diy solar

diy solar

Charge or don’t charge?


New Member
Jul 30, 2020
We have a small solar system at our cottage, 1200 watts solar, 4- 200 ah Lipo4 batteries, running at 24v. We typically go there for a week then back home for a week. My question is, would it be better to shut off the panels for the week we’re not there or leave them continually charging when we’re not there? We have two Victron 100/50 controllers. Thanks for any advice.
I don’t see any issues leaving it on. Just turn off breakers to your loads and let the solar maintain the batteries.
Are any loads running in your absence?
If not, I would charge the batteries to 80% and shut everything down.
Thanks for the replies. At the moment we have no loads when we leave, but we have an LG refrigerator on order and after it’s installed we would be leaving everything on when we leave of course. Just wondering what is best for the batteries in the interim. I guess running them down to 80% and shutting down the panels as I’ve been doing is a reasonable plan.