Criminal/Illegal", "Fire Trap" didn't seem to make a dent in either case, and several other cases.

I'm easily confused by the stuff humans do, so if anyone can explain this behavior I'd sure like to hear about it....
Since this isn't a political forum we won't talk about what literally everyone with a medical degree is telling you, mask, disinfectant, minimize contact, etc.

Then there is drinking or injecting bleach (Gene Pool Cleaner).

So, on subject...
When I tried to explain that a generator hookup to home/solar array has been done quite simply with a transfer switch,
And for very small systems a 'Shore Power' (transfer switch) is cheap & common...
The guy shouted me down and wanted a complicated situation where he connected/disconnect raw wires into his homemade 'System' (random parts cobbled together).

In another case the guy wanted to connect his generator directly to the incoming 240Vac Grid lines so he didn't have to use a transfer switch or lockouts on the breaker box...

I'm not all that good with people, and trying to politely explain WHY both instances are an insanely bad idea, and still be polite didn't work well for me.
"Dangerous", "Criminal/Illegal", "Fire Trap" didn't seem to make a dent in either case, and several other cases.

I'm easily confused by the stuff humans do, so if anyone can explain this behavior I'd sure like to hear about it....
Mother Nature has teamed up with Natural Selection & the Grim Reaper as they are have a serious opportunity to cull stupid from the herd (there's a lot of catching up to do). What is up with the self-destructive segment of society becoming so pronounced in the past 20 years ?

AND THERE IS MORE ! How gullible & weak minded people can be is truly shocking... how did they ever reach adulthood ?
The Planet is Flat, it's only 6,000 years old, Coal is Clean... yep doofus' explosion in the past 20 years.
Nope. Same number of doofuses, it is just that the internet has made them more visible. Do your best to help. If they burn their house down at least you will have a clear conscience that you tried. Be patient with people. Everyone has a different level of knowledge, understanding, and intelligence. We are all somewhere on the scale with others above and below us.
I've joined a number of forums over thew last few years... beekeeping ones, teardrop trailer ones, solar ones. In all the forums there are folks that just don't care what question you ask. They go off on a tangent unrelated to the subject. They have an opinion and they are going to express it. It comes with the territory. I've learned to just read, laugh (or shake my head) and move on. Rarely will I engage as a small minority are trying to get you to do just that. Sometimes just a "Thank you" is enough.

One of the biggest reasons I like forums despite the downfalls is that I can converse with folks that, if I met them on the street or at an in-person gathering, they probably wouldn't give me the time of day. It might be a generation gap thing, or I am not hanging with the popular kids, or I'm just being paranoid. The positive is I gain from their experience and they feel good that they helped someone (I hope that's why they are helpful).

The bottom line is to just shake it off and continue to seek information, share related information and be happy with that. I've gained a lot of knowledge in the few weeks I have been on this forum and planning a PV system. I'm a bit frustrated because it isn't turning out as smart an investment as I hoped. It's all good though. As I mentioned in one of my last posts, if the stars don't align for this project I'll stew for a day or two and then make plans for summer camping and traveling. I hope that is possible, but, with Wisconsin's Covid-19 cases still breaking positive case records daily I'm not sure.

Stay healthy, stay separate, but, in contact with loved ones.

I just can't grasp trying to connect live wires when you want to switch over from solar/grid/generator when there are common & reasonably priced switches for that very job...
I even offered a free switch I took out of my system when I renewed it, and got turned down.

Hooking a generator up to the grid power lines directly is illegal, and seriously dangerous for any line worker, and will probably fry the generator outright, which is a fire hazard.
None of that made a dent...

I don't understand the mindset of that.
I just can't grasp trying to connect live wires when you want to switch over from solar/grid/generator when there are common & reasonably priced switches for that very job...
I even offered a free switch I took out of my system when I renewed it, and got turned down.

Hooking a generator up to the grid power lines directly is illegal, and seriously dangerous for any line worker, and will probably fry the generator outright, which is a fire hazard.
None of that made a dent...

I don't understand the mindset of that.
That person is waving a big flag trying to get Natural Selections attention... Soon enough the fire department & possibly the coroner will be visiting said doofus. There are simpler & more efficient ways to commit suicide, with much less risk for others.
Also, sometimes folks play the "outrageous statements" game just for the attention it brings. Much easier to play in written form than face to face, so the Interwebs are perfect.
I just can't grasp trying to connect live wires when you want to switch over from solar/grid/generator when there are common & reasonably priced switches for that very job...
I even offered a free switch I took out of my system when I renewed it, and got turned down.

Hooking a generator up to the grid power lines directly is illegal, and seriously dangerous for any line worker, and will probably fry the generator outright, which is a fire hazard.
None of that made a dent...

I don't understand the mindset of that.
So many people think this is a Darwin Award worthy problem, but more likely the offender won’t be injured, a line worker will... just sad.

Lockout is key.
Automatic with device wiring is better of course, but manual work fine too.
Hooking a generator up to the grid power lines directly is illegal, and seriously dangerous for any line worker, and will probably fry the generator outright, which is a fire hazard.

I would love to see what happens to a generator when it interfaces with the grid out of sync.
My guess is... the generator loses.
I can't find it on youtube.
As I mentioned in one of my last posts, if the stars don't align for this project I'll stew for a day or two and then make plans for summer camping and traveling. I hope that is possible, but, with Wisconsin's Covid-19 cases still breaking positive case records daily I'm not sure.

MN is open, we are headed to Gunflint area in June.


diy solar

diy solar