diy solar

diy solar

Categorizing LiFePO4 batteries


New Member
Nov 1, 2021
I’ve been poking around the site a fair bit, and following up on leads for LiFePO4 batteries where ever the lead takes me.

It’s pretty clear they are settling into quality bands, and evolving into a commodity product.
The evidence to me, is in the broader effort to private label batteries that are essentially identical excluding their labels.

That’s good, except for comparison purposes.

It’s just not possible to buy one of everything, and then saw it apart, seeking the best application value and componentry.

In the ammunition world, there are bots that continuously seek out ammunition prices, and tabulate them so that people can get ammunition when they need it, and also see what the market deems a fair price.

is there a way to create a thread that tabulates best reported prices and availability for batteries of specific specifications?

for me, my two power hogs are the convection microwave, and a variable wattage space here.

It looks like I need to be able to run a 2000 W inverter bath batteries at 80% discharge rates four a couple hours per night.

it would be nice to have a table of commonly available battery brands that for a given amp hour size, listed things like:

Series or parallel, maximum discharge rate, maximum charge rate, estimated number of cycles, Bluetooth, repairable, low temp use, heating pad, etc.

I don’t know if every do it yourself consumer needs to deeply understand the manufacturing of batteries to pick the right batteries and be comfortable with the deal they get.

At first I thought the steady stream of YouTube unboxers would be helpful, but I’ve come to realize that because of lead times and the “here today gone tomorrow“ nature of the market, they make things more confusing then clarifying.

It would be really helpful to see a chart paralleling price per amp hour for the various tiers of features.

it is looking like the generic 100 amp hour berries are aggregating at around $350 at least at the moment.

But what you get for the $350, varies greatly between brands. And then there seems to be that element of some sales people will tell you anything to get your credit card number.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?