diy solar

diy solar

Can I run 500W baseboard heater on this system?

Right? I'm definitely considering it as I sort out what my actual usage will be in the space.
It might even look better if you cover the roof with solar panels. While winter production is abysmal due to cloud cover, in summer I produce so much, just from the shed roof, I even run 2 window air conditioners inside the house.
It might even look better if you cover the roof with solar panels. While winter production is abysmal due to cloud cover, in summer I produce so much, just from the shed roof, I even run 2 window air conditioners inside the house.
Hey, that's significant production and encouraging. I've definitely gotten the bug and am envisioning more than I anticipated at the outset. And, it's a really fun and educational rabbit hole to be down.
^ Yah... with 30A MPPT, you could fully utilize > 400W, and a little over-paneling wouldn't hurt.
Funny that I ended up with the 30A MPPT b/c I hadn't realized my solar panel was over voltage for the PMT I bought. Instead of going back to the drawing board with the panel I'd mounted(beginner mistake), I upsized the controller...and now, it seems the upsizing leaves a lot more headroom than I knew. thanks!
Hey, that's significant production and encouraging. I've definitely gotten the bug and am envisioning more than I anticipated at the outset. And, it's a really fun and educational rabbit hole to be down.
Start small, play with it for a couple of years and look at the possibilities. Think outside the box and if you enjoy tinkering, this can be part of a hobby that keeps your brain engaged into something positive.
That may be so, that the battery isn't fully charged, but it is almost fully charged. MPPT showing 92%? Maybe I need to let it top off to start this experiment from 100% full.

Are you recommending 6 gauge wire from battery to Inverter specifically, or, all connecting wiring indoors?

Much appreciated
Your inverter photo is showing an input voltage of 12.2V. For a LiFePO4 battery that is 10% state of charge. P.S. There can be a voltage drop under heavy loads but a lithium battery should be able to handle 50 Amps easily. Double check that the charger is set to Lithium battery type.
@sunshine_eggo My apologies, I hadn't seen your last comment. I've built a small shed (45sq. ft.) as a music studio. My hope was a small solar system and small heater would be enough to heat it up for the occasional bouts of winter songwriting sessions. After my recent trials, I've concluded it is too small to get up to temp from a really cold start, like 35F, but it can top off the room if starting at a moderate temp like 60F and give me solid performance. I may need to upsize if I want more use out of it from cold starts. Luckily I do have a home and a warm living room.
Your solar setup might be enough if you can heat with the dump load once the battery is full. Use as much passive as possible : good insulation + southern exposure + heat sink + battery heater when you use the space. In my basement I swapped a 500W baseboard heater with 400W underfloor heating (on vinyl tyles) and it makes it feel much warmer with less power. Maybe someone here knows how to setup a dump load without buying a new solar controller.
Your solar setup might be enough if you can heat with the dump load once the battery is full. Use as much passive as possible : good insulation + southern exposure + heat sink + battery heater when you use the space. In my basement I swapped a 500W baseboard heater with 400W underfloor heating (on vinyl tyles) and it makes it feel much warmer with less power. Maybe someone here knows how to setup a dump load without buying a new solar controller.
Thank you, yes, at the time of photo my battery was very low, but is up to charge now and holding well under load, thankfully.

I'll look into dump loads. I like the idea at first glance, thanks!

diy solar

diy solar