diy solar

diy solar

Calpha 100W Mono rigid panel $49.95

Bud Martin

Solar Wizard
Aug 27, 2020
I ordered 4 of them.
I saw the reviews on YouTube so I decide to check out the website,
I put one in the cart but did not check out, I also signed up to see if they have any deal for first time buyer, about an hour later I got and Email offering me $50 off for first order which I ending up ordering 4 of them for only $149.80 ($37.45 each) with free shipping to California.
They should be here around next week.
Calpha 100W rigid panel 49.95.png
For 100w panels that is a decent price. I have been monitoring the RV panels for a few years now and their prices seemed to have flat lined at around the $50 price range with free shipping. Not as good as the larger (300w and up) wattage panels but those usually do not sell one at time with free shipping. There are advantages to this size when it comes to working with.
Never heard of those and can't speak of their quality. 50¢ per watt is the lowest I have seen any 100watt panels so that is a good price if you need that size.
If they are quality panels they probably make sense for mobile applications. It's really hard sometimes working around all the things on an RV roof.
$199 delivered for 5 ($40/each or $0.40/watt). Not bad if they're any good and you need the size. I have a ridge on my roof that could hold a few more panels... 🤔 tempting!

diy solar

diy solar