diy solar

diy solar

Chargery relay question


Chief Engineer, RedNeckTech Industries
Mar 1, 2020
Howdy all,

Well, for better or worse I have a Chargery 16S BMS for my new LFP pack. Looking at the manual it seems that it puts the charge and discharge relays in series. How does this work? Aren't they just relays and hence bi-directional in nature? I had assumed that I would have to sperate the solar input from my DC buss and run it through the charge relay. But the manual shows putting the charge and discharge in series, which I can't wrap my head around. Relays don't care which direction the power is coming from, they are either open or closed.


Edit: Manual here, page 21.
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OK, I guess I needed proof that I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer...

So I found the relay manual:

And now I am more confused than before. It shows the charge and discharge lines separated as I originally though it would. Meaning that charge sources come through on one relay ad the load goes through the other relay. However, the way the wiring is indicates that I can only connect one relay, there is no way to plug two of them in.

So now I am truly confused as to how to wire up. I have a typical system where the solar input is connected to the DC buss and controlled by Midnite Classic. The Magnum inverter does the generator charging in pass through mode so there is now way to isolate the power into the inverter from power out from the charger.

I see that Chargery calls it a "contactor" which perhaps means it isn't an actual relay, although "contactor" implies that in my world. So, either I only need one of the contactor units and somehow I ordered two. Or I need some other intermediary board to split the charge/discharge relay control. I feel pretty dumb, I imagine it is actually pretty simple.

I have no direct knowledge but know this has been difficult for others to set up also.

All I have to offer is a search :

And I will guess this thread in particular :

Chargery is built to be capable of being either Common Port or Separate Port. When used in Common-Port config but Relays or Solid State Contactors would be in series. In fact, in Common-Port mode only One Contactor / Relay can be used as Teo are not required.
The DCC's are Solid State Bi-Directional Contactors.
Some SS Contactors & PowerSaver Relays are Unidirectional Only and are identified as such.
Basic Electro-Mechanical Relays are Bi-Directional.
Thanks to both of you.

I see now that my contactors are marked "common port". So I have two but only need one. That's OK, having a spare is a good thing. Most of the rest seems to make sense. Now to start putting things together. Sadly, I have only part of today and then I have to go to work for a 48 hour shift on Monday. So it will be later in the week until I can test and put the bank in service.
i bought some used Chargery stuff last fall
i have 2 mechanical relays at the moment, so separate port was on my brain
just getting around to installing it, i had 2 DCC cables for common port and modified it to drive the 2 DCC's i.e. 1 for charging, 1 for discharge
now that i am thinking about it, since these are bidirectional and have a control signal for charge/discharge only 1 is required
just confirming that 1 Chargery DCC will do the job


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diy solar